Love it! Maybe I will finally get my 2023 tax return.
Snake or worm? Like parasite? Asking for a friend.
First trimester is a no go I hear
She's probably guilty of Nuremberg crimes from COVID too ..
I think it's diet related... All this processed addictive food!
Make Public Caining Great Again!
I stuck them on comie-la signs 🤣🤣🤣
Does it say titanic 2? 🤣
Don't get me wrong I have sympathy for that man and this administration needs to go!!!
I wish my wife was in prison... Instead Fouchi's death protocol murder her.....
Looks like he's in some old time prison cell!! Lmao 🤣🤣🤣
The left would say he has cancer!
But not after the Trump shooting...
Give him remdesivir, I sure it will work wonders for humanity!
Davidson County here he's got my vote!
I think it's more trump and more rdk
Someone go piss on him and put it out!!!
Fok roy pooper, it's time for a good change!
Might be legit! There is only male and female boxes!!!!
This book is supposed to be really good resource The Banerji Protocols - A New Method of Treatment with Homeopathic Medicines by Prasanta Banerji (2013-01-01)
You need to have her look into homeopathic treatments. We didn't know about them when my wife was pregnant. Now my daughter is 2 and we use them because it's just way more effective than the broken western medicine system. This is the web site I started with, and a good starting point.
Medical Symbol / Staff. "The logo featuring a snake coiled around a staff comes from Asclepius, the ancient Greek god of medicine and healing. We often call it the Aesculapian rod"
Is that a snake or a Parasite/ WORM?
Asking for a friend?
Love it! Maybe I will finally get my 2023 tax return.