Dang that sounds like a good science fiction plot. In the near future, a Constitutional Amendment gave every citizen one Official Pardon per lifetime. They could apply it to any crime, but only one crime, and one time only.
But anyway yeah. I want a Get Out Of Jail Free Card too. Equal protection under the law, and all that.
No. I think most of the world considers him to be the President already. He promised no punishments to TikTok if they ignored the ban and kept going in the US. so that's why they unblocked it early. Well, that and money.
In the second to last drop (#4965) Q says there will be a Q&A in time. Besides that I always had a feeling that Q came and went with GEOTUS so I think there is a good chance we'll get more drops now that the boss is back in town.
Drop 11 came to mind when I saw this. Probably nothing, but
"Key: Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA No approval or congressional oversight State Secrets upheld under SC Who is the Commander and Chief of the military? Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS."
You are naming what we all want but that's a goal or a hoped for result, not a plan.
Wanting a full tank of gas in your truck is a goal. Figuring out how to make it so would be a plan. Implementing your ideas to make it so would be a way of trusting your plan.
So what is the plan? If you trust it you must know what it is, right?
What kind of "weather control op" were the hurricanes that destroyed so many lives and homes recently? Must be a good reason for doing it if the vaunted White Hats were behind it, right?