I think it was scrolls from the Vesuvius eruption. Other than that correct
What happened to the "merc army" kek
Pull up in the rocket 🤣
They want moar poison kek!
Lol I thought it was "XY" need to wake up a bit more this morning maybe.
That's how you know it was rigged to begin with. Trump wouldn't have lost 1m voters from then til now!
That went hard KEK.... Jump around 🤣
How did I never realize what this woman has been doing until last week?
As Jesse Lee Peterson would say.... Amazing kek
This is big!!!
They have resorted to black pills kek
Keep telling the truth OP
I read it as Jimmy from South park... I mean come on, wwwwww wow great crowd! Kek
Kind of how I ended up on TD. Didn't even know what reddit was at the time. I went into autopilot and next thing I know I had an account.
The ol banana in the tail pipe. Kek!
The mad lad doesn't sweat it. Kek
At this point I'm just going to say, you may be on to something. Helene pulled up sandworms and we need to rig for commiela. That will be a narrative kek
What is this sticky? Chasing votes or something? As a constant browser of "new" this has been around all day. Is there no way to acknowledge the op or merge threads?
The folly of their ways will be the downfall. They think they can establish a culture that isn't native. u/#popcorn
But whistles cause died suddenly. /s
Been making us drink the Kool aid all the while