All presidents make their decisions based on info given to them by the advisors, so-called 'experts'. Who advised Trump? FRAUDCHI.
I see it as Trump giving people a choice. It was CDC, FDA, employers who forced it on us.
The angry outbursts, sudden yelling, pointing threateningly are signs of progression of dementia. Like when a nurse comes into a senile patient's room for just a blood pressure check the patient is suddenly combative, confused because doesnt know who she is or where he is.
The next phase is not recognizing close family members.
Keep in mind this judge contributed to Fanni's campaign and soon after was given the position of judge. He really should have recused himself.
I expect the decision will be like Killary's - though she is guilty no one will punish her for it.
You know what they did in W PA? They gerrymandered 2 counties that mostly vote R into Allegheny county mostly voting D.
One result they didnt expect was they voted out Swallwell's twin, Conor Lamb but voted in Fetterman - what does that tell you ?
Roman Catholic church is the largest in the Latin rite. For example until relatively lately the Gaelic (Irish) church, though of the Latin rite was separate from the Roman catholics.. Same in the east. Though they are catholic they are far from Roman catholics. These include Byzantine, Ruthenian, Ukrainian, Coptic, Maronite, and several others. On the surface they may look like Orthodox (as JP2 referred to as the 'other lung') but are traditional catholics. All have a patriarch who is the liaison between the people and the pope. If a pope makes a claim that the patriarch finds is against catholic doctrine, he advises the people they need not comply. For example, everything that occurred from Vatican II did not impact any of the churches in the Eastern Rite. In the East there is no novus ordo (new order) masses; they are relatively unchanged thru out t=its time.
All that you hear about pedo priests,etc if you check into it, is only Roman catholics, Eastern Rite is traditional with pretty strict rules such as in this case they cannot go anywhere without someone else accompanying them.
I have read that the judge contributed to Fanny's campaign and once she got in office he was appointed judge. I think this will turn out to be a Killery event - yes, she is guilty but no one will do anything about it.
Knowing this, I think this is more so why she is so cocky and obnoxious.
Yes but also facts are supported by proven scientific trials.