Herringbone 1 point ago +1 / -0

You cannot look at this as linear “truth telling” time. We are mired in a world of false-information, psy-ops, In 2020 the U.S. was driven to the brink of Civil War internally by media and government infiltration, on the heals of the summer-of-madness of George Floyd and BLM false-flags. The Covid Crisis was meant to lock us down for 2 years, eviscerate the US and it’s people economically, and soften us for a foreign (Chinese) takeover. By “allowing” the vax agenda to happen it saved countless lives. First, they didn’t have all the “death jabs” needed so they had to “ship” a lot of saline shots to keep the vax- program rolling and “get us used to taking shots.” It bought the good guys enough time to wake-Us up, it was supposed to be MUCH worse, but Trump forced the bad guys to speed-up their plan so fast that it couldn’t achieve its full potential. This was truly a “Hunt for Red October” moment. He turned our ship (country) directly into an on-coming torpedo so it would hit us before it was fully armed.

If you haven’t seen the movie “Hunt for Red October” watch it. It will help this make more sense.

Herringbone 4 points ago +4 / -0

Warp Speed is a wargamed, game theory, cold calculation of potential outcomes. I believe the Q team knows exactly what resources were at the Cabal’s disposal, and took a cold hard look at potential mortality figures. Consider the possibility that the jab injuries and deaths will be less than the mortality of the other potential threats/bio weapons the black-hats at their disposal prior to 2020. By allowing the cabal to go full-tilt on the vax agenda, it allowed for us to exercise free-will and discernment. Individually. That would not have been the case with an Ebola, Marburg, or global thermo-nuclear war. It was a crap sandwich, but at least we got to chose weather or not to take a bite. Trump may have had to support this course of action, lest the bad guys drop a more lethal hammer.

Herringbone 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’m decades out of college. This was just sent to me by a friend.

Herringbone 4 points ago +4 / -0

The beach 390 Premier 1A is a “previous generation” business jet. My flight department looked at acquiring one but chose not to because Beach (aircraft manufacturer) went bankrupt and they (Beachcraft) no longer exists as an independent entity. That company was acquired by Textron (who owns Cessna and the Citation business jet line of aircraft as well as many others like the “Skyhawk” Cessna 172 that most people use as a trainer and / or first aircraft)

But I digress…

Bottom line: the Beach 390 is an “orphaned” aircraft. Parts are hard to find and Textron no longer supports it. The remaining fleet is small (less than 200 airframes flying worldwide) the fleet remains flying by a devoted cadre of owner-operators who keep them flying from a decade-old parts infrastructure consisting of devoted maintenance facilities and parted out derelicts.

They are good machines, but parts and service are a challenge. One can buy them very cheap, (less than 7 figures) that makes their “on paper” acquisition price to performance ratio appealing. But to get one…means a certain lifetime of parts and maintenance hassles and nightmares.

This accident happened in good weather…based on video….and the crash itself was so bad…so outside the “operational envelope” of an airplane on “final approach.” That I have to deduce that either the pilot died at the helm, or something very important broke very badly in the last moments.

I have a personal fascination with this accident because I do this for a living, but given the obvious total destruction of this, and the fact that it happened where it did…we’ll probably never know what happened. And since it’s an “orphaned airplane.” Even the manufacturer will be un-interested in figuring it out.

Herringbone 5 points ago +5 / -0

That plane was out of control when it hit. There was some catastrophic failure. That plane can fly stabilized at 120 knots easily even with both engines flamed out. That was at least a 45 degree bank and greater than 30 degrees pitch down. Speed was well in excess of approach speed,(probably greater than 200 knots). Given the fact that they were reportedly “cleared to land” they were within 20 miles of their destination. That means rapid depressurization was almost certainly not a factor. It would take the complete failure of a primary control surface to put the plane in that attitude. Could have happened during flap deployment. I know a few accidents that terminated like this with asymmetrical flap deployment. Premier 1a is a docile plane, but it is one of the few biz-jets that can be flown single pilot. So Pilot incapacitation is a real possibility.

Herringbone 20 points ago +20 / -0

Can we get Hunter to own a bump stock and a pistol brace too? I want those back.

Herringbone 8 points ago +8 / -0

It’s called the triangle weave weld. It’s one of about 8 “patterns” welders use to run symmetrical overlapping beads.

I’m not saying there isn’t pedo shenanigans going on, but…bear with me….not everyone is this far down our rabbit holes, and sometimes triangles are just triangles. I bet everyone of us has doodled something similar in our youth.

Herringbone 12 points ago +12 / -0

I think sometimes this symbol is used ignorantly. That triangular pattern is a common (albeit stylized) welding bead pattern that welders use to run a bead. I know when I see it, I think pedo, but someone who was unaware might innocently strike upon it.

Herringbone 1 point ago +1 / -0

1 is my hope, 8 (other) is my fear: Assassinated by red hat wearing ultra-Maga white supremist (CIA) with an AR 15 in an ice-cream shop.

Herringbone 8 points ago +8 / -0

How could an “issue” being considered “thrown to” the House of Representatives guarantee chaos? It’s the people’s house right? You know, the part of our federal government most directly tied to its constituents.

Herringbone 4 points ago +4 / -0

Death penalty seal broken on former presidents? Excellent.

Herringbone 3 points ago +3 / -0

The document, not you. Unless you fabricated the document.

These types of “documents” are emotional manipulation meant to inflame non-discerning people to action. It’s trolling at best, false-flag goading at worst. It’s a psyop. This one just happens to be poorly executed..

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