FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

They talk a good 'fake news' game but fall for every psyop pushed.

We have far too many frogs here unwilling to recognize this fact. They latch on to every psyop on either side, and just go with a normie take on things. Hating this guy, blasting that guy, swallowing so many narrative deployments that their froggy tumtums are full of story.

Critical thinking, a willingness to review, criticize, and pull apart our own thinking and biases is key to escaping group think.

Thank the lord for the frogs that have gotten off the treadmill, in whatever form it takes, normie or 'alt-conspiracy tabloid'.

Carry on.

FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here is Joe Lange's followup to a question in response to his OP. Pretty tidy overall summary of what's going on 2017-2024.


Asking with all due respect:

Is this true? How can the God loving Americans that support Trump know this is factual? Is this a "wait and see" what happens deal? Jesus loving conspiracy realist here. I am asking because I seek the truth. Thank you!

Joe Responds:

Let me break some news to you that “nobody” in the left or right mainstream media will tell you.

We are in an actual war right now with an insurgency of puppets who have infiltrated our entire government and are controlled by foreign masters.

Rothschilds > controlled the entire global central bank system designed to put all governments and people in debt by creating wars to keep increasing the debt and financial slavery, as their puppets all get wealthy laundering taxpayers money.

Prince Alwaleed > controlled politicians in the U.S. and U.K. and paid for and installed Obama as president. He tried to install Hillary next but Trump won and Alwaleed was arrested in Saudi Arabia. He also controlled the CIA, media and many corporations. He was removed from the chessboard and is no longer a threat.

Soros > controls political groups, NGO’s. He funded Antifa and BLM. He is the one funding the invasion at the southern border.

This war began in earnest the day Trump was inaugurated in 2017. It’s mostly a “narrative war” for the hearts and minds of the American people. That’s why you can’t believe the narrative that is out there on every story. Deception is required in war. It’s a military operation and is actually the greatest sting operation in history.

We have been in the “exposure phase” for the last eight years to wake the people up from their brainwashing and prepare them for the next phase.

What’s the next phase?

The justice phase.

Once Trump gets his people in place at the DOJ and FBI we can finally begin the justice phase and clean up all the corruption.

The military is following the Counterinsurgency Manual to remove all the traitors.

That’s just a snapshot of what’s happening and why Trump isn’t worried about anything.

FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think its very valuable to reflect on the nature of the founding of America (the United States) in the context of the development of Christian civilization and human history as a whole.

Although there is a strong tendency among fundamentalist believers to think only in terms of the supernatural, I think the more powerful perspective unites the two aspects of God's divine creation - spirit and flesh.

The dual, complementary aspects of internal (spiritual) and external (physical) are core to the principles of God's creation. God created his children, not only as male and female, but also having spirit and flesh. However, at the time of the Fall, both of these were claimed and usurped by the fallen angel, who became Satan.

Historically, then, Satan had the upper hand, the dominion over both humanity's spirit and humanity's flesh. The first major step by God towards removing this dominion and restoring all humanity back to him (which was our original position) was the establishment of Israel as a chosen people who united with God on the level of the Law (God's work in that first stage).

During the time of Moses, the Israelites established a form of self-governance under God's word, although later this transformed in to a monarchy before its time. (My personal belief is that God wanted no Monarchy until the arrival of Christ, when the true and model monarchy would be established, contrasting with the satanic versions of monarchy that humanity developed under the fallen archangel..)

Because Satan dominated both spirit and flesh, these were set into a relationship of conflict and division, instead of being united centered on God. The Law was the first stage in resolving that conflict, by tempering the flesh through practice of the Law.

It's significant that at the time of the Victory of the cross, the curtain dividing the holy place (symbolizing the flesh) and the holiest of holies (symbolizing the spirit) in the Temple was torn, signifying that Jesus had conquered the barrier and the division between spirit and flesh.

However, as Christ was compelled to sacrifice his flesh as the price for salvation of a faithless humanity, the door to spiritual salvation was opened, but Satan was still left with jurisdiction over the flesh.

