I now this is a joke, but i also know they are doing this in AU. Almost 2 years ago I first seen the pictures coming out of China. People seemingly keeling over dead. This scarred the hell out of me. I knew it was fake (people dont drop like that from an illness). They had to have a reason for showing us the videos that were supposed to be of a contagion, but were clearly fake. I had saw what our Government was capable of (Kuwait). I did not know exactly what was happening, but I knew it was fake, and I knew it was huge.
I feel for you, and am with you friend. I am pretty well in the same boat. My sister, put masks on her kids outside, told me i was trying to kill them (i WONT get the jab),and even would not attend, or let my nieces attend our cousin's funeral (outside), because some family wasnt jabbed, but did make it a point to drive by and tell the whole family how they are murderers. I realize i cant save her, but I love my nieces and want to see them.
I was working for Tesla, it was close to the end of the job, I was moving from a "contract" to a permanent position. The permanent job was going to require testing...so I quit. I know I pbobably should have waited to get fired...but I have a short fuse, so I quit. I do not like this, but after 2 months, the effects of the "vax" is making itself known. Have you heard that a very unusual number of construction workers that have heart attacks after moderate physical work. Some constuction companies have wised up, and I have found myself (unvaxxed) in demand. But I have been spending my time (and savings) distributing handouts trying to wake sheeple up! I am spending my spare time praying. I know the Lord of Hosts will win, but my biggest struggle has been keeping my temper around those that I know want to harm me. But the lord keeps me safe, so I keep plugging along...
Hello ImaSueDeNym, Just to let you know, it is not that way for everyone. I am a precision millwright. Me and a co-worker are Non-vaxxed. The employers are having trouble finding skilled people in my field that are unvaxxed. OSHA has allready had a few workers in my field, colapse and die, due to overexertion and heart attacks. I was even on the mainstream news how 3 or 4 Israely soldiers had heart attacks during a run last week. the jabs are doing damage to peoples hearts, my employers are not stupid. They know that the unvaxxed are "safe" hires, and my wages have went up accordingly. It is even a small percentage (something like 10-15% of ER doctors are vaxxed). Employers know this, but The Pretender-in-chief will try to force them to hire vaxxed. I dont know whats going to happen.
Hello Frens, I quit rather than take the jab at my last employer. I am sure I will find another job soon, due to the fact that those who took the jab (the employer has found out) are a liability working on gas turbines so I will be o.k. I have been spending my time handing out fliers to the sheeple, trying to get them to wake up, and giving them alt. news sources. Pray with me about this please...
My prayers are with you, but please think of your unborn baby! a precious little one is worth infinitely more than a job. Although my trust in the Lord of Hosts is total, I am still suprised that some officials there have not been assasinated. I just do not know how the officials there can even show themselves in public. I have spent some time in Adalade, and know there are still some guns in Australia - or 3d printers (lack of weapons is what I hear is the reason for no civil war). once again...my hopes and prayers are with you.
I don't know, but I just got done sending a message...a couple weeks ago I had a question about family and friends that got deleted because of "low effort"??? This board would be a real help to "patriots", but censorship is counter-productive!
Everyone, just cool your barrels and re-evaluate this situation. As for me... My commander-in-chief told me to put away my guns and stay safe. I just looked at what he has done, I know he is on my side, I KNOW GOD is on America's side. There is a voice out there "called Q" that has a plan, which from what has been happening lately, it seems the "plan" is on course. It is not happening fast enough for me, and I understand it is not happening as fast as others want, BUT my commander-in-chief says "he has got this", the lord is on our side and if Trump's plan gets stopped, then my guns and GOD's anger will be evident... Till then "I am enjoying the show!"
Calm down, remember, we did what we did, and thank you, but remember that they are doing what they do... mostly keyboard cowboys. Most aint never been in the sandbox, or fought for anything other than "likes". You know I used to get pissed when I saw a bumpersticker with "i support vets" beside one that said "Hillary, or Biden" but I can gotten mellow over time.
I work on gas turbines in GA, and even though I am not currently working for First Energy or Texas Power, I am in Corpus right now. I ad been without power for 4 days, so I called some friends who work on transmission lines (they know). That was 100% the case--- I even know an operator that quit over it. His family was cold and he had the knob right in front of him, he almost got arrested!
I don't need Hopium , and this just strengthens that stance. GOD is on our side, always has been, and I pray he always will be. Us citizens just need to realize that "in GOD we trust" is not only something on our coins, but if we keep that in our heart, and walk with him, we will be great!
Sir: I do not have any idea if ovarian cysts. You can take stock of the fact the great awakening is happenning, and she is maybe 2 or 3 months away from med-beds.