Flmolly 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have lived in florida my whole life, and what I notice is that by the military bases and bombing ranges, there are chemtrails, chaff, whatever you feel comfortable calling it. I am trying to wake people up to reasons of why we are seeing streaks in the skies. Chemtrails are what people are used to hearing, which is why I am using the term chaff so people can research what is going on. Why don't you help me out by backing me up instead of trying to prove me wrong. This is why people can't get to the truth. The in in-fghting needs to stop! I have so much personal information that I choose not to share because of this scenario. Or maybe i spelled something wrong, and you can chastise me about that. Work with each other people.

Flmolly 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have 5 kids between 10 and 18. They have no social media accounts. Parents are the problem, they are selfish and let by their kids have these to occupy their time. Government should not parent our children. Real simple folks, patents need to be involved, government doesn't. Once again, parents should govern their children, not government.

Flmolly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most families I know can not "scrape by" without the funding. Stop judging people for trying to raise their kids out of the public school system. At this moment, funding or not, we need as many people out of the system. That's how we take back our liberties, it starts with education

Flmolly 3 points ago +3 / -0

Easy said. I am assuming you make enough money to homeschool your kids without funding. Kiddos to you! Many families do not. Are those families supposed to continue sending their kids for governmental indoctrination? Government funding of homeschool is not optimal, but it's the only way for many families to opt out of the system. I know many families that need that help and their kids are benefiting from it. I would like to see my tax money go to them versus an illegal immigrant.

Flmolly 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes! I am glad someone else noticed this. I live about 20 miles away from palm coast. We Go to that town for shopping and doctors. I see them getting their kids braces, $5000 a kid, not cheap! They are everywhere! What is going on?

Flmolly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great info! My question is, how do we break down this adrenachrome that's naturally in our bodies? With all the stress and anxiety our society is going through right now, we are all susceptible to having this in our systems. Does anyone have an answer to this? Thanks!

Flmolly 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only benefit to this would be only one dose of all the crap preservatives versus multiple.

Flmolly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let me guess, everyone around you doesn't see the problem in that. I would tell my friends the craziness that I saw at indialantic elementary with the wokeism and they were blind to it. Everyone concentrating on getting the best house and the new cars. Going back there this coming week, can't wait! Lol!

Flmolly 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's all the engineering companies that have come into the area. They brought all their workers from California, New York and New jersey. We took advantage of the covid area working remote and moved! Sold our house to a Californian who paid too much! It's nice to see a fellow patriot is still there. We felt alone in the area, all my friends and acquaintances had blinders are to the real world events.

Flmolly 1 point ago +1 / -0

I recently left indialantic after 43 years. The beachside doesn't seem the same anymore. Too many liberals have moved in and taken over. We Built a farm in the middle of the state instead.

Flmolly 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you take the picture yourself? I am from that area, very familiar with the area.

Flmolly 10 points ago +10 / -0

Space force, formally Patrick air force base, is located in Florida. Just south of cape Canaveral. Palm trees, Florida. Not colorado

Flmolly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let me guess, did DeSantis exclude the governorship position from this rule? Would like to know......

Flmolly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bidens weed tincture, better than Sudafed for congestion https://joybileefarm.com/bidens/ Also equal parts baking soda and arrow root powder for deoderant

Flmolly 0 points ago +4 / -4

I know this is a joke, but......Patriots should not even consider marrying someone who has parents that are liberal. This is our society's problem. We are not equally yoked with them at all. Kids raised in liberal homes are brainwashed from day one. Stop diluting our gene pool people. Ever heard of "marrying the family"

Flmolly 1 point ago +1 / -0

If anyone has read the book "the last president" doesn't trump going to Washington seem eerily like the end of that book?

Flmolly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Florida, mint mobile user here, we gat a cell phone Emergency test already. Had a long list of providers under the test explanation. Happened around 1 today. They've already started

Flmolly 2 points ago +2 / -0

How much did she take?

Flmolly 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am glad someone on here appreciates the info. Seems like everyone on here is still debating why they will take away a drug, instead of researching the alternatives and acting upon it! Happy hunting, it truly works. :-)

Flmolly 4 points ago +4 / -0

This natural alternative works better than Sudafed guaffinex and nasal sprays.. it's easy to make and cheap. Friends with emphysema and copd swear by it. It dries everything up!


Flmolly 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anyone who has done any kind of research in the Bible knows that it has been messed with. From Roman times to king James the Mason. Have any of you thought that maybe rapture is opposite of what they preach? Maybe the bad will disappear and we will be left here on earth in peace. Heaven on earth.

Flmolly 3 points ago +4 / -1

I agree with you. Although there are some exceptions. I too had to change every aspect of my life to avoid the shots. We changed our home, town, lifestyle, job, cars, church, had to move away from family. So it does get a bit frustrating to hear "I had to get the shot for my job, etc." No!, you didnt! Most people weren't ready to change everything to save themselves. I believe our society is just too selfish to make a change. Its sad.

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