GrizWallerOGV 2 points ago +3 / -1

You can smell it on every post and comment. They lay it on so thick.

GrizWallerOGV 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Even before I was successfully elected" I think he's referencing the fact that he had been selected by and was working with the military before November 2016.

GrizWallerOGV 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah yeah just like people were saying about me days before I finally broke. Just like I said about multiple people before they ended up coming around. It's crystal clear what's happening, people are waking up to the world around them at an increasing rate and they want us to think the opposite so we'll panic and believe them. If you want to trust the media and their own fake polls claiming their support is growing you're free to believe that but I'll trust what I've seen over the past few years.

GrizWallerOGV 0 points ago +1 / -1

As long as it takes. Simple as that. I can see when there's a concerted effort to push our thinking in a certain direction and right now that is impatience. They want us to get bold and start making the wrong moves before it's time.

GrizWallerOGV -5 points ago +4 / -9

Stop with that. New people wake up every day and most of us here were once considered unreachable. There may be a point where so few new people are waking up that it becomes necessary to drop the MOAB but as it stands a lot of people are changing their mind and researching new things.

GrizWallerOGV 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also let's get some realistic info to individuals about alternatives like quinine and lesser similar compounds like quercetin and other things like elderberry thought to work with zinc similarly.

GrizWallerOGV 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Cost him the election". Lol He didn't lose, and he purposely kept his support LOW enough that Dems would feel victory was within their reach.

GrizWallerOGV 1 point ago +1 / -0

They'll deny Satan but it's just like Islam in that lying is encouraged.

GrizWallerOGV 1 point ago +1 / -0

What I find interesting is that despite knowing these companies make up poll results on the fly, we take them on blind faith every time they say "Poll shows __% of young adults believe ______". Sure the real number is probably way too high but I'll bet it's closer to 50 than 74%, and shrinking fast as they age.

GrizWallerOGV 9 points ago +10 / -1

If fraud were as simple as pressing a button we wouldn't have so many statehouses or have won all those toss up races. Fraud is complicated and the further they have to swing a race to win, the more they have to stick their neck out to win.

GrizWallerOGV 2 points ago +2 / -0

I bought a Honda Fit for a very good reason but that said I shouldn't HAVE to drive a small car it should be a personal choice to save some money and yes, be a little nicer on the environment. It won't save the world.

GrizWallerOGV 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's funny because I heard about the solar minimum a while back, had a strong feeling something like this was coming, and still uprooted from South Carolina and moved to New Hampshire. Love is a funny thing.

GrizWallerOGV 1 point ago +1 / -0

Certainly potential there but I would recommend people lean heavier toward metals.

GrizWallerOGV 3 points ago +3 / -0

Which is why we need to not outright dominate but create a sphere of influence that's a far better alternative to endless warring factions and better than whoever the Khan of the day happens to be.

GrizWallerOGV 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm gonna be the real buzzkill and say flat out that this. COULD be a part of the plan. So long as Biden and the left is losing support domestically and globally every single day, we are winning the war. A scenario in which we spend the next two years on a full offensive against electronic voting and pushing voter ID while the Supreme Court strikes down any power grab Biden tries to make, leaving him only with the power to piss off people with easily reversed EOs on things like Diabetes medication.

GrizWallerOGV 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was surprised. Everyone knows the public doesn't support a conviction but saying that would somehow stop the Senate from doing it anyway was as naive as saying public sentiment would stop them from certifying the election. They chose not to convict, but not because we pressured them. It's possible some of them cut a deal and voted to acquit after promising their globalist handlers they would vote to convict. There are so many factors at play here.

GrizWallerOGV 3 points ago +3 / -0

Given everything I've seen, the most likely scenario for the average citizen is that food prices will increase and variety will decrease for a while. I don't see an all out famine being allowed to occur but I also don't see how things won't be at least temporarily interrupted and thrown out of rhythm. Especially given the amount of international trade going on these days. So my advice is have some raw calories on hand first and foremost, rice, beans, dried or canned anything that keeps well for a long time. Make sure you also have a few bottles of a good QUALITY multivitamin with a far off pull date. If you're taking one of those every few days and getting a bare minimum of calories that could be the difference in a worst case scenario. That said I'm not expecting one, so once I prepare for the worst I move onto getting extras of all the first world comforts that might not be so easy to find in a moderate food crisis. Psychologically, having some of the little treats you like when they're hard to find can go a long way. There's a lot of different levels and angles to look at it all from.

GrizWallerOGV 3 points ago +3 / -0

Think mirror. 57-43

GrizWallerOGV 1 point ago +1 / -0

Normally I love winter and don't want it to end, but ironically I just moved to a much colder climate and for the first time in years I'm looking forward to spring and summer.

GrizWallerOGV 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seeing as there's a clear coordinated campaign by shills to push certain dates, April 1st being one of those dates, my assumption is you are being manipulated by one into thinking this is your own call or just are one.

GrizWallerOGV 5 points ago +5 / -0

At this point it's symbolic no matter what they say it is. They are bound by the Supreme Court so if our justices are playing a role and decide to refute Congress on any power grab, Congress would have to publicly reject an entire branch of the government. Even in today's atmosphere a huge escalation and invitation for military action.

GrizWallerOGV 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imagine thinking God is subject to the alignment of the stars. Not saying there isn't something real behind astrology but ultimately that will not be the deciding factor.

GrizWallerOGV 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is real. Using my phone I went to the George YT channel hit share in top right corner menu and that's the link that copied. No way in hell YT allows this or doesn't fix it immediately, someone on our side has at least some control there.

GrizWallerOGV 1 point ago +1 / -0

Watch the movie Evolution's Achilles Heel if you're struggling with the logical/scientific aspect of it all.

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