HereComesTrouble 10 points ago +10 / -0

Watch the glowies assassinate him and try to pin it on a fake MAGA supporter. Or maybe they'll off him so he can't squeal about the glowies being behind the whole scamdemic...

HereComesTrouble 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read it the same way, but that makes no sense. I can't see Trump approving of the demoncrat "bells and whistles". He should want a clean CR. So maybe he just worded it badly?

HereComesTrouble 8 points ago +8 / -0

Exactly. I remember a while back the globohomos wanted the US, Mexico, and Canada to be one big "country" (or area, or whatever they called it) as a step to erasing borders. I don't care whose idea this is, but no thanks. We need to protect our borders, not erase them and welcome in a bunch of liberal nutbags. We have enough of those as it is. eyes Commiefornia

HereComesTrouble 1 point ago +3 / -2

Well. I guess that means no gutting of the FBI or, even better, getting rid of it. Kash will just be more of the same shit, backstabbing Trump and trying to trap him to help the DS impeach/oust him.

Kind of disheartening, really, but at least Trump will have a workaround for communicating with people, even if everyone is still trying to destroy him.

HereComesTrouble 5 points ago +5 / -0

The people driving those cars should've shot the bastards who attacked their cars.Or driven over them. Any one who pulls this crap? No fucking mercy. End them in the name of self-defense.

HereComesTrouble 7 points ago +7 / -0

This actually explains why Trump chose Rubio--I had seriously wondered about the choice, because the guy is a NeoCon to the core. I had thought maybe it was to get him out of the way for Laura to be appointed to the Senate, or maybe to put Gaetz in Rubio's place (I guess that's out the window now that Gaetz works for OANN).

The one thing that bothers me is Kash, because according to this, the FBI director has to be willing to lie to the CiC and hide things in order to "protect the continuity of the government" (read: "protect business as usual in the wretched hive of scum and villainy that is DC"). I honestly think he's appointing Kash to go in and clean out the FBI, but if he agrees to lying to Trump and continuing as usual, why waste him at the FBI?

HereComesTrouble 6 points ago +6 / -0

Leslie Stahl is an obnoxious, evil cunt. She sits there rolling her eyes and being dramatic with her, "Wow!" overacting because she's also diddling children and using them for her own means. All these media assholes are the same as the children diddlers in DC and Hollywood.

HereComesTrouble 7 points ago +8 / -1

Ugh, no. Leave it normal time. If people like sunlight so much, go to work earlier. I hate it when it's light at 9:30 at night.

HereComesTrouble 2 points ago +2 / -0

Way to show Nancy is right for not wanting men who pretend to be women in her damned bathroom. This is why women should never go anywhere without some sort of a weapon--guns are the great equalizer, but liberal women are too fucking stupid to realize it. Even a knife, in the hands of a woman who knows how to use it could've ended this before Nancy got injured. And the bullying tranny asshole that attacked her would be the one in the hospital. Or, better yet, six feet under so he can't attack another woman.

It's time to put these nutbags in a mental institution, where they belong.

HereComesTrouble 2 points ago +2 / -0

She can demand in one hand and shit in the other, then see which one fills up faster.

HereComesTrouble 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the late 70s and early 80s, we played "smear the queer" and "king of the mountain" (wherein we threw each other off a 7-foot-high tower onto the hard ground and the last one standing won).

We didn't need reasons to try to kill each other, just something to call the game. There were no bike helmets or knee pads. Hell, in grammar school, we had this gigantic swing set and we'd all swing as hard as we could to try to make it fall over. Never did quite make it, but a 40-lb kid can launch like a rocket when swinging that high. Good times.

HereComesTrouble 2 points ago +2 / -0

Should be the death sentence. Why the hell should taxpayers support this piece of shit for the rest of his life?

Personally, I think all illegal invaders who commit murder here should be tried by a military tribunal for acts of war. Put the fuckers down and be done with it. Maybe if they did it a few times, it would keep the assholes out of our country.

HereComesTrouble 1 point ago +1 / -0

Putin needs to level Kyiv and hunt the tranny president down and end this shit.

HereComesTrouble 3 points ago +3 / -0

Decency? These people have the utter gall to preach about decency??

According to libtards, "decency" is apparently:

  • chopping off little boys' genitals to give them gaping wounds
  • flaying little girls' arms to make them a play-dough like penis and balls
  • letting grown ass men beat up on women in sports
  • letting high school boys beat up high school girls in sports
  • murdering babies
  • conspiracy to commit murder against political opponents and their supporters

The list goes on, but I suppose that's what you get from Satan worshipers and demons.

HereComesTrouble 1 point ago +1 / -0

I told my husband that Homan is hot. He wasn't surprised I said that--I tend to veer toward badasses.

HereComesTrouble 5 points ago +5 / -0

I sure as hell hope so. The only way to root out the evil is to expose it to light. And watch normie's heads explode.

HereComesTrouble 20 points ago +20 / -0

I have been wary of her, but I'm loving this. Release it all. Bring the whole fuckin' diseased, corrupt temple down on their heads. Burn it to the fucking ground.

HereComesTrouble 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think a lot of people are falling into the trap of thinking no one can change. For example, I love my husband dearly, but he keeps talking about Trump being part of the cabal and this is all just an act because he's "a Zionist" (and he loves to point out every time Trump does anything slightly masonic). I'm never going to convince him Trump is one of the good guys--he thinks it's all part of the Hegelian dialectic and that he'll take us the same place the demoncrats intended and won't believe anything else until the left has been annihilated and we aren't slaves to the state.

HereComesTrouble 3 points ago +3 / -0

Build a wall and man it with snipers. If any of the libtard pieces of shit try to get into our country, shoot them and leave their bodies for the fucking buzzards. They want their libtard hellholes, they can stay in them.

HereComesTrouble 3 points ago +3 / -0

I want mass executions of these same fuckers. Put it on TV and let us watch it.

HereComesTrouble 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny how none of these stupid bitches have a problem with these guys until it appears they may obtain a position of power that the demoncraps don't like. This shit is as old as being called a racist and misogynist. Get a new shtick, dems. This has been overplayed.

HereComesTrouble 6 points ago +6 / -0

He ought to sue them the emotional and psychological damage done to his family for their conspiracy to commit murder, since the assassination attempts on him were fueled by their hateful rhetoric and lies. While he's at it, he ought to due the same to every politician who called him Hitler and told their followers he had to be "removed". These bastards need to pay.

HereComesTrouble 1 point ago +1 / -0

These cities Trump mentioned sort of worries me because they sound like the globalists' "15 minute cities" (you know, the ones they burned Hawaii for?). Has he distinguished between his ideas and the globalists' plans to lock us into big cities and disallow travel out of them?

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