FlyingScotzman 3 points ago +3 / -0

when the BOOMS happen, it will go from 10 to 1,000 real quick.

FlyingScotzman 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think Biden will go full dictator and cancel the election, it's the perfect storm to bring America to the Precipice.

The economic collapse to destroy the central banks HAS to happen at some point, Biden would make a great fall guy, and take down the democratic party with him.

We've got monkeypox ramping up, and the Ohio train crash is a ticking time bomb.

At any moment, they can announce that the train crash poisoned the water supply which contaminated the 250,000 farms fed by the Ohio river and is causing cancer (to cover up vax cancer), so they need to be shut down = Instant chaos, food shortages, and economic collapse.

Q posted "We're not gonna take it" which had another song on that channel about the water supply being poisoned.

23,20,23 = WTW = Watch the Water.

2/3/2023 = The Ohio train crash poisoning the water supply of 5 million people and 250,000 farms with insanely toxic cancer causing Vinyl Chloride.

FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

This one is handy too, https://qanon.pub/ it has an "Answers" tab with more info under some of the posts

FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ye it's AI, i added the real Bill Gates back in, seems off putting to use a fake image.

FlyingScotzman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't worry, it's more sad that I immediately understood it.

Donald Pump!!!!

FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

8/8/22. The date the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago, in combination with Scavino predicting it.

FlyingScotzman 2 points ago +2 / -0

True, fair enough. Maybe it depends on the browser, if i right click directly on the timestamp, it goes straight to it in the inspect window. I wish twitter would let us choose the timezones we wanted, I'm in the UK so every few days when i check Scavino's tweets, i have to subtract 5 hours in my head which is great fun when trying to subtract 5 from "2 AM", and also America switches to daylight saving before the UK does, so for 3 weeks, i have to remember to subtract 4 hours instead of 5. Great fun being an Anon!

FlyingScotzman 5 points ago +5 / -0

Awesome Graphic Fren, i fixed the timestamp for you. u/queue-anon

Pro-tip, right click the timestamp on twitter, click "Inspect" which will open the HTML edit window on the side, then double click the timestamp in that window, change to the correct time, hit enter, then it will show the desired time for the screenshot.

u/mjs001/ The time is correct, OP screenshotted it in his local time zone, 7:10 MST which is equal to 9:10 Eastern time that Q always uses.

FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Still looks bigger than the underwhelming explosion in Oppenheimer

FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

On a side note, can someone explain "Follow the pen" to me, I know Q has mentioned/confirmed she is doing comms with her tweets with pens and papers, but I don't remember seeing any correlations/proofs with it.

FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q post 888 says "Iran next" i thought there was a Q proof regarding Trump's tweets leading to Q post 888 in the Ultimate Q proofs vid, but i can't find it.


FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

it's never intended for small purchases.

Satoshi described how zero conf will work for vending machines, and the white paper says "small casual transactions".

Satoshi didn't even want the 1mb block limit, it was Hal Finney's idea, and Satoshi only agreed because it was a good temporary measure to prevent a spam attack while Bitcoin was vulnerable in it's infancy. Satoshi also wrote how the block size should be increased with advances in hardware.

It can be phased in, like: if (blocknumber > 115000) maxblocksize = largerlimit

FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've never really thought about it until Roger Ver laid it out so well, Convenience is EVERYTHING, Gold has been a great store of value for 1,000s of years, but loses every time to central banks because paper money is so much more convenient. It doesn't matter if you only keep $2,000 in ur bank account for general spending and properly invest the rest. Whichever money is the easiest to spend is the one that people will demand their wages in, and thus the deepstate can rob us forever because wages are set using an inflationary currency. If we had wages set in a gold or crypto, deflation would give us automatic pay rises. Bitcoin was perfect in every way, A better store of value than gold because gold can still be mined long into the future, while equally matching Fiat's usability.....until the fees started to prevent casual spending. Just a few months ago in April, Bitcoin's fees went up to $10+ again for 3 weeks. u/N0rds

FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

nobody uses gold bars to buy a soda

And how is gold's market cap doing compared to global Fiat?

FlyingScotzman 3 points ago +3 / -0

Right now they're sitting above 80 cents, If you look at the graph, starting in Jan 2021, the fees were above $10 for a solid 5 months, including above $20 for one month, peaking at $40+ for a week.

Who's going to use it for grocery shopping if you have to pay an additional $10 fee for 5 months every few years. No one is going to use it for small online payments with fees like that, which leaves the door open for fiat, or flooding the crypto market with alts.

Bitcoin used to have 80%+ of the crypto market share which started falling at the exact same time transaction fees started creeping up from cents to dollars in late 2016.

Gold is way better than Fiat but people swapped to Fiat because it was much more convenient, Bitcoin will suffer the same fate if Fiat has virtually $0 transaction fees while BTC is stuck with $2+ regularly. When people have to convert their BTC to fiat every time they want to buy something, they'll realize it's just easier to hold Fiat.

But Bitcoin is resilient and did exactly what a decentralized network is supposed to do, it forked and created BCH when tx fees crippled BTC. Master Card can't stop crypto no matter how much money they throw at the main BTC dev team. It got so ridiculous, that the CEO of Blockstream was asked how small businesses are supposed to accept BTC with high tx fees, and he suggested they just keep a tab of how much customers owe and pay later in a large sum to make fees smaller.

Satoshi Nakamoto said in the first paragraph of the Whitepaper that Bitcoin is supposed to be capable of "small casual transactions", if it's not useful for that, then Fiat will have justification to exist forever, and if other Alt coins have zero conf and tiny fees, why can't Bitcoin?

u/lash Thanks for ur comment, i concur.

FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

BTC got compromised by keeping the block size small so transaction fees went through the roof. No one is going to use it for normal commerce if you have to pay a $20+ fee just to spend it. Blockstream is the main developer team promoting small blocks, funded by Digital Currency Group, which is funded by Master Card. The perfect way for them to kill BTC from within. Blockstream also develops layer 2 solutions on top of the bitcoin network called the Lightning Network which only works if Bticoin is crippled with expensive transactions forcing users to use the Lightning network.

Crypto is definitely the future, but sadly they've succeeded in sabotaging BTC imo. Here's a good debate on whether small blocks are needed for Bitcoin's security.

FlyingScotzman 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ever since the Ohio train crash poisoning the farms, i've been prepping here in the UK. I've got a variety of about 30 tins that are a mix of meat soups and vegetables for nourishment, then about 150 tins of potatoes at 38 cents each.

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