When are they opening this basement up?
It's not a bug, it's a feature for these ppl
Well I didn't know if there was a backstory or more info. I mean yea the song names obv
I have mine. It was dumb and no more draconian than having a license to drive in the first place imo
I'm not all in on the Babbit thing. Imo she was an actor or fed
I can't see how it would happen or work but it'd be great
Me either lol
The 45 degree thing appears to have masonic significance as well as the exoteric explanation that he wanted a view of the sea
Imho, WHATEVER the truth about viruses is, the method the anti virus ppl try to use to spread it is what I was spoofing anyway.
A rumble video is not convincing to anyone as far as vs science as we know and learned it
Right. I listened to my heart and God and studies that were suppressed and read the current "science" for myself and decided based on that. I don't know shit either but like you say the theory of contrary popular opinion is usually good
Joke is, kids pass meningitis by sharing drinks, using fountains etc.
All stuff now long gone in the COVID era
In PA you can get a vax exemption for any reason. I filed for that. No more vaxxes after this fiasco
It's a no from me but that's just me
Apple flavored Vaseline lol
Yes, you know what I'm talking about lol
Changes in scent and other body characteristics caused by vaxxes maybe?
Serious Q: Elvis - white hat or DS tool?
Being that he sort of started Rock and roll and the gyrations etc.
Not disagreeing. As I said, it was refreshing to hear someone credit traditional medical treatments, but the rest of it is batshittery
It was a joke. Literally just because I was the first person to post and and no one had posted the "viruses aren't real" theory which somehow finds its way onto every post where someone mentions being sick once.
But go ahead and rage on, because your theory is so sound and unassailable that a joke gets you worked up.
In B4 "yOu dIdNt HaVe a ViRuS cUz ThEyRe NoT ReAl."
Honestly it doesn't sound terrible. Sounds like if someone wishes to be treated holistically they would honor it. The part about colonialism is BS but honoring different forms of medicine SOUNDS Ok
Yeah just wondering what kind of saucy dirt there was