GloboHomoErectus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah it was a lie, not even the prosecution has argued that he "reracked" when they showed the video as the the amount of casings match the amount of shots fired.

GloboHomoErectus 6 points ago +6 / -0

8 bullets spent, 8 casings found, no ejected live rounds found on the crime scene, 22 rounds in the mag accounted for.

GloboHomoErectus 1 point ago +1 / -0

If a solar storm demagnetises earth they would need to be under or in at sufficient depth in the mantle for protection from the cosmic rays.

Water can be pumped down to to geothermal energy plants for electricity, and they probably have enough drinking water to last them two centuries.

GloboHomoErectus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ice age would make sense, which is why they are pushing global warming so hard.

Reduce the warming as much as possible to increase the severity of the next ice age, which in turn would kill many people.

These guys have backup plans A-Z that all achieve the same goal.

And we are approaching a solar maximum where we will see way more solar flares.


Sun’s activity to ramp up toward the next predicted maximum in July 2025.

GloboHomoErectus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Burning it down would send a pretty fucking strong message IMO

GloboHomoErectus 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only thing in there that could paralyze you if you got it in nature is tetanus.

Read a bit more about the vaccine and it is in fact listed as a side effect as Guillain-Barré.

GloboHomoErectus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Either way the tops of the towers would gradually buckle under the weight and not snap simultaneously. It would also occur in an uneven fashion since the fires and impacts were not symmetrical they could not fall in the exact same way.

GloboHomoErectus 10 points ago +10 / -0

Literally burning and smouldering for months after. But sure it didn't melt the steel lmao.

GloboHomoErectus 1 point ago +1 / -0

just get JDownloader, it's a free open source tool and can handle almost any site or video source.

Just paste in the link in the link grabber section if it didn't automatically do so and press play to download.

Was downloading a video from instagram the other day and JDownloader was 10x as fast as "downloader sites".