HBGel 1 point ago +1 / -0

The same reason people line up to be the animal testing for experimental gene therapy for a disease with a 98.8% survival rate.

They were told it was for their own good by authorities in power. We’re seeing a similar thing play out globally here.

HBGel 3 points ago +3 / -0

They single-handedly armed and made the Taliban one of the most powerful armies on earth, ensuring they have the arms to resist for decades to come. And at the same time, destroyed the reputation and moral of the military.

They have the military more concerned with finding "white privilege" than the enemy, poisoning it from the top down.

They continue to cheat even at this moment, on the California recall election.

Stole the presidential election, and who knows how many political offices

Have potentially ensured chronic and life threatening health problems for roughly 40-60% of the global population via experimental gene therapy.

They are actively controlling all news, while censoring opposing viewpoints and opinions over virtually all conventionally used methods of news and information sharing used by the general public.

HBGel 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting. But if that were the case, I would assume one of the many predictions he made would have come to pass vs. being ignored as new predictions are made and the goal posts moved further back.

HBGel 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had to stop listening to the X22 Report, it was beginning to black pill me.

His particular compound of hopium is mixed with a natural botanical called "Goalpostus-Moovus", which causes the patient to build up a dangerous tolerance to hopium over time, rendering it ineffective and eventually toxic as morphs into a black tar of hopelessness. This occurs when prediction after prediction after prediction continually fails to materialize.

It was to the point that his voice was beginning to remind me of the soothing classical music played to the condemned in German prison camps.

[Tinny sounding classical music plays over pole speakers]

"Stay calm, do nothing,"

[line shuffles forward]

"take no action, the patriots are in control,"

[shuffle shuffle]

"Now this is interesting, Q says stay home, do not rise up"

[distant screams],

"Q has a plan, Q says be passive, the woke military that just ran from and armed the Taliban while abandoning thousands of Americans will save you."

[doors close behind you]

"Wait.... waaaaaait.... that's it"


"stay caaaalm... interesting......"

[fade to black]

HBGel 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Wizard as well.

A lying weak old man faking his value and worth that ends up abandoning those he was supposed to help.

HBGel 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s the truth.

I want to have hope, i really do. But it’s fading.

We watched an election stolen. And what did we do? Blew whistles, held signs, and let ANTIFA do the dirty work we were to pacified to do. Then those that did happen to wander in and stay between the velvet ropes are being hunted like dogs by the FBG.

I fear that we are all too fat and content to rise and fight.

If anyone is paying attention, things are not going well.

HBGel 1 point ago +2 / -1

For me It's just fatigue with the continual disappointment after disappointment

And fear that those that might have taken action when the timing was right, have been pacified by the possibility that someone else (our woke military, that is more concerned with finding white privilege than terrorists) will do it for them.

I had to stop listening to the X22 Report, it was beginning to black pill me.

His formula of hopium is laced with a natural botanical called "Goalpostus-Moovus", which causes the patient to build up a dangerous tolerance to hopium, rendering it ineffective and eventually toxic as morphs into a black pill of hopelessness. This occurs when prediction after prediction after prediction continually fail to materialize.

It was to the point that his voice was beginning to remind me of the soothing classical music played to the condemned in German prison camps.

[Tinny sounding classical music plays over pole speakers]

"Stay calm, do nothing,"

[line shuffles forward]

"take no action, the patriots are in control,"

[shuffle shuffle]

"Now this is interesting, Q says stay home, do not rise up"

[distant screams],

"Q has a plan, Q says be passive, the woke military that just ran from and armed the Taliban while abandoning thousands of Americans will save you."

[doors close behind you]

"Wait.... waaaaaait.... that's it"


"stay caaaalm... interesting......"

[fade to black]

HBGel 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tell them you identify as vaccinated. If it applies to a penis or a vagina, then certainly it applies if you've received a shot. It's proven science after all.

HBGel 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have trouble reconciling why Trump would push vaccines. Apart from the man not being omnipotent, and just trusting the wrong people.

I also have trouble understanding why they'd want to wipe out their most loyal Kool-Aid drinkers. All that would be left is opposition vs. the pliable type of minds they want.

Actually it would make a lot more sense to make a plague and actually fix it with vaccines, so they build trust, then when the next one hits, the "accidental side effects" start happening.

So I don't pretend to fully understand it the situation.

But I do know that I want absolutely nothing to do with any medical related that they have so blatantly propagandized (lied promoting), and that they censor voices of opposition so strongly.

HBGel 3 points ago +3 / -0

I had to quit listening.

