Thanks bubble!
By chance—is there a way to see what time this Truth was posted? I only can see 4h ago on mobile. It is pinned now on PDJT’s account
Commander in Chief
Or it’s the Devolution reveal.
Not sure you can arrest a CiC
Ok, what’s with China and Fire lately?
Yesterday the apartment of Chinese billionaire and Steve Bannon pal Guo Wengui caught fire. And the fire was reportedly set remotely.
The fire started shortly after he was arrested by the FBI for fraud.
So, if gold is destroying the FED, how does CBDC and a Black Swan factor in…?
I don’t think the FDIC has enough to cover the insurance of what’s being used for these bail-ins, though.
The law is written that they can only use funds in accounts that are over the $250k insured amount, but I’d bet my left arm the big banks aren’t following that regulation.
Ahhhh thank you. Didn’t know this.
Wells Fargo is also at 49%. So First Republic is going down again no matter what it seems
We = normal, non-investor-class citizens of the US. Not everyone has been awake enough to shift assets.
Or, they’re like me, and are locked in due to parental choices and life circumstances that make it almost impossible to shift what little financial assets I have
But there’s innocent people that will get seriously crushed if and when these places go completely under.
Unless we can restore what they have earned, I’m not okay with this part of the plan.
When it comes to precious metals, how does one use that for regular financial things?
Are you all keeping checking accounts? Or cash only?
Well, they’re actively trying to get my grandmother to kick the bucket at 90.
My parents are retirement age and incredibly upset about how much they have to pay for less than quality insurance coverage. They are some of the people I know keeping second jobs after 65 for coverage.
I am disabled. Medicaid is the worst and designed to keep people poor and/or kill them off.
Want to be rude about something else?
I’m not suggesting that you just shut off Medicare completely tomorrow with no notice.
A phase out would be required.
They scream it because they haven’t had to actually use those benefits themselves.
They just see the ARP ad campaigns.
I don’t think it’s a fair argument to say, “We need to keep Medicare because private insurance is too expensive!”
If you are cutting the bloat and corruption in private insurance, like Trump mentioned in the same Truth, then those premiums should, theoretically, drop. You’re going to have to cut out insurance middle men and hospital negotiators to seal the deal, but to say we should keep one inefficient system simply because of the existence of another inefficient system is the opposite of finding a solution to either problem.
In my opinion, at least.
Yes, but that Navy ship tried to pin the blame on the pilots of the airplane for “not identifying themselves properly.”
And then we basically admitted guilt under the Clinton administration but didn’t have to say that we were completely at fault for doing so.
Why does that matter? Because the chick making jokes about it in this email was working for the State Department in the Bill Clinton Administration when that “agreement” and reparation payment were finalized.
Well, I’m glad someone reads the files. A lot of times I’ve been talking to myself in the comments, so I thought it wasn’t worthwhile.
Glad you reminded me some people do care.
I stopped included it because no one here reads through them anyway.
A cancer treatment company was frozen along with the banks on Monday, too. I thought that was a one off but apparently not!
Thanks for digging into these places!
Biden’s administration is claiming the same thing about the US already.
When asked if ending the “emergency” declaration in May would affect EUA and mandates, the ding dong press Secretary issued a statement saying the administration’s emergency powers never mandated vaccines or limited peoples lives.
Even though they argued in front of the Supreme Court that mandates are totally within the power of the executive.
I think the dark underbelly of the US worked with the black hats of the CCP and Ukraine to create and unleash COVID.
As someone already said in the replies—
He tried to shut the borders and Democrats painted him a racist and blocked him from protecting us from spread via international travel.
Anyone suggesting a deliberate release—including Trump—was immediately cancelled and labeled a lunatic.
He sent military ships and military hospital support, and Democrat governors refused to use the aid that was provided. Instead of accepting help, they murdered the most vulnerable among us.
Barney Frank sits on the board of directors at Signature Bank.
Surely if the Dodd-Frank act was worth more than an eye roll Barney himself could’ve helped protect Signature Bank from collapse.
In an interview with Bloomberg late Sunday, Frank partly blamed cryptocurrencies, which hadn’t existed when he and fellow lawmakers in Washington were grappling with the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.
“Digital currency was the new element entered into our system,” Frank told Bloomberg. “A new and destabilizing — potentially destabilizing — element is introduced into the financial system. What we get are three failures.”
Frank didn’t address the fact that crypto had become a key growth vehicle for Signature Bank under the direction of himself and others — despite widespread concerns about the risks of the notoriously volatile sector.
The normies aren’t getting that any regulation passed by DC isn’t ~protecting the security of the financial sector,~ it’s adding fees and pressure on anyone outside of the 1% while TPTB keep up their savior charade.
May I add one?
I haven’t been this giddy in quite some time