GammuABA 13 points ago +13 / -0

Happy Birthday, Qanaut! I saved your post from two years ago in my research file and randomly read it for inspiration, thus why I know your birthday is on 9/11. Here is a blurb from your magnificent post...

"What the Q team did for America and the World was pull the curtain back, lift the fog of war, and provide transparency and clarity for Patriots to see with their own eyes the crimes of the Deep Staters and Cabalists. A reckoning is on the horizon for these criminals. A reckoning by The People and The Patriots of the world who will cry out in one united voice that we will not go quietly or gently into the night. Our Patriotism will burn and rage against the dying of the light (Dylan Thomas)."

GammuABA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sad, if that is the case. All we can do is continue to march towards righteousness and never waver. Stupid people and their stupid ideas can go pound sand. Being a soldier of Satan has a fateful ending, so good luck to the stupid haters.

GammuABA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmmm...does this dipshit Harry have any idea how weirdly worded his post is...lol.

GammuABA 1 point ago +1 / -0

I get down voted and don't really care if someone disagrees with me. This however seems like it is someone on their phone that has fat thumbs. There would be absolutely no reason to downvote this great post. Just my two cents worth.

GammuABA 3 points ago +3 / -0

This! All of the lies is why we are here today in this mess. Most Americans don't even know about this. It is all so sad. The Obama administration was just as evil as both Bush and Clinton administrations. Fkn liars. All of them.

GammuABA 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you listen to the original version, which I have a thousand+++ times, it was definitely cleaned up for the children. It's a really good song and one of my favorites of all time. Listen to it carefully if you have a chance and you too might appreciate the essence of it.

GammuABA 3 points ago +6 / -3

Thanks for posting this. I have been saying all along that we can not, and I repeat can not, blame these people for being manipulated. I have spent thousands of hours trying to figure out why we saw it and they did not for 4 plus years.

Bottom line is that I have no idea other than we are more street savvy than they are, we are better read, or pure gut instinct, etc. It doesn't really matter why. What matters for our country to heal is to let them know we forgive them for not using their critical thinking skills.

GammuABA 13 points ago +13 / -0

Agree! They were all amazing. No wimps allowed.

My favorite was the guy standing next to Vince and his response when he saw Trump's fist. He didn't hesitate and jumped up with his fist and whooped. I watched it over and over again.

GammuABA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good to know. I don't watch Newsmax, but someone close to me does, and I wanted to be sure that he knew about the importance of the Chevron deference decision, and apparently they did cover it.

GammuABA 38 points ago +40 / -2

What a wonderful video! I am quite certain all of us on this research board can relate to all of these signs. I met a beautiful old soul during a layover in Minneapolis last week, and we discussed being a few of the chosen ones, and that God wins this war. I gave that man a huge hug right before I had to leave for my connecting flight. Thanks Brent!!

GammuABA 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a powerful story.

My sister's good friend worked in the second building and she was told by the "authorities" before the plane hit the building for all of them to stay and not evacuate. I don't remember if she called someone or texted someone or even who it was (most likely a family member), but I definitely remember she was told to stay put. She was from Kansas and did stay put and you know the horrible ending to that story. Just another reason to not trust supposed authorities unless you totally trust them. This was one of the many reasons why I never took the clot shot. I have serious trust issues because people have serious lying issues.

Great idea about the parachutes. So, so sorry you had to go through this. Glad you are now living a life of love and happiness, Al Green style.

GammuABA 6 points ago +6 / -0

Thank you. It hits home to me too. Happy to report it is up to 74k views in the first hour. WWG1WGA worldwide.

GammuABA 5 points ago +5 / -0

That speech was gold! We are millions worldwide and they are a small fraction. She is like a Kari Lake in Germany.

GammuABA 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting indeed. Ridiculous that it has been banned.

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