Something seems very off about all of this.
I was in Paris not long ago. The gendarme were out en masse in Paris. I had never been around that many machine guns in my life.
Military personnel in uniform were also making multiple unannounced appearances during my time walking around the city. I thought it was preparations for the Olympics, but now it feels like something else is afoot.
Oh, look.
Two agents of The Powers That Be pretending to be concerned about the wife’s (handler’s) spouse imprisoned for trying to wake people up to their crimes.
In an 87-page "Minority Investigation Findings" report also delivered to AG Miyares, he cited "numerous obstacles to our work," and alleges the Virginia Beach city government is engaging in what he calls "a campaign of obstructionism", later citing denied FOIA requests as part of his challenge to obtain information.
"I cannot be part of a Commission that engages in duplicity, half-truths, and excuses for the city and its elected officials and employees," his resignation letter reads.
Also, is anyone else getting error messages when you try to upload link and image posts on mobile? Or just me?
Someone in the 4chan threads on this brought up that 28 year old Russian bank exec who « fell out a window » shortly after the Crown death was likely a connected spy/operative. Not sure how the two are connected, though
What an easy way to find out who the CIA owns!
I am not arguing in bad faith.
I am an econometrician by education. Would you like to go into detail about how you have absolutely no clue how to build a statistical model? How simply saying X% of Y% is not a statistical deduction? How you need to prove independence and control for confounding variables? Which were discussed when you brought up different environments and systems? Do you understand how to correct a simple linear regression? I’m guessing you don’t, and I don’t desire to teach you since you’ve shown you’ve made up your mind and nothing will change it.
My final undergraduate project showed white men in prison actually spend more time behind bars than their black counterparts and get granted parole less frequently. I spent weeks gathering that data, which was not easy considering the BoP keeps absolute crap records.
I am from the rural suburbs of Philadelphia. My upbringing is strictly midwest. Not that any of that matters. But you’ve clearly painted a picture of « who I am » in your mind despite not even knowing me. Phenomenally small minded.
Just because you can quote scripture to me does not mean a thing about your character. I’m curious how you’d treat Mary Magdalene. Perhaps you should reread the verse about how he who is without sin should cast the first stone.
I am not a liberal. I believe those who are the victims of liberal systems of oppression deserve to be treated as humans just like everyone else.
Philadelphia has an extensive history of being run by the mob, just like Chicago.
You’re quoting statistics without any understanding of how to build a robust independent model.
We’re done with this conversation. It’s probably my bad for wasting my time trying to reason with someone who is so tied to vengeance they picked it as their username.
I will never agree with someone who claims that the color of a person’s skin predisposes them for crime.
Who funds Antifa? George Soros. Last I checked, Soros was white
Who created the opioid crisis and escaped to Europe with nothing but a slap on the wrist after destroying countless lives? The Sackler family. Last I checked, they are WHITE.
Who hooked the inner city populations on drugs in the first place? The CIA. They are the enemy. Not black people.
Yes, BLM has black people running it in the public eye. I can guarantee you that it isn’t just black people behind the scenes because A) Soros and B) the legacy families running the worst cities are WHITE. Pelosi? WHITE. Newsom? WHITE. Abner Mikva, the spritzers, and the Crown family that created Barack Obama and the shit hole of Chicago? ALL WHITE.
As someone living close to Philadelphia, which has had a WHITE mayor for MANY years, you have to consider who is calling the shots in these cities.
I had to watch during that summer as black women had their televised interviews cut short as they were pleading to other people in the city to « stop the destruction because we already have so little and this is only going to make it worse for us and our kids. »
I was sexually assaulted by a white male as a white female teenager at a concert because his white father thought it would be funny to encourage him to come up and « slap my ass and walk away. »
Anyone can be a terrible human being if the circumstances are correct for it. I am disgusted that anyone on this board would think it remotely rational to try to compare human beings to aggressive dog breeds.
No human is a dog. No human is an animal. Dear God.
Unconstitutional, but how do you go about enforcement? I find it hard to believe that certain institutions won’t continue this practice behind closed doors for certain agendas.
It’s not race. Remember, Q said they want us divided.
I’ve had to deal with incredibly creepy shit from rednecks in the Ozarks. The Disney employee that General Flynn was talking about for his heinous crimes against children? A white man.
Seriously, go try to enjoy a family weekend at the Lake of the Ozarks. You can’t. It’s either meth heads or drunk off their asses white people ramming their boats into each other, destroying people’s property.
Who was leading the attacks against police in Atlanta? Rich, white Antifa gangsters.
I had to calm a black woman of faith down who was just trying to do her job at a hotel recently because of people screaming that people « like her » are idiots that doesn’t deserve the jobs they have. This woman was exhausted working two jobs to try to get her family out of the crime ridden streets of a Midwest city.
You have the audacity to lump every black person in with the Antifa paid animals destroying our streets? Get a grip.
Judge the behavior, not the skin color.
Rude, loud, sexist white rednecks cooking meth in the Deep South are just as bad as rude, loud, sexist black drug dealers from Detroit.
Behavior, not race.
He wasn’t American, he was Italian.
The article clearly states he tried to get treatment given what was available to him and it was delayed and complicated by the Vatican refusing to return his health records.
I believe he was on the board of this company as well.
Seems suspicious to let one of your main shareholders get totally destroyed by his own course. Especially if the police are commenting on how they’re doing an autopsy even though ~multiple blunt force trauma sites~ are present.
Which is WHY we need to be holding a microscope on the Jesuits, not just the Khazars.
Georgetown is Jesuit university. The Jesuits are not our friends.
A JPM board member, Jim Crown, died in an « accident » on Sunday.
Apparently the Crowns are tied to the Pritzker empire in Chicago and may have been involved in creating the image of Barack Obama/placing him in the WH.
The Crowns appear to be tied to almost everything in the world.
The thread goes on to discuss JP Morgan’s role in creating the BIS, the Bank of International Settlements, via the Treaty of Versailles. BIS is basically the Central Bank of all Central Banks except for a handful of them—Iran and North Korea are two that are not part of the BIS. Apparently Russia is trying to leave the BIS.
TL;DR: a big name in global banking and power brokering suddenly died this weekend, and no one is talking about it.
I think I accidentally linked to that comment instead of the first post, which is my bad.
I’m not a fan of the name calling and language on there.
Because it needs to look like they aren’t feds.
/pol/ still has search disabled on 4plebs, so I can’t link you to it, but after Jan 6th there were quickly pruned threads with the receipts that the Proud Boys—the leader from Florida, specifically, Tarrio?—were paid by the same federal agency that paid the Nashville bomber.
Lol. The Proud Bois are also feds.
It was just feds against feds.
To be determined. Some places reported she was, but then her bio popped up at this place and the law firm.
Was it ?? I missed those threads
On 5 February 2010, BAE Systems agreed to pay criminal fines of £257 million (US$400 million) to the US and £30 million to the UK. The $400 million fine was a result of a plea bargain with the US Department of Justice (DOJ) whereby BAE Systems was convicted of felony conspiracy to defraud the United States government. This was one of the largest fines in the history of the DOJ.
Any certified acting or dance training program makes you learn about Isadora Duncan. Her story is definitely part of the Bad News Bears sector of history.
Love how we’re still out here hyping RFK Jr considering he was tweeting about Affirmative Action being overturned is a loss of a tool to compensate for racist policies of the past.