(There are many logical reasons to say that the Cross only became necessary because of the faithlessness of the Jews, those people who SHOULD have received and welcomed Christ. We must consider the fact that Jesus could forgive sins BEFORE the Crucifixion. So if real faith had been accomplished by the then chosen people, would there be any reason they could not receive salvation by believing in Jesus and thereby receive the Holy Spirit?)

God's ideal on this world is a restoration of both spirit and flesh back to their original position as God's manifestation through humanity, free from the shackles of satanic influence. The history of Christianity progressively developed the foundation of the disciples under Jesus to bring better and better forms of governance more in line with God's purpose for humanity, which is self-governance under God in unity with God's principles and vision for humanity.

The conflict between spirit and flesh also manifested as a conflict between brothers: Cain the elder, and Abel, the younger. Just as spirit and flesh need to be reunited under God, the Cain-Abel problem needs to be resolved with the elder ("Cain") accepting and uniting with the younger ("Abel") who is in a position to lead his elder brother to God.

In the realm of philosophy, Cain-like philosophy - emphasizing humanistic thinking and the centrality of man, developed at speed during the 400 years leading up to the 20th century. Likewise, abel-type philosophy also developed, emphasizing God-centered thinking and the centrality of God.

These cain-type philosophies found culmination in Marxism, the ultimate satanic philosophy that denies the existence of God and delivers slavery and death while promising equality and freedom.

The Abel-type philosophies developed through the original Great Awakenings (first half of the 1700's) eventually creating the philosophical foundations for the United States, which is the pinnacle of God-centered governance (self-governance under God and faithful practice).

In my view, the United States is the precursor of God's Kingdom on Earth. It is the practice of self-governance as per God's vision, but the linchpin is unity with God and God's purpose. Without that, the self-governance devolves in to what we see today in humanistic, satanic wokism that denies God and raises the position of human beings to 'gods' in themselves, unbound by moral responsibility or universal principles.

Looking at the development of governance systems under God's providence - the Israelites > Christianity : Patriarchs > Kings > constitutional governance based on Godly principles, we should be able to logically understand that The Kingdom on earth under Christ is one where Christ is king, but that the heavenly Model of "king" is vastly different from the satanic model.

Under God and Christ, human beings will still be responsible for self-governance. We will still have to govern ourselves, but our capacity for self-governance will be elevated beyond the standard of the founding of the United States, where unfortunately the flesh is still subject to Satan's influence even though the spirit seeks to unite perfectly with Christ, to a standard where the flesh and spirit are both united under Christ, and so a truly Christ-like system of self-governance (including freedom) is created where Christ-like principles are enacted on all levels, from the individual and family to the nation and beyond.

The revolution underway in the world today is the collapse of the Satanic power structure that has dominated humanity since the fall, and which continued the last 2000 years, only held in check by religion and most centrally, by faithful Christianity. Is it a coincidence that the "biblical years" from Adam to Abraham is 2000 by count, that the historical (scriptural) time from Abraham to Jesus is also 2000 years (roughly) and that today, we stand roughly 2000 years since the first advent of Christ?

I don't think so.

In this sense, Donald Trump seems to me both like Cyrus, the good King who played a key role in preserving God's then chosen people, inasmuch as he is a champion called by God and is helping restore and protect Christianity in the world today (God's chosen people in the current era), but also in some ways like Charlemagne, the founder of the Holy Roman Empire.

Donald Trump is not a king, but he symbolizes the authority of a kingly God, working to save his people and protect them from evil satanic attack. On the foundation God has build in the world today, the United States finally has the opportunity to fulfill the promise of being that model that the world can rally around, in preparation for the final arrival of the Kingdom.

This is why the USA was founded on the Christian spirit and faith, and why it is so critical that the pure spirit of Christian faith (beyond theology or doctrine) remains central to American culture and vision.

