GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +3 / -0

well, it wouldnt be the first time somebody did it and got away with it

GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, the estimates of this article are HUGELY alarming. The part that scares me most is how long it would take humanity as a whole to figure out they need to stop the jabs. The writer(s) indicate we have no more than a year from now to try to save humanity by ending the jabs. A whole year of jabbing to date and still not enough people have figured out this needs to cease, and they are lining up for boosters, too. Well, I stand by the goodness of God that there is a plan to halt the destruction and bring the perps to justice.

GlobalOrcs 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, i dont think i would make it another 5 years of this level of garbage

GlobalOrcs 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes, this is their plan. Although it is unnerving to think about the numbers who have taken the infernal vax, and how spooky it is to realize how easy it was for them to brainwash so many into getting it, my faith in God and his word tells me that no matter how bad it looks, the satanic plan is not going to be fully implemented. That would mean God would lose, and God never loses. I am not sure how God will resolve the situation, and while we will lose some, we won't lose as many as we fear. The disciples in the boat during the storm were convinced they were about to die. All they could see was the boat filling with water, and Christ asleep. "Master, care you not that we are perishing?" He got up and commanded the storm to cease, and that was that.

GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, one of the several reasons why politicians are generally not trustworthy is because they often calculate what they say and do according to how they think it will affect their political survival. Ted has enough support to remain as a Texas senator for a long time if he wishes. However, President is a whole different ballgame. He has made his calculations according to what he thinks he will need to have a decent chance at the office of POTUS. I don't believe he truly thinks the MAGA people were out to get him. I watched the whole event live, and I never believed the legislators were in any actual danger. I saw a lot of people who are terrible at acting, and acting is what a lot of legislators and "MAGA" provocateurs were doing. AOC accused Ted of trying to kill her. So he feels he has to act like a RINO to increase his chances. There's been some rumor that some D's are gonna turncoat and become R's. If that happens, Ted's chances decrease. Problem now is Trump supporters and DeSantis supporters aren't gonna vote for him unless he somehow secures the nomination and the choice becomes Ted vs a hated Dem. Is he gonna shave his beard to look the part? His beard looks better on him than when he was clean shaven IMHO. PS Pence has no chance unless he has got the big big big money with the power to buy out all the competition. I would just hate to be a politician. . .Imagine how much you have to compromise yourself.

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biological attack against the US: began early 2020

Stolen election: Nov 2020 Count took several days before Biden was announced as winner President Trump never conceded

Counting of electoral votes interrupted Jan 6, completed Jan 7, 2021 Objections were lodged concerning several states Protestors were accused of attempted coup d'etat

DC was barricaded/fenced and guarded by National Guardsmen

Inauguration ceremony videotaped prior to Jan 20 (perhaps Jan 19?) Broadcast as "virtual inauguration" Jan 20 During parade military turned their backs on Biden 21 gun salute was not Presidential inaugural salute, but rather salute for laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns

Second impeachment trial of Donald Trump: Feb 9, 2021 Can you impeach a man who is no longer President? Acquittal: Feb 13, 2021

I am not sure how well I understand the Law of War manual, but Pompeo tweeted today, Jan 5, that the US is a nation of laws, and il Donaldo tweeted the following today: A FAKE WHITE HOUSE FOR A FAKE PRESIDENT!!!



Well, I like to think something is gonna happen. By the rules.

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

germany, denmark, dr. malone and some others are saying the plandemic will end in a couple months because of omicron variant causing ww natural immunity. So let your parents know a safer cure is coming very soon and you'll see them later when that is available. they are not likely to listen to criticism of the vax. Just YOU don't take it. It's deadly.

GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +3 / -0

5G doesn't sound good. Doesn't sound good at all.

I see dead people. . .

Glad they postponed the roll out. . . a little. . .

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, but some of us haven't figured it out yet. Still lining up for shots and tests.

GlobalOrcs 6 points ago +6 / -0

Today, Jan 5, is National Bird Day. I went to US Army twitter and counted 30 pages posted about "Old Abe," the Wisconsin War Eagle. A very remarkable story well worth reading and viewing the drawings and photos.

Old Abe was the mascot of the Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War. He was carried into battle atop a perch. The bird became a great hero of his time. Today, Old Abe's Screaming Eagle profile is the shoulder insignia of the 101st airborne.

GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +4 / -1

Well, the falling Russian rocket is potential or red herring.

