Goingmustang 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you. I cannot stand the effing a-hole and have not posted here in a long time because of the likes of him and his ilk. This place has really become a sad parody and glad I at least saw this to get a chance to say my piece. Back to other more worthwhile pursuits.

Goingmustang 2 points ago +3 / -1

Congratulations. You are being talked down to by one of the biggest shills in this place. You are a child in his mind, very immature. Just relax it won't be long now according to a guy who's never been right if you read all of his post dating all the way back to VOAT. He is a Judas Goat.

by PepeSee
Goingmustang 0 points ago +1 / -1

Here is part of a comment that I copied and pasted from a user on another win sub verse that may explain exactly what is going on

Upfish 2 point 28 minutes ago +3 / -1 A hopium addict is a lot like a leftist in two key ways. First, they are driven primarily by their emotional reaction to things. They will always default to that which makes them feel good over that which makes them feel bad. And that leads to the second, that they work backwards from a conclusion and construct a flimsy set of reasons that support the conclusion after deciding which conclusion they like the best, ie the one that makes them feel best. They don't let evidence and reality determine which conclusion is probably true, they let their feels determine which conclusion they want to be true and then craft bullshit to explain why it must be. And anything that flies in the face of this, and makes them feel bad, is shouted down until it's out of sight and stops making them feel bad.

In practicality, you see why this explains how they react to various events and what other people say.

by PepeSee
Goingmustang 15 points ago +18 / -3

You are catching on. Look at the spin that's being spun here it's incredible. Just last week everybody was going boom about this being an amazing win when Durham gets the job done. These explanations never seem to come out two days before the the verdict. It is always after something does not go our way that they come up with these supposedly plausible explanations about how this is a win for us. Nonsense

Goingmustang 1 point ago +1 / -0

Correct. They never covered the Sussman trial on those Networks because it was not good like for them. Now that he has been found not guilty it'll be headlines all over those two Networks. This is not a win people here have got to stop polishing turds

by catssix
Goingmustang 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the Banning Hammer is going to come out big on this one. Too many people are starting to wake up to a lot of BS that is pitched here

by catssix
Goingmustang 1 point ago +1 / -0

They love the Polish turds around here let them sleep

Goingmustang 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everybody wants to be a celebrity on this subversive

Goingmustang 1 point ago +2 / -1

You won't. Stop pulling fingers. There was a big circle jerk around here for a few weeks about how this was a major turning point .....it's not

Goingmustang 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please idiot you are clearly clueless. Take a hike. I have forgotten more about dialectical communism than you will ever know. Read the writings of Fred Schwartz, Gary Allen, Larry Abraham and get a clue. See ya numnut.

Goingmustang -1 points ago +1 / -2

Communist deceive ....will continue to deceive ....and have always deceived !!! study history or you really don't understand

Goingmustang 11 points ago +11 / -0

Correct. The crop of politicians in power do not give a damn about the Constitution. They wipe their worthless asses with the blood of those who have sacrificed to uphold the Constitution.

Goingmustang 1 point ago +1 / -0

God is calling us to repentance.....ALL of US. Pray unceasingly and make REPARATION for the offenses to Our Blessed Lord. Talk is cheap.... Penitential action is required for God to heal our land. And yes for you protestants this is Biblical teaching.

Goingmustang 0 points ago +4 / -4

Nice summation. I would be willing to bet that almost all of it is true.

Goingmustang 3 points ago +4 / -1

No surprise. The 6 1/2 week goalpost will soon be forgotten and mid July is going to be a serious issue for us. This war is going hot.

Goingmustang -1 points ago +8 / -9

Sorry to rain on your hope but this is typical behavior of dialectical Marxism. Study history please.

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