Yew ain't wrong.
Class ๐ฏ%
biden's Nat.Sec.Com. Advisor - guy's a total twit.
"so let it be written, so let it be done."
many thanks for the link JD, much appreciated. ๐
gotta love the reporter for actually 'showing' how stupid granpaw-moron is. ๐ตโ๐ซ
3 on 1 - all the boy did [and God bless him for it] was level the playing field. Period. Granpaw was pissed at the wrong person. if he was worth his salt and not such a moronic puke, he'd of been a better influence on the idiot grandson. either way, again. . middle finger
granpaw needs his teeth that remain, shelled. there, thats fair. moron should've stopped his line from furthering after he realized how dumb he was. maybe he never had anyone tell him exactly how dumb he was/is. either way, the old man just proves how stupid the line of dna is draining down onto society from his deadass nobraincell sperm. cue: Middle Finger
make it happen ๐
best take on it yet and I agree. we speak of this on kun and as q stated - tracking only. was this the part where 'we were told i.e. scare event' ? ๐คmaybe, seems logical. if so, makes more sense that this scare/sky event is exactly what q was talking about. tracking deepstate operatives right now w/said drones would be one way of pushing their own tech right back on their asses sealing their own fate. -hopefully. either way imo your analysis / threadpost should've gotten way more hits than what it has. -many thanks ๐
agreed ๐ฏ%
I'll just leave this here...
Protect that snail at all costs
rubber' and a little RiD shampoo on hand might,.. MIGHT take care of it buuuuut i wouldn't trust it.
God in Heaven this is a spectacular time to be alive.. lmao - it's the kicking of her feet in the air that did it in for me. ๐Cheers! ๐ป
lot of info. many thanks Purkiss ๐
Adios! don't let the dirt hit you in the ass on the way down