Another thought that struck me is today, Jan 5, the 5G was to be fully switched on, except for some rural areas that are not yet set up. FAA and pilots were nervous about 5G effects on flight equipment, so they got a last minute reprieve from Xiden regime for a two week delay to at least Jan 19. What if there is something special going on from today that they didn't want to risk any 5G interference with military air traffic???

Also, wasn't there some talk about the Biden inauguration being pre-taped on the 19th and broadcast on the 20th? And maybe there are connections between things we don't fully know about yet? What if Trump was going to reveal something crucial in his Jan 6 presser. It was canceled after the 5G was postponed. Also the 355 movie about female spies in the time of the Revolutionary war which was slated for an exclusive showing for about a week or so after Trump's presser in Mar-a-Lago has gone back to normal scheduling. There's a lotta hm-mm goin' on.

Pompeo's tweet of Jan 5: https://greatawakening.win/p/140vt7KdQQ/pompeo-tweet--rule-of-law

US Army tweet of Jan 5: https://greatawakening.win/p/140vt7Lj9f/us-army--17-posts-in-one-day-tod/

Jan 5 Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10371625/Texas-Gov-Abbott-tells-National-Guard-Biden-NOT-commander-chief.html il Donaldo tweeted the above article on Jan 5 and added: BIDEN IS NOBODY'S COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF!!!

Some people call this coincidence. Some call it God-incidence. Some say it is comms, bread crumbs. Some say it is synchronicity. Some might dare to say NCSWIC (soon).

GlobalOrcs 6 points ago +6 / -0

In the future, no one will trust the medical establishment.

GlobalOrcs 5 points ago +5 / -0

But isn't that censorship? I'm kinda into 1A free speech, personally. I realize posts can get infested with shills, bots, dooming, or content deemed non-PC whether that is rightwing or leftwing or something else. Personally, I like to see various viewpoints so that I can make up my own mind as to what I choose to believe. I read a lot of anon interpreted Q material in 2020, and I didn't think they interpreted everything the same way. However, they helped peel me off the ceiling whenever Bill Gates and company gave me a big scare. Above all, this war is psychological warfare. There are different kinds of awakening, such as spiritual, political, etc. There are many things I once believed to be true, but after I discover an idea that has proven itself to be false, I just re-arrange my mental files. For goodness' sake, they killed Washington with excessive bleeding treatments, which were thought to be the appropriate cure of the day. I do understand some feel there is too much content that interferes with the goals of this forum, but I think it requires some care not to engage in outright censorship. As someone has pointed out, it is something of a compliment to attract shills, etc. It means too much truth is available, so it must be obscured by TPTB. I just mentally filter out content I don't need. The rest is interesting. Sorry long post.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, it says the plandemic will be over in 2 to 3 months. Same as what some others have been saying. That's a heck of a lot better than what the Covid hoaxers have told us. They said it was going to be around forever and everyone would have to get twice yearly shots [until we all die from the poison injections.]

This would mean the Covid gravy train is about to come to a complete stop.

The only money available after the injections end would be ongoing treatments for the vax injured. And many of those patients might die in a short space of time, putting an end to those profits also.

Anyway, I think the pharmaceutical/medical industry has shot itself in the foot. They are going to have to compensate the injured and the families of the dead. Japan gov already said vaccine injured will be compensated yearly for medical expenses and families who lost loved ones will be given a lump sum payment.

Didn't Trump say the Chyna virus was just going to disappear one day?

Chyna is trying to scaremonger again with images about new shutdowns over some new deadly virus, but I think people are not gonna fall for that twice.

I would call this the light at the end of the tunnel.

GlobalOrcs 5 points ago +5 / -0

He is admitting that natural Omicron infection provides immunity against Covid and variations. So what Malone was saying is true? Omicron will wipe out the pandemic? Das ist gut mein herr, das ist wunderbar! There would no longer be any reason to distribute the poison vax. May it be so.

However, we would still need effective treatments for the vax poisoned.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

The protestant reformers believed Rome to be Mystery Babylon and the papacy to be Anti-Christ. This is not commonly taught today.

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are some scientists who don't believe HIV is the cause of AIDS.

The test for HIV is inaccurate, similar to how the PCR for Covid is inaccurate.

There are HIV positive people who don't have AIDS.

There are HIV negative people who do have AIDS.

