When did Michael Jordan join The view.
I wonder where he hails from... Kek 🤣🤣🤣
That's fucking hilarious, that i can tell you.
Thanks God for keeping me away from encounters like this. I would end their miserable lives and rescue the scared doggo. They forfeit their humanity with behavior like this. They are not even animals. They are not even bugs. I feel worse for the machines i break down for scrap. That blue hair dye done gone to their brains.
Dayum, folks hatin on ole Durham. I guess he wasn't shock and awe enough. Kek! We don't know all he did.
Based AF
He probably even sent her flowers like he said he would at McDonald's.
I can imagine Elon finding that on the side of the road on his way into work one day. Imagine looking out the window and seeing Elon picking your scrap sink off the side of the road and putting it in his cyber truck. Lmao.
But he dont know what a q drop is.... 😂
Lmao what a glorious troll! 😂😂😂😂
Ain't no way this is real. Even for Trump. Kek
At the appointed time there will be a bunch of Jews that will turn to our Lord Jesus Christ. But a whole bunch won't. 😥
She doesn't need any mates. She ingested all the mates she'll ever need.... For further use .... 🤮
There's always that weird eyed looking dude standing in the back. Kek.
Dude that sounds like a party. Imagine all the young badasses and hot smart chick senator dudettes just jamming out in session on how to make America Even Fucking Greatester Again 2086!!!!!!
What the fuck! I see dead things! Dead faces in the water!
He literally looks like a hawk or a falcon. Kek i cant unsee it now. Edit.... He is a badass harpy eagle.... Kek i looked it up
Arrest and THEN shoot the gubmint. Maybe that would fix it gud. It be broke.
Gives the wielder +17 to Biglyness, +17 gorillion to physical damages kek.
Hey Putin.... Ya know you got that torpedo thingy... Help us a out a bit here... 🤣🤣
Make fashion great again
Kek. Upon closer inspection they are just big i reckon. We going back to 73 it seems. True liberal glasses have the wierd ass colors and wonky frames. My bad.
"if you have seen me, you have seen The Father. We are in finite vessels and cannot perceive an infinite God. As Jesus Christ , we can perceive Him. The Son and The Father are truly ONE. My opinion? Jesus Christ was ALWAYS man. He was the first, uncreated Man. He created Adam in His image. But i digress....