His formula of hopium is laced with a natural botanical called "Goalpostus-Moovus", which causes the patient to build up a dangerous tolerance to hopium, rendering it ineffective and eventually toxic as morphs into a black pill of hopelessness. This occurs when prediction after prediction after prediction continually fail to materialize.

It was to the point that his voice was beginning to remind me of the soothing classical music played to the condemned in German prison camps.

Tinny sounding classical music plays:

"Stay calm, do nothing," [line shuffles forward] "take no action, the patriots are in control," [shuffle shuffle] "Now this is interesting, stay home, do not rise up" [distant screams], "Q has a plan, Q says be passive, the woke military that just ran from and armed the Taliban while abandoning thousands of Americans will save you." "Wait.... waaaaaait.... that's it" [hissssssssssss] "stay caaaalm... interesting......"

[fade to black]

HBGel 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone please correct me if my math or info is wrong, but the protocols found here: Actual website here

Call for the .2mg per kg weight: Twice per week only as the preventative dose.

A dose for someone exposed to covid is .4mg per kg. once, then again after 48hrs. A dose for someone that has covid is .4mg to .6mg per kg. per day for (5) days, or until recovered And it has a note that if the patient is untreated for 5 days, high risk, or with an aggressive strain to go to the higher .6mg per kg dose. (again, per day, for (5) days or until recovered)

All the treatment protocols that calculated dose, per day for (5) days, or until recovered.

The horse paste tube I got is notched on the plunger (it does not have a rotating / spinning adjustment like others have). This actually makes the math easier, 5 notches = 250lbs (or 50lbs per notch) And the dose calculations are for a dosage at the .2mg/kg (.09mg/lb) level.

So according to the above linked protocol: You'd use two (.2mg) doses worth if exposed to or being treated for covid, or You'd use three (.2mg) doses worth if being treated and you're in a higher risk category calling for the higher .6 dosage.

A tube contains ~5 250lb doses. (5x250 for a 1250lb 'animal')

This means that the high .6mg per kg dose, for a 300lb dude, will use 18 notches out of 25 on the plunger, for one day's dose. Over 5 days, that's 4 tubes for an active sickness treatment. This seems like a lot, but that's the math I get... but I suck at math, so someone please correct me if I'm off.

That's potentially a lot of horse paste for a whole family, (we're going to need around 12 tubes) at least if everyone needed the stronger treatment, and not just the .2mg/kg preventative level.

I'm thinking it might make more sense to find a doctor willing to just prescribe the medication.

HBGel 1 point ago +2 / -1

Dude, the vast majority of people who get the vaccine are fine. I prefer to take my chances, with something with a 99.98% survival rate that isn't approved by the FDA or tested long term.. and who's manufacturers are immune from lawsuits, but that's just me.

But it's not like it's insta-poison. My father got it, and he already had the antibodies from having had covid. He is based in conversation, but spends a lot of time watching TV and tries to split time between Fox news and CNN "for perspective" (meaning his messaging "right" is already way left of center). It didn't make a bit of sense to me, and i tried to dissuade him, but he's a grown ass adult and can make his own decisions.

Your wife is the same, a grown woman who made the choice for herself, so be it. The media has tremendous power and they love using it, and some people are more susceptible to the fearmongering than others. But just like my father, ultimately, she'll probably be just fine, so don't panic and don't freak out.

HBGel 1 point ago +2 / -1


At what part of taking our guns?

Machine guns?

Bump stocks?

High capacity magazines?

“Assault” Rifles?

Allowance to only buy guns from an approved list?

80% builds eliminated?

Background checks on ammo?

Limits on ammo?

Limit to the number if guns you can buy?

Red flag laws allowing “temporary” confiscation?

Psych evals for gun ownership?

Centerfire firearms?


Shot guns?

They’re already, and have been incrementally restricting and taking them.

They won’t do it all at once, it’s always a death by 1000 cuts.

At what stage of “gun control” do you think will trigger it, more so than blatantly having a presidential election stolen? And then, them doing immediately again in the run off, just to run their balls in our face.

At what stage in the list above do you draw the line and risk sacrificing your job, family, and life?

This is not an attack on you, I just keep reading people saying “when they come for ‘mah guns, that’ll trigger the fight”...

Well I disagree, based on the fact we just watched them nullify 80 million votes, and all we did was gather, scream, wave some flags, and let the enemy tear shit up and then blame us for it.

Sorry. Kinda worried, and mourning our country.

HBGel 7 points ago +7 / -0

Can. You. Imagine. If Trump did something like that?

