On the list of movies that'd never get made today.
After Nasty nancy bragged about her quiver....I knew all of problems came from government.
God made rainbows as a promise to never destroy the whole world by flood again.
Next time will be fire.
Four years ago.
Pretty sure she's gone as well.
Chyna naturally
Well yeah.
Trump had the border the most secure it had been in decades.
The resident pedo thief sock puppet and cabal destroyed that security.
The missing letters say Rrrreeee!!!
I like a couple.
NKJV.. easy to read.
Kjv easy to memorize.
We also have a copy that divides by book only not chapter and verse... it's cool.
My dad took it...I couldn't stop him.
I don't want to lose him.
My little sister as well...
He's better than any we have now in SC. Wish he'd run for governor, but I'll vote for him in whatever position he wants.
He doesn't even need the whip though.
Being in his presence will bring all to their knees. The weight of sin on their souls... unless you ask Him to bear it for you it remains for an eternity.
Abeka preschool. Nice. Good curriculum.
Even Jesus was tempted. There is no sin in that.
Just don't act upon it or dwell. Ask for His help. Find a hobby you can apply yourself to that takes focus and skill.
Memorize a lot of scripture passages.
I go between both.
Because we are all on the same team. I do refuse to give into the doom and gloom pessimistic outlook some have though.
My hope isn't in Q or political persons but in the Lord.
My Dad took it and so did my little sister.
Warned them not to. So stupid.
Footprints in the sands of time
In deepest sleep, one night I dreamed, that on the beach I walked, God was by my side that day and quietly we talked.
Then on the sky my life was flashed, the visions all serene. Two sets of footprints in the sand were there in every scene.
But then I noticed in some scenes of suffering, pain, and strife. Just a single set of footprints at the worst times in my life.
Lord you said you'd be with me in good times and in bad. Why then did you leave me? Just when my life was sad?
My dear child God answered, when your life had pain I knew. The single set of footprints are the times I carried you.
My parents have a copy of this as art in their house. It's been a favorite of mine since I learned to read.
Call ICE and report.
ACB is thinking she should've held out for a larger book deal.
Hope he can help us get rid of Miss Lyndsey.
Demons are fallen angels. Just saying.
Would be very like Satan to take advantage of this as well.
Nothing that will surprise any of us here.
Because it's good