(I acknowledge that some will disagree with me on various points, based on their own theological understanding. That's natural. No one knows or understands God's truth perfectly, so it is important that we learn to listen to each other and learn from others even if they do not share our perspective. It's the only way to truly develop our collective grasp of God's truth and purpose for us as a people.)

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have no idea. Perhaps they could simply secede from the current Canada, remain the Canada that Canadians who want, want, and the rest could become states of the US.


FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

How about, "Sure, I'm an expert, but I'm an AMATEUR expert"

No further excuses required....

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course. But the People should be given the option.

FractalizingIron 5 points ago +5 / -0

Of course not. Trump does not sign the electoral ballot. The Pennsylvanian official who officially enacts the ballot does this, and they write in the name (in this case Donald J. Trump) of the person who the ballot designates.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. It's someone signing the official ballot, and writing in Trump's name.

FractalizingIron 86 points ago +86 / -0

Correction: they should reward the People of the United States an extra 4 years of Trump as compensation.

They didn't steal the election from Trump. They stole it from the people.

Aside from this, carry on.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0


Go to page 65.

I'm suspicious of the purpose and intent behind this item in the report, which is a congressional report.

At the end of the section on Finding 1 (To do with Miller), the report writes:

In fact, the DoD IG Report concludes that that “the decisions made by Mr. Miller [Acting Secretary of Defense]” and “actions taken by the DoD in response to the civil disturbance at the U.S. Capitol Campus on January 6, 2021, were reasonable in light of the circumstances.” The DoD IG Report also “looked for a role or responsibility for the DoD to act preemptively to prevent or deter what later happened at the Capitol. We found none.”

The “independent watchdog” failed to examine or consider the January 3, 2021, directives from President Trump— which Acting Secretary of Defense Miller and Chairman Milley confirmed, in sworn testimony—as adequate evidence that DoD should have played a role in preventing the breach of the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021

What do we know?

One, that the 'breach of the Capital' was a DS operation, a false flag to prevent Senate Review of the electoral college votes,

Two, that it was an operation to smear Trump as an insurrectionist and ideally prevent him from running for office again

Three, it was fundamentally piss-weak and the so-called 'breach' was never really a serious security threat, except where DS actors (including fedboys, the DNC police, Ukrainian activists, etc) aggressively instigated violence.

One wonders if the intent of this congressional subcommittee is to perpetuate those falsehoods, that the 'breach of the capital' etc, was a failure of Trump Team (including Miller), that there was ever a serious threat, etc.

THe report speaks of the DoD IG as an "independent watchdog" in QUOTES, ie. a smear to say, the DoD IG is NOT reliable as an independent watchdog.

Look what they did with the tiny infractions of 'breach' on J6. How do you think it would have gone down if Acting Sec Miller had deployed soldiers?

They had a plan: "“we’ve got a plan, and we’ve got it covered.”

Deploying military would NOT have made the entire event safer. Instead, it would have exacerbated the outcome by 100 fold.

This report is attempting to smear Miller. Surprised that MJTruthUltra didn't go into this more.

To respond to OP:

"Hey Frogs, I STILL think Chris Miller is a good guy"

Jeepers. Let's not be dumb tadpoles.

FractalizingIron 4 points ago +4 / -0

This comment pretty much sums up the core of the relevant comments here.

Let's go back to the 1800s, when train technology was first being developed, and certain people feared that a human would not be able to withstand moving at speeds over 20 miles per hour.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General (IG): Michael Horowitz. His term began in 2012.


"Timing is EVERYTHING" ~ Q3799

Horowitz is mentioned in 9 Q drops, often in conjunction with "Huber", and also in quoted material from news or reddit in drops.

FractalizingIron 4 points ago +4 / -0

So far, all we have is a reported "whistleblower's firsthand witness testimony", in the form of a voice recording and supposed transcript.

The X account says she and her lawyer met with the whistleblowers. It's a personal recording.