HBGel 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m conflicted there. On the one hand, for a point blank pistol shot to the neck, assuming it was a hollow point, that should have absolutely shredded her. However if it was just jacketed ball ammo it could have gone cleanly through and resulted in what we saw. Now, having watched the video, if she isn’t dead she needs a major acting award. If you’ve ever watched an animal die, same thing. That looked so fucking real to me, that imho she was dead dead. CPR all you want... but it isn‘t going to help.

HBGel 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s just some kind of wireless button to call or signal.

Feels like people are reading way too much into this one.

If it’s gone in all oval office shots/videos, (beyond just that day) then maybe there is something to it...

However, to me it’s more likely that they probably just moved the thing to clear the desk for the media performance with the cameras.

HBGel 4 points ago +7 / -3

Well someone please... sweet baby jesus please, rudely awaken me.

We don’t even seem to be bothering to set the goal posts now, they’re just mounted on a trailer so they can be continually driven further and further back.

Soon we’ll be 2yrs in reading “It’s all part of the plan” Kamala assumed the presidency, and completed the crime, we had to wait for that...”

Yet, sadly I’m still here. Spending most of my online time here, scraping the floors, digging through trash of disinformation, distilling yesterday’s urine soaked news, trying with futility to extract any of residual hopium I can scratching for hope, or signs of free life from our government and military.

It offers only a slight cynical comfort seeing the liberals slowly reacting in horror to what they were a part of... a brief distraction from my futile search for hope that America truly isn’t dead. Murdered in the dead of night behind covered windows and expelled election officials.

I think I’m nearly through the denial stage of grief at the loss of our nation and it’s freedom.

We are truly in dark days. May we find light before fading to black.

HBGel 2 points ago +2 / -0

He goes on these crazy rants blaming “Q” for the violence.

From what I’ve seen... “Q” has been the polar opposite. It’s all “there is a plan”, “do nothing, the military will save us”, “unicorns and rainbows coming soon, wait and see!”

It was to the point people supporting “Q” were beginning to sound to my ears like the soothing classical music played as the jews went to take a shower.

Too pacifist, to the point of being suspect.

Yet to the MSM and Alex Jones, it’s all about uprising, violence, insurrection, and is at fault for half our current problems.

Alex is about fear, “warning” about doom and gloom, and the evil coming... yet offering no solutions apart from buying his advertisers products.

HBGel 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was also a FIHHT FIGHT FIGHT reference that we’ve not seen yet.

HBGel -1 points ago +1 / -2

Old family bibles are often crazy huge. I’ve got one, the size is absurd.

And the smaller fabric one those are common also. The fabric usually adds handles and a zipper. Like a protective cover and easier to carry around to church, etc.

Not saying there isn’t fuckery going in, but it’s not with the bibles. X22 report just featured what could not have more clearly been a nigerian prince style scammer email message as something thought provoking.

There are plenty of screwed up things to point out, without resorting to silly, easily disproved points that serve only to discredit our side.

HBGel 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m a christian too. But keep in mind God has let empires fall, governments topple, and his own son be killed. We have free will, and God helps those that help themselves. It’s like the joke about the woman trapped in rising flood waters:

A car comes, she declines rescue, “God will provide”.

A boat comes, she declines, “Help someone else God will provide”

Helecopter, “No, help someone else, God will provide, I’m sure of it.”

Upon drowning, she cries out to God, “With all my faith, why did you let me die?”

God replies, “well, I sent you a car, a boat, and a helicopter... “

God may have sent us Trump, but he can’t do it alone. We have to get on board and participate.

HBGel 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sorry if this is being a downer... but if completely losing the right to elect our rulers, and then having an election stolen from us, then them doing it again right in our faces just to rub it in, didn't trigger that, I don't think anything will.

They wouldn't just come for guns all at once, they'll do it incrementally.

"It's just a bump stock, not going to lose my life and family for that."

"It's just binary triggers, not going to lose my life and family for that."

"It's just a suppressor, not going to lose my life and family for that."

"It's just a large magazine, not going to lose my life and family for that."

"It's just center fire rifles, not going to lose my life and family for that."

"It's just pistols, not going to lose my life and family for that."

"It's just shot guns, , not going to lose my life and family for that., but they'd better not come and take my .22!!!!"

"It's just my .22, and there was a horrible school maiming with a .22 vaguely injuring a student's pinky finger, not going to lose my life and family for that."

And then it's done.

I really question if our side has the fight. We’re just too fat and happy with too much too lose.

And any “powder keg” event that might happen that would potentially spark such a thing, would simply be suppressed by big tech as we’ve seen them do already.

HBGel 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone have a non-shit link? I deleted twitter and don’t care to go back.

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