Apparently, people can get AIDS from taking the highly toxic Fauci AIDS drugs, such as AZT. Read up on how Fauci experimented on orphans because he was searching for an AIDS vaccine and toxic AIDS drugs. He is a morally insane demon. There is a graveyard in NYC where his young orphan victims were deposited.

AIDS means the patient's immune system is destroyed. The patient dies from opportunistic infections and cancers, etc. They eventually exhibit a bodily wasting syndrome, as often happens with cancer.

They really should re-open the investigations as to the real cause(s) of AIDS.

VAIDS is a new type of AIDS. It is caused by the Covid genetic experimental injections. The makers are only calling it a vaccine because people are used to taking them. Of course they are not telling the public their jabs are experiments that mess with their genetic biome that cause sickness, disability and death.

We have not been told the full truth about what exactly is in the shots. We do know, however, that they are extremely harmful. So they should be stopped and the psychopathic perpetrators should all be arrested.

People who took the shots get VAIDS, blot clots, serious heart damage, brain damage from prions, neurological damage and a whole host of other deadly outcomes. HIV never caused all these problems.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

What I had been reading prior to the plandemic start, was that 5G can separate oxygen from the red blood cells, which would basically cause a person to suffocate and drop dead.

This is a picture of what we were treated to in photos and videos from Wuhan, with people purportedly collapsing in the street from Covid, although Chinese trapped in their apartments were calling out "fake, fake." However, someone was reporting that Wuhan was fully switched on with 5G at that time, so ??? Plus, in the rest of the world, we didn't see people keeling over, which added to the idea that Wuhan was involved in fakery. If you want to see what real collapse (from jabs) looks like, you have to watch the "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Genocide" video montage made by Brits.

Also, they had been reporting that 5G equipment was rapidly being installed in the US from the start of the shutdown, so I thought they had already been phasing in 5G the last couple years, but apparently that is not the case. My phone in rural US says 3G. And in the cities, I heard that they were also not on 5G yet, but on some kind of souped up 4G for AT&T and Verizon is deployed, but not yet fully operational.

Another interesting tidbit is the Princess Cruise ship trapped in Yokohama. The story was that an old guy from Wuhan had gotten on the ship in Hong Kong and infected many with Covid by the time they docked in Yokohama. They used the ship as a quarantine hotel, but this actually seemed to spread the infection because cruise ships are efficient germ incubators with so many tightly packed together. But here is where it gets interesting: Wifi service on cruises is notoriously poor, so some cruise lines were having 5G installed. The ship in Yokohama had 5G. So were the symptoms passengers were having caused by a "virus," or caused by 5G?

5G needs to be tested and investigated before they inflict it upon the general populace.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Praise God for a delay. I was beginning to get a creepy feeling that rolling out 5G all at once might be a dangerous thing to do. I think it's like the jabs--untested and too risky. Whew! I had kinda forgotten about 5G in the midst of the corona panic news cycle. I woke up in the middle of the night in a bit of doomery and realized we don't really know for sure what the 5G is gonna do. I'm relieved it's not starting tomorrow. It would seem to me that a slow gradual start up would be safer, even though I don't want it at all. FAA and pilots were asking Verizon and AT&T for a delay, but initially they were only willing to decrease coverage around major airports.

Here's a copy of the letter dated Jan 3 requesting a 2 week delay that is said to be voluntary:


So it looks like the new date will be Jan 5 plus 14 days = Jan 19

Here's business insider on Jan 19 date:


GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only thing that will destroy the Earth is the second advent. Christ's sheep will be rescued, his enemies will be destroyed, the Earth will be purified by fire, and a New Heaven and Earth will be re-created wherein dwelleth righteousness. Happily ever after. This is why I never worry about ELE's. If it were possible, God wouldn't be God. This is why the DS cabal cannot succeed. Yes, they are destroying and killing for now, but God will bring it to a stop before they destroy and kill everyone/everything.

GlobalOrcs 4 points ago +4 / -0

He was spewing his "germs" through the double mask all over everyone near him. Plus verbal abuse. Plus he has anger management issues. Plus he has potential for physical abuse. Plus he could have gotten out of there a lot faster if he had just minded his own business. He basically was "beating up" on a woman much smaller than himself by using verbal violence with undertone of threatened physical violence. Apparently he believed his double mask (and probable double/triple jab) wasn't protecting him. MSM propaganda has turned everyone psycho. Maybe it was hidden under the surface all this time.

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