capnobvious 2 points ago +2 / -0

love these, thank you!

capnobvious 4 points ago +4 / -0

"For Sale" one is too true. should read at the bottom "Car Sold Separately"

capnobvious 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you. that is crazy it's not showing in the original post anymore. Was it just text there, or was it an image or file? could maybe understand if it was an image and the image no longer existed wherever it was hosted. but if it was just text, kind of weird that it would not show up for others.

capnobvious 3 points ago +3 / -0

@20-guage What happened to the info/links in the post to the sources?

capnobvious 4 points ago +4 / -0

People (including those running large corporate entities) are responsible for their own decisions / actions. do you know how many government, corporate, media, and regular individuals tried to coerce each person here to take the covid shot? threatened with losing jobs, not being able to function in society, not seeing loved ones, and a very large number of people said no, I will do the right thing despite the pressure.

when the CEO of Budweiser stands before Jesus at the pearly gates, I don't think he will be able to argue / excuse his way in by saying "Look Jesus, before you judge me, I had no choice. let me tell you about the CEI"

you either do what's right, or you don't. in this case, they didn't.

capnobvious 3 points ago +4 / -1

Thank God he waited till 4pm to announce that. can't imagine the craziness that would occurred if he would have just posted without all the fanfare. /s

capnobvious 1 point ago +2 / -1

is it the announcement of the 2nd edition of Trump Trading Cards? cause last time someone hyped an announcement like this, we got the 1st edition...

capnobvious 2 points ago +2 / -0

gonna be a lotta pissed off people after seeing that news.

where is this image from? where all would it show? MSNBC? Edge bowser default home page?

capnobvious 11 points ago +11 / -0

They need to stop F'n talking about it and just do it. they pound their chest and stomp their feet but none of it means shit unless they take action.

How would they not have enough evidence already to know what her role was in J6? there shouldn't be warnings, they should just haul her ass in the same as anyone else in that position / circumstance would be done to.

the fact that they are not and they are giving warnings about it tell me they either have no balls and just want sound bites / headlines to make them look good or worst case - they are part of the whole thing too.

capnobvious 8 points ago +8 / -0

How is this “top KEK”?

capnobvious 22 points ago +22 / -0

Is there anyone aboard who knows how to fly and did not have the fish... I mean covid shot?

capnobvious 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it is a setup to get trump. They will hold Biden accountable then go after trump saying they will hold him to the same standards. They will try to use this to prevent him from running for office again. Just my thoughts. But it is way too sketchy that bidens own people announce finding the docs and happen to find them in 3 locations at once? And like you said, media that has done everything they can to bury negative stories for the dems are the first ones putting it on blast? Admiral Akbar would be screaming at the top of his gills that this is a trap.

capnobvious 7 points ago +7 / -0

I couldn't care less if good things happen for the republican party, I want good things to happen for the American people!

I'm old enough to remember when Trump talked / cared more about America and the people than he did the political parties. Lately he seems to be more politician and focusing on the political parties.

capnobvious 1 point ago +1 / -0

if I were a member of congress, as much as I love Trump, I would never vote for mccarthy. he has proven time and again who he is. republicans were getting shit on before, with mccarthy they will still get shit on, just by a different bird.

capnobvious 4 points ago +4 / -0

"not allowed to discuss it publicly" ???

that would be incorrect. they can discuss it publicly if they choose, it would just be inconvenient to do so. If they are a current player, would they lose their position? probably. would they lose followers? probably. but what is their life worth? is the possibility of educating others and potentially saving someone else's life worth it? definitely.

it's all about personal choices. they made the wrong one in the recent past and continue making the wrong ones when dealing with it. sometimes doing what's right is painful, but if enough of them did what was right there would be no stopping them.

capnobvious 60 points ago +66 / -6

and now everyone realizes MTG is a RINO and part of the swamp all along

capnobvious 2 points ago +2 / -0

they volunteered as tribute when they signed on to get the shot.

I do feel bad for most of them, and I will do what I can to help any of them. but they had access to the same information as I did and the same opportunities to research as I did. Hopefully they will finally realize their actions have consequences, use critical thinking, and that the government, pharma and media do not have their individual best interest in mind.

capnobvious 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly, which is why it is very weird that they would make it mandatory when we were in the middle of lock-down / social distancing. That had to cut the number of cases to basically 0.

capnobvious 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you! I have been gathering facts and sources ready to do battle with the school about this, but seeing your post got me looking into my states health board and they also offer a blanket exemption from all school vax requirements. Filled it out, submitted it and all done. You were a big help in pointing me in the right direction.

capnobvious 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry to hear that, can’t imagine the rage you feel toward the whole health institution. Thank you for the information.

capnobvious 5 points ago +5 / -0

Watch it be something like "German car maker, Volkswagon, sells their Porsche line to Nissan"

they did get it valuated very recently with speculation they will sell off Porsche.

meanwhile everyone over here will be like "What the hell? where's the first arrest?"

capnobvious 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice, but why is there rarely a post with more than 300 upvotes and I don’t think I’ve seen more than a handful go over 600 upvotes. It feels like there are a lot of people here, but the voting activity says different. I doubt it is due to the problem we had on Reddit where their algorithm was hiding the true numbers.

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