FreedomloverUK 11 points ago +11 / -0

"When the US, UK and others quickly tried to assure me that it was only ISIS that committed this mass murder in Moscow, I automatically knew they were lying. And this is what I discovered. First of all, I discovered that no one had explained President Barack Obama's unannounced visit to meet with British politicians and security officials in Downing Street three days before this terrorist crime was committed.

Researching even further, I discovered that Victoria Nuland, this harbinger of death, this angel of death who, if she comes near you, rest assured, civil war is coming to your country. I saw her with my own eyes, she promised the Russians some nasty surprises in the coming weeks and months. I investigate further and find that White House Press Secretary John Kirby announced that American citizens have been warned to stay away from crowded places, including malls and theaters, in the great city of Moscow, the greatest city in Europe, the capital of the greatest country on Earth. And here I have four pieces of evidence that lead me to believe that the United States, NATO allies and their puppet servant, the state of Ukraine, the stump state of Ukraine, are in fact responsible for this mass murder."

FreedomloverUK 11 points ago +11 / -0

Your post is very misleading fren.

The scumbag still has one of his ears!

FreedomloverUK 5 points ago +5 / -0

Feb 25 - NYT piece on CIA-Ukraine cells

Feb 28 - Victoria Nuland promises asymmetric 'nasty surprises'

Mar 5 - Nuland resigns

Mar 5 - Posobiec warns of terror attacks in Russia, soft targets

Mar 7 - US Embassy says extremist attack on Moscow concert in '48 hrs'

Mar 9 - Pro-Russia singer Shaman performs at Crocus

FreedomloverUK 14 points ago +14 / -0

Perpetrated by Islamists, planned by Ukraine, funded by the CIA and MI6.

FreedomloverUK 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just one (more) stupid mistake by NATO and it's goodnight Vienna.

We won't even have time to bend over and kiss our arses goodbye.

FreedomloverUK 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's clear to me that Putin doesn't blink and he doesn't bluff.

Unlike the complete morons of the 'Collective West'.

FreedomloverUK 5 points ago +5 / -0

I reckon that will change if the frogs are stupid enough to send a combat group into Odessa.

FreedomloverUK 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not my work!

A GAW patriot sent me the url shortly after I moaned about rt here. Must have been a couple of years ago now.

FreedomloverUK 10 points ago +10 / -0

Thanks fren.

The fascist UK Government blocked rt.com straight after the start of the Special Military Operation (so much for 'freedom of speech'). swentr.site is a clone, obviously.

FreedomloverUK 8 points ago +8 / -0

From X:

"The resignation of Cookie Nuland is primarily due to the upcoming investigation by the FBI and the Office of Special Operations. investigations of the US Department of Justice, where 10.5 billion dollars were spent on Maidan in Ukraine (the public was told about 5 billion), as well as where 120 billion dollars were spent on open items and almost the same amount on secret items of the budget of the CIA and the Pentagon with 2018.

The fourth command inspection from the United States in six months in Kyiv is still working. The results of the work and reporting are strictly classified. They are transferred immediately to the Secretary of State under the supervision of the FBI. The fun is just beginning."

FreedomloverUK 4 points ago +4 / -0

She's not that nice.

Evil fucking bitch.

FreedomloverUK 3 points ago +3 / -0


I can't stop laughing: "...she has personified President Biden's commitment to put diplomacy back at the centre of our foreign policy..." ffs

FreedomloverUK 7 points ago +7 / -0

"For 5 days, the M1 ABRAMS tank was hiding in the landing and waiting for its release.

The enemy often showed videos of the “invincible” tank rolling along the entire front line and firing shots. But the reality is that after receiving the “Battle” command, the legendary ABRAMS was destroyed as soon as it left cover.

This next victory over the enemy is the merit of our guys, who discovered and eliminated it.

The strike was carried out by the FPV crew, and the platoon commander with the call sign “Kolovrat”.

Reputation damage has been done, that's a fact.

The same fate befell Bradley's M2, Challenger, and Leopard. There is no equipment that the Russian Warrior cannot destroy."

I believe that the footage is real.

FreedomloverUK 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was only aware of one other, which was a mine laying/clearing (not sure which - maybe both) system installed on an Abram chassis.

FreedomloverUK 7 points ago +7 / -0

Exclusive Breaking News: Evidence to be presented that criminal activity has been committed by the very top of Government in the UK.

Rishi Sunak British Prime Minister may face a criminal investigation and face potential criminal charges of the most egregious kind.

British MP Andrew Bridgen has written to Mark Rowley Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and the most senior of Police officers to have a three hour meeting where experts and whistle blowers will lay out the evidence where potential criminal activity has been conducted by the very top of Government and the civil service in the UK

Parliament has been deliberately misled over the vaccine contracts. This matter may be taken to Parliamentary standards in addition to the presentation of evidence to the Police and the Security services.

"heads of governments around the world and others below them have engaged in what is tantamount to treason against the public"

Office of National Statistics (ONS) figures on Excess Deaths are being covered up. "there is a huge coverup going on"

In August 2019 a member of the security services stated that there was a pandemic coming and not to take any of the vaccines.

Bill gates and Rishi Sunak invested heavily into the Pharma companies like Pfizer and Moderna prior to the pandemic. Did they have insider knowledge about what was being planned in a coming pandemic!

75% of congressmen and woman in the United States have investments in Big Pharma.

A Pfizer executive stated that a a senator could be bought for $10,000.

The journalists are complicit in the cover up. Main Stream Media are bought and paid for.

A court case has been launched against the former health secretary Matt Hancock for defamation against Andrew Bridgen and this will take place in the Royal Court of Justice.

We wish Andrew every success.

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