Generalhandshake 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gives the name “Babylon” bee a different meaning…

Generalhandshake 1 point ago +1 / -0

How do you feel about Ted Cruz, now that you’ve said this? He went against Trump and got exposed ;)

Generalhandshake 7 points ago +7 / -0

She’s only 13. I wouldn’t classify her as a piece of shit yet. She’s just a teenage girl that fell for the feminist crap.

Generalhandshake 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s implied. That’s how the democrats have planned to “save” democracy.

Generalhandshake 4 points ago +4 / -0

Either that or the white hats have infiltrated it

Generalhandshake 2 points ago +2 / -0

We know about Israel… we know about Iran… what you say about China is also true… but what of The Royal Crown and her dominions? The Western European powers(Germany, The UK and her commonwealth, and maybe France) are always quick to infiltrate our government. Look at how many politicians are related to the crown, look at Prussiagate, and the DuPont satanic bloodline.

Generalhandshake 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe. I think it’ll be radically different.


Every state is highly fraudulent. California is very fraudulent and it’s the second least fraudulent state, if this chart is to be believed. Basically that means that both the GOP and DNC faked votes to manufacture a divide.

It was the Trumpist coalition(natcons, paleocons, Catholics, evangelicals, constitutionalists, southerners, small business owners, veterans, anti-big tech, tea party conservatives, moderates, anti-progressive liberals, populists, rural voters, many Border state voters, white working class, possibly Hispanics, white males, some Bernie bros) vs the Anti-Trump coalition(neocons, big corporations, technocrats, never trumpers, progressives, liberals, socialists, climate activists, BLM, antifa supporters, feminists, lgbt, woke minorities, people worried about divisiveness, dead people). Biden promised to be not trump. He basically just set this nation up for one giant red pill because not trump=bad. Obviously you can see that trump already had more people backing him anyways.

Generalhandshake 2 points ago +2 / -0

Saying “racism is divisive” isn’t a divisive post. Unless you weren’t talking to me. This post was meant to unite people and show them what nastiness looks like. Boards like consume product literally want me dead


This user is part of that board. Look at his post history. It’s supported by them.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding you or maybe my post is divisive. I don’t even know anymore

Generalhandshake 3 points ago +4 / -1

Because your argument is trash. Q said they want a race war, after all.


Generalhandshake 4 points ago +5 / -1

They are. The Khazar shit has thrown people through a loop. This place would rather follow Europa than Q. You get downvoted for putting Q over some melodramatic B tier documentary series. Tell them ECW is a Jew and you get downvotes, if your comment isn’t underwater with downvotes then it’s close. They never address ECW. Hitler is their hero despite Q loathing him. Q has even said that the cabal wants race wars but they continue to fall for the psyop. They promote race wars and even say racism is a good thing



They can ignore it all they want to and say they never see it like they always do but it is there. A very controversial post with a upvoted comment saying “racism is good” and another upvoted comment saying “racism doesn’t exist”


Generalhandshake 4 points ago +4 / -0

They’re cocky and desperate to see a weakness in Trump.

“An egotistical, cocky man like Trump would never back down. He’s weak! We got him to cave!”, said the cabal.

Generalhandshake 4 points ago +7 / -3

How about you fuck off, shill. Go to patriots.win or consumeproduct.win if you want to have that attitude.

Generalhandshake 5 points ago +5 / -0

He didn’t lose focus. Something else might be happening

Generalhandshake 6 points ago +10 / -4

Fuck you mate. Just because he’s not having a press conference, doesn’t mean he isn’t doing anything

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