She is apparently "an American publicist and lobbyist who worked for celebrities including R. Kelly, Kanye West, and Regina King"

Given that she is a publicist working for celebrities, I'll take the 72 hour rule with this. It makes me suspicious.

Why on earth would she publish this so-called 'evidence' on the net, on X, rather than retain it for a counter-suit or court case?

Here are some articles on this person. It's hard to know if the Propaganda machine is attempting to smear her, or simply taking a good opportunity to use a dodgy and devious person to smear and associate her with Trump.



Either way, 72 hour rule on this "whistelblower Testimony". More facts and corroboration are required. Time will tell, but until there are more facts, I'm treating this as "Completely Uncorroborated".

Also, People Should Note: Does this play 100% in to your biases? Does that entice you to treat it as fact despite there being no other evidence, so far?

If true it's damning. But it also makes for great clicks. So, frogs should be cautious.

"You are the News Now. Handle With Care" Q

FractalizingIron 5 points ago +5 / -0

The corrupt Aung San Suu Kyi was a friend of the disgusting Barack Obama and was instrumental in facilitating the human trafficking that occurred unimpeded through Myanmar during her reign.

Very Important to highlight this point. "Friend of the disgusting Barack Obama" doesn't tell the half of it. Deeply thick with the Clinton Foundation, ASSK was a clear globalist puppet.

The situation isn't as clear as OP seems to think.

While we should certainly lend our solidarity and prayers for any peoples subjected to violence and terror, the forces at play are not always simply black and white.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

If he's DS, then yes. But if he is DS, why would he simply choose to resign, rather than forcing Trump to fire him?

FractalizingIron 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think that we need to apply some critical thinking and reasoning to the drops, however. I would not agree that "everything we see and hear is pre-scripted".

As I see it, certainly there is a plan, and a strategy that has been laid out. However, there is also "moves and countermoves", as in a game of Chess. The Cabal and their Deep state are understood, their playbook is understood, and so the good guys can predict many of their actions (responses) and by controlling the gameboard, they can force the DS into certain corners. I..e the GG have been able to increasingly limit and restrict the DS options.

But the DS is the DS, and they are going to try whatever they can to counteract or go against the plan and the flow.

But I also think "you are watching a movie" is meant to help us to understand that there are certain actors playing specific roles that advance the Plan, even if they look "bad" on the surface. Barr, Wray, etc, certainly. Probably Pence.

Deception is an important part of successful warfare, so we have to think about how to reconcile Trump putting specific actors in place and then their going out of the way to either look bad even while doing things that actually HELP Trump, while misleading or leading the DS.

Eg. Barr was the darling of the Leftist media once Trump said bad stuff about him and he said some less than flattering things about Trump, creating the appearance of conflict or a feud. Could such an appearance be used to WH advantage? Most certainly. This sort of thing was used in prowrestling for decades. The illusion of the feud drew people in, provided entertainment with people cheering on the good guy and hating the bad guy.

So, I don't think "Everything" is prescripted, but certain some and probably a lot. Engaging on that level requires really applying discernment, reflective thought, and high grade thinking. That's what Q sought to inspire.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +2 / -1

Two points:

  1. Wray has NOT resigned. Rather, WILL resign before Trump takes office.

  2. Note: "Clearing" the way for Kash Patel.

You'd think that a DS operator would do his best to obstruct the incoming of Kash, not to facilitate it. The announcement of his resignation ADDS power and momentum to the Kash nomination, imo.

It certainly doesn't hinder it. If he had been stubborn and forced DJT to Fire him, this would only give ammunition to the DS propaganda machine.

Funny about that...

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right. He's resigning at the time when the new director can come in. His announcement also adds a lot of momentum to the Kash appointment, imo.

If Wray was deep state, he would try his best to derail the Kash thing, and kick up a great big fuss. Is he doing that? No.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Funny that, huh. Some folks spew vitriol over Wray and display their detestation. And yet, everything he has done of the past 4 years has laid an excellent foundation for the 'revenge tour' and house cleaning. Funny that...

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