Yes. I tried to explain Q to someone who legitimately didn’t know. I said something like “Q is a military operation……..patriots are in control” and my account was permanently suspended immediately after posting the comment. There is an algorithm to instantly ban you for discussing Q. The workaround is posting pictures, because I’m guessing the censorship Stacys were all fired. I have seen a definite uptick in Q memes, but not many in-depth posts.
There are already medbed-type technology that people can buy for themselves online. I saw some $3000 “healing” device that you put under your bed. Emitting “healing frequencies” matching the earths EM field. There’s plenty of research suggesting humans are affected by the earths field… but the way people describe medbeds seems absurd, like a lot of the Q intel LARPs. Regrowing limbs - humans aren’t lizards. Curing all diseases - most diseases are caused by inflammation we get from our food/environment.
IF all these claims are true, I’m inclined to believe all the claims about aliens are true. Where would we get this technology from if not aliens?
Is there ANY evidence of medbeds being real?
My mind is open to schizo ideas but the people promising medbeds don’t seem very grounded in reality (Simon Parkes: lucid dreaming about alien sex)
I don’t think the military will allow it to get to the point that we’re dying on the streets. Enough of the US population is awake enough to stage a civil uprising before that even happens. Also, there is only 2 years between now and 2024. The only thing I’m most worried about is food shortages. The average American has enough fat stores to survive one month of fasting. I think within a month of no food there will be riots in cities, particularly from the BLM people. Something tells me the military is inviting this.
A lot of us Qtards believe in GESARA. Did you find it weird that Trump was so confident in giving us the “best economy in history” right after a depression? The Great Depression lasted 10 years and FDR had some trial and error. I think Trump’s claims confirm GESARA.
I agree. Why didn’t they interfere in 2020? Why wait until 60% are vaccinated? Now we’re waiting for a Great Depression? The only reason I can think of is completely schizo. Did Project Looking Glass let them see the future? Is Q really a “quantum computer” that simulated various futures? Did they Deep State nuke us in several timelines?
The easiest explanation is that the rumors of a coup during Obama, Hillary, 2020 were fake/wishful thinking.
Next best explanation is the military is sure of upcoming food shortages and are waiting for people to starve to death and get off Twitter to take real action.
I personally don’t like this. It seems unnecessary to let a bunch of us die when they could just stage a flashy event like last night and declass Q.
After today I set my expectations to 2024 being the final straw. We know they will steal 2024. Will we finally riot? Military finally steps in?
I don’t need to sharpen my brain. My IQ is too high. I’d rather lower it.
We received confirmation today that the military will not step in, but I do not think they will refuse to step in if we’re hunting politicians on the streets. If anything they are inviting us to protest like Brazil.
If anything, Trump has abandoned optics because it’s clear the military is not stepping in. His recent behavior makes it seem like he’s abandoning politics and running solely on the platform of saving America. Before, he would never attack Israel or DeSantis and even mention Satanic rituals. I think his campaign will change tone from mocking Biden and democrats to something deeper and more depressing… you can tell Trump himself is getting emotional….
I would suggest reading my recent post…
In Trump’s world, he really does think it could be an important speech of history… after he dies. “Hopefully” means he does not know. Trump is not an NPC designed to make Q drops and play meta-games all day. He is a human near the end of his life. He is probably similarly worried for the future…
If I didn’t have my husband I would’ve killed myself already. Life without friends and family is not liberating to me. I do have high IQ friends of the past who might be awake. I just haven’t kept up with them, which is my fault.
My issue is that it doesn’t require a high IQ to see what’s happening. There are smart ones who don’t notice. My dad is VERY smart but he is a Korean boomer and reads MSM and hundreds of books. He believes the rona scam and got vaccinated. My mom stood no chance because her English sucks. I had some dumb coworkers who are fully redpilled. I think the differentiating factor between us and them is a strong sense of justice. High IQ makes it easier to arrive at the truth unassisted. When I first started noticing I couldn’t shake the feeling of despair that justice wasn’t being served. I eventually found Q and it made me so happy thinking it’ll all end.
I think all of that is schizo but I’m sure most of it is based in truth. I’ve recently went down the spirituality rabbithole and have had wacky shit happen to me. Then I discovered schizo theories about Jewish-alien contact, Project Looking Glass, time travel, etc. Magic and wizards would not surprise me. It just doesn’t align with my religious views right now.
Trump confirmed tonight the military will not step in unless we’re rioting in the streets. There are too many unawake people to fight the government. They are waiting for the unawake to awaken and start rioting. I think this is a mistake.
- many do not want their worldview broken and I understand why. I no longer find shows and movies interesting. I watch conservative YouTubers but sometimes cannot bring myself to listen when there is election fraud (treason) happening in our faces and not a single youtuber mentions it for fear of being demonitized. I like books but cannot find a book that isn’t propaganda. I get irritated on Twitter when I see people raging over the next political issue, with hardly anyone talking about the big picture: literal Satanists trying to kill us. Everything is bread and circuses. I can’t have a normal conversation anymore knowing what’s really happening.
