FourteenEightyFour 12 points ago +12 / -0

why have colorado and new mexico been so consistently gay for years, when the whole demographic surrounding them remained conservative.

FourteenEightyFour 4 points ago +4 / -0

afaik, as there is no trademark on ivermectin, anyone can produce it, so there's dozens of companys all over the world pumping it out, lots of them in india. i doubt they would all be in lockstep with this mrna thing.

still worth looking further into

FourteenEightyFour 1 point ago +1 / -0

I need that document that is shown during the video. Does anyone know where to find it?

FourteenEightyFour 1 point ago +1 / -0

i'm not refuting any explosions. i know for a fact these were controlled demolitions. but these beams ended up in adjacent buildings due to the debris of the collapse itself, not from being violently ejected as the direct result of an explosion. it's clear to me that the force of the plummetting upper section forced the outer shell to fall outwards in all directions. it can't fall inwards, and it can't freefall directly beneath itself either. this can be clearly percieved by just looking at the collapse, and the fact that a lot of it was shrouded in thick clouds of smoke and dust doesn't automatically leave the door open for inviting further complexity.

FourteenEightyFour -1 points ago +1 / -2

2 downvotes but nobody bothering to refute this. and you call yourselves "greatawakening" lmao. how are you ever gonna wake the fuck up if the only permissible viewpoint is that 100% of the theories are correct and proving otherwise is not permissible. pathetic

these buildings are LITERALLY next to ground zero:


this corresponds to the north tower. this was the collapse radius that we all saw:


it peeled like a fucking banana, of course beams are gonna end up in adjacent buildings

took me 30 seconds to find this

FourteenEightyFour -1 points ago +2 / -3

of all the weird shit that happened that day, this isn't one of them.

here's another angle


perfectly in range of getting debris rained on it imo, including large beams. if you watch any video of the collapse that shit was being thrown all over the place

FourteenEightyFour 10 points ago +10 / -0

ukraine is scheduled to start throwing nato-guided precision missiles at moscow this week

FourteenEightyFour 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeah obviously the ramifications and consequences of paperclip go incredibly deep, but the guy in the video throwing the term around doesn't convey anything to me, it just makes me think he's using buzzwords

FourteenEightyFour 4 points ago +4 / -0

not that it's not possible that the satanists in charge would do this, but that website is pretty dense on the extrapolations and fearmongering tbh, after checking a few articles

FourteenEightyFour 22 points ago +22 / -0

operation paperclip was when US adopted all the valuable nazi scientists after WW2 and shipped them over to the US. that is not the same context at all he is using it in.

also aren't screens by default 100% R, 100% G, 100% B (ie white). then he talks about frequency (hz) instead at the end?

and these days pretty much every manufacturer includes warm light settings

sorry none of this short video is presented in a convincing manner

FourteenEightyFour 4 points ago +4 / -0

i'm curious, where did the practice of checking Q-post "deltas" originate from. did Q itself ever suggest or imply that deltas were relevant? or is this entirely a practice perpetuated by the community itself

FourteenEightyFour 4 points ago +4 / -0

I can't find a CNN interview around that time, but from what I gather, this interview was actually done by John Miller of ABC in May 1998, which matches the picture in the video. The thing is Osama bin Laden wasn't added to the most wanted fugitives list until after the embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya later that year in august 1998.

whether the FBI/CIA were still officially trying to hunt him down before the ABC interview I don't know, i didn't dig too much into it.


there indeed were several further interviews with Osama Bin Laden made after he was added to the most wanted fugitives list, including TIME MAGAZINE in 1999, and get this, AL JAZEERA in OCTOBER 2001.


so the whole point of the video still rings true. that's amazing, and I've only realized 23 years later. I only found out yesterday who barry jennings was:


and look what else "bin laden" had planned:


FourteenEightyFour 3 points ago +3 / -0

yeah, I didn't make the image but I saw it several 9/11s ago and remembered it for reposting.

i think it's a beautiful image, because being someone who was born in the mid 80s, 9/11 marked the end of the golden age for me, in retrospect. I like to argue that 2007-2009, with the advent of social media and mobile internet, is when it truly turned for the worse, but i feel like i can trace back the root of the decline to 9/11, or at least the illusion of it, even if much of the mechanisms were already in place for a long time.

it's also an image i like to share occasionally with normies while i'm making a point, to see if i can spark some critical analysis or plant a seed of thought.

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