GetsTheNogginJoggin 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is nothing educated about being a racist POS.

Thanks for the D- comeback. Wonderful counterpoints. You’d be great on the debate floor.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 16 points ago +16 / -0

I’m sorry, do you think these people deserve respect?

These MPs who forced their constituents to be vaccinated?

These MPs who continue to profit off the people they are supposed to represent?

This woman is declaring war on the governmental policies that are destroying New Zealand lands and poisoning New Zealand’s people.

I am glad she’s telling them to prepare for their own demise.

You reap what you sow.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 5 points ago +6 / -1

Did not realize that we had so many racist people active on this site.

The Māori have historically been shafted by the British, just like the people of the USA. They were promised many things via a protection treaty then found themselves betrayed.

Additionally, the Māori version of government is similar to how Quakers conduct business.

The Maori system is based on consensus polity, that means they sit as long together at the hui until a compromise for all is found. They also used to act politically as a group, either as family, kin or iwi.

In 1867 only landowners had a vote. This excluded the Maori because they only had collective landownership. To weaken the tribal system their land was individualized and to prevent becoming outnumbered by the Maori, being the majority of population in these days, four seats of 80 were reserved for them.

I’ll take, “I am no better than the uneducated baboons I’m accusing others of being,” for $1,000, Alex.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 2 points ago +2 / -0

It looks like people here don’t understand that, aside from the power players in Racine, the Wisconsin Tavern League is in WI politics.

Form Wikipedia:

In 2005, lobbyists with the TLW were investigated by the State Ethics Board; the investigation was launched after State Senator Russell Decker was pulled over for drunk driving shortly after leaving an all-you-can-drink event for lawmakers hosted by the TLW.

Anyone from WI can tell you how TLW has a ton of underhanded influence in the state. Just because this guy is a joke doesn’t mean he doesn’t have friends in high places.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 2 points ago +2 / -0

If they find out he profited, it’ll change something.

If they find out he created it, there will be hell to pay.

It depends on what is made public.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 3 points ago +3 / -0


Because Hunter Biden refused to testify in a deposition behind closed doors. And is now facing contempt of Congress hearings.

Fauci is now set to testify behind closed doors before a public hearing.

If he pulls the same stunts, he gets the same contempt charges.

It must be done right. It must be done according to the law.

I am as impatient about the pace of this as the rest of us, but I don’t know the strategic timeline. We just have to trust it will come to light, like the Epstein files this weekend.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the world is going to realize that the “supermodel” was crafted specifically to entice young, vulnerable girls into being exploited by powerful men.

I think we’re going to see that America’s Next Top Model, Tyra Banks, and IMG were at the center of the push to make this even more profitable after “household names” like Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, and Kate Moss were “established.”

Why? Because Ruslana Korshunova apparently flew on Epstein’s jet, according to the new doc dump, and was signed to IMG before she committed suicide.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 1 point ago +1 / -0

If their influence is waning, perhaps this is the best they’ve got

GetsTheNogginJoggin 6 points ago +6 / -0

Note that this is occurring in Iowa, less than two weeks out from the Iowa Caucus.

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have not seen that.

Any name could go in the blank you’ve highlighted; it doesn’t necessarily need to be Prince Charles just because Andrew comes directly after.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s possible that will happen.

I’m not a lawyer so I don’t know how this works, but in the letter Doe 107’s attorney wrote to the court, it specifically mentioned documents involving or implicating Doe 107, not the entire treasure trove.

I’m not holding my breath—I called there would be shenanigans given who put Preska on the bench to begin with, who her husband is, and the fact Doe 107’s lawyer started his career under Lefcourt, who crafted Epstein’s original non-prosecution agreement, as soon as news broke Preska’d be “unsealing everything.”

But it’s not like this is the only way the list can get out…

GetsTheNogginJoggin 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’m curious to see if anything comes out now in January because, if you look at CourtListener, Preska approved Doe 107’s request for a 30 day extension before any unsealing might begin.

They have until Jan. 22nd to submit materials.

Idk if it only affects 107 or the whole batch

GetsTheNogginJoggin 3 points ago +3 / -0

They were.

Preska’s notice to unseal appears to have been filed on Dec. 20th. She gave 14 days for an appeal to be filed.

So the earliest we will see anything new would be Jan. 3rd if weekends count as legal business days. Otherwise the parties have until Jan. 9th to file any kind of appeal if my math is right.

If anything gets released, I’d assume they’ll aim to post on a Friday since any bad news for the enemy is normally published leading into the weekend.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 3 points ago +3 / -0

I love watching Boeing board member Nikki Haley dig herself a deeper grave as each day goes by.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have a feeling he’s already in the US somewhere…but he could still be stuck in the UK.

Also…shoutout to the mods for whatever happened with the handshake accounts on this thread

GetsTheNogginJoggin 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m not sure they’ll let me do either, but I will ask.

I do know monovision is not an option since my brain does not have the capacity to correct for each eye being separately tuned.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unfortunately I’m not a candidate for lasik due to the severity of my TBI.

But glad to hear it worked so well for you!

GetsTheNogginJoggin 5 points ago +5 / -0

Has anyone heard of ways to correct vision that aren’t contact lenses, glasses, or lasik?

Didn’t realize until recently all contact lenses are UV blocking. I’ve been battling Vitamin D deficiency most of my life, and I can’t do lasik atm.

I’m also amazed how so many things in this world are designed to block us from absorbing the sun’s rays and create vitamin D…

GetsTheNogginJoggin 3 points ago +3 / -0

TBF, anons on 4chan were suggesting that the reason it’s currently very high is because it’s designed to spread through wastewater via…splashing…during use.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 2 points ago +2 / -0

My Roman Catholic mother refuses to consider the Vatican and its proxy state of Israel as enemies of the common people.

It’s going to take some serious public revelations for normal citizens to wake up to these truths.

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