I’m 28 female and cursed with a high IQ. The only person in my life on my level of awareness is my husband. I have zero friends, especially not female. I reconnected with a friend I’ve known for 15 years and stopped talking to him out of frustration. He is admittedly a NEET who smokes weed and games all day, but when I showed him undeniable proofs of the happenings, he disappointed me. For example, I showed him a video of Obama saying 3 times in speeches that his homeland is Kenya. My friend made conspiracy theories about why Obama didn’t mean what he said. He watched half of Fall of the Cabal and said he doesn’t believe anything. He essentially made conspiracy theories about why the evidence is fake. He is far from a normie but his instinctual need to hide in his parents basement because the real world is scary pissed me off. I have come to hate the normies. It only takes 10 minutes to research something. The internet has all the redpills one can need. Ever since I had a computer I spent endless hours researching topics I found interesting from makeup to TV shows to health and fitness. My curiosity in combination with all the BS I noticed eventually led to my redpilling. I warned a different friend about the NWO and the vaccine. He took it anyways and two years later said “you were right about everything”. He had side effects, yet he still plays games all day and takes zero time to research topics on his own. My husband has extremely intelligent literal sociopath friends, and they still think it’s just China. Normies will never wake up. They might notice something is wrong but blame whatever the media tells them to blame. I don’t understand the long-term Q plan. Trump seems resolute on being the people’s President and never calling out the Khazarian mafia for fear we will hate the Jews. Too late, I already hate the Jews. It’s impossible for me not to notice things. I’m so tired of it all. I’ve been silent and secretly redpilled since high school. I don’t have social media and gave up making online friends. GAW and /pol/ are my only refuge.
I agree with the bad things happening no matter what. I think there's a real hidden war with the Deep State constantly threatening to nuke us. I'm just wondering about all this "intel", suggesting the Deep State, or at least the highest people like Evelyn de Rothschild, is already taken out. What could possibly happen next if the worst plans like Agenda 2030 are already thwarted? A recession? We had one of those in 2008 and nothing happened. This suggests the intel is fake or the military has no intention of intervening.
I'm unironically hoping we'll go into a depression where people starve to death, but I am not sure it'll happen between now and 2024. I'm also wondering why the military opted to let this happen instead of intervening in 2020. Remember how many people will die to the vaccines... are they suggesting they need even more than that to die before they take action?
I have 50+ years to watch it all unfold. Imagine how Trump feels being 78 in 2023... I don't expect the military to do anything openly unless we start take to the streets and protest in front of them like Brazil did. I suspect they're waiting for us to do it, but I have no confidence in the normies to ever wake up.
Same reason why /pol/ has a disproportionate amount of INTJs.
-INTJs are fine existing outside of a group.
-INTJs/INFJs have a strong sense of justice. I personally feel that I can't live in an unjust world, and would do anything to fix it... or I would rather die.
-INTJs are willing to dwell into the worst corners of the internet including racist boards and conspiracy rabbitholes. Any information is good information. There are very few uncensored boards/social media so we gravitate towards 4chan, where they coincidentally talk about rabbitholes all the time.
-A lot of us, when we found out the truth, intuitively knew it was the truth. In my case it was because I had already been paying attention, so finding out about the elite pedo stuff actually made the world make MORE sense. I'm also spiritual and had too many spiritual encounters I can't explain since age 5, so the Satan stuff didn't automatically turn me off. Most others I know short-circuit when I get to the Satan part because on the surface it's too absurd to be real. It doesn't really have to do with being INTJ. Just spiritually aware, and most people are not spiritually aware. Look at how the media discredits "QAnon". They laser-focus on the "Satan-worshipping elite" aspect because most normies think it's too ridiculous to look beyond the surface.
High IQ helps you arrive to the conclusion on your own faster, but it doesn't help if you don't have these personality traits. GAW also has a lot of Christians who already accepted the existence of Satan. There seems to be two different conspiracies about Satan-worshippers and aliens who bred with humans to create lizard-human hybrids.
I lean towards it having to do with aliens, because I'm spiritual and not Christian. The Deep State seems to hint at aliens, spirituality, and reincarnation all the time. If you watch Amazon Prime movies, you may have noticed there's a sudden uptick in amount of movies about the pineal gland. I only started a few months ago and 4/5 of the first movies I watched were about DMT and the pineal gland or soul transfer, and I picked them pretty randomly. You also have to wonder why they insist on putting fluoride in our water.
I think there's a huge portion of zoomers who are not INTJ/INFJ nor spiritual, who are aware of the Satan-worshipping elite. They probably just don't discuss it with their parents or too openly on social media. Pizzagate supposedly started on TikTok and BalenciaGate started on Twitter. I know of zoomers (few years younger than me) who definitely know and make coded jokes about it. They can't talk about it on Twitter or Facebook because the AI will ban them. Most zoomers use Discord as their main social media. I even know some who are completely LGBTQIA+ she/her brainwashed and also believe in the Satan-worshipping elite because it's too blatant in pop culture. She is low IQ but even she knows. There are more zoomers awake than we think.