HighCountryAZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

A certain agency starting with the letter C contrived the entire thing including the 6 billion dollar oopsie just sent to the Ukraine.

HighCountryAZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

He grew up believing in vaccines cuz his mama did. Now he knows better. Too bad that awareness didn't come sooner. I realized recently that part of the problem now is that doesn't feel safe anymore to care about anyone but the unvaxxed. The minute you think someone is decent and smart and talented and feel any warmth towards or about them, you find out they dropped dead, even if they are young. And some of them, the world needs... and then, poof.

HighCountryAZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Meaning they have plenty of money but do not do good with it, only service their corruptions.

HighCountryAZ 5 points ago +5 / -0

Amen to this. The weight is the bottom line. Seems sister should prove she wants to live, with actual effort, not just be "saved" through someone else's risky sacrifice.

HighCountryAZ 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you can't bring yourself to make this decision, I firmly believe, it is because you are lacking certain information that would make your decision clear. In other words .. don't force a decision. If you have many apprehensions you might consider them your intuition, which is God-given guidance. But I know how difficult this "grey area" is. I know what it means to be 75 and wanting a new lease on life. And survival instinct is very selfish of course. So it has to be you who assesses the other aspects of this. I guess if it were my situation I would pray hard that the right answer would be shown to me clear as a bell and quickly. Your prayer as you go to sleep, that you awaken with guidance that is undeniable. In my family one cousin gave a kidney to another cousin and saved her life. They both healed beautifully. They were both in their 50's and otherwise healthy. So it was the right decision for them. Neither of them had been living their life in a previously self-destructive manner that gave them a serious co-morbidity. (Neither obese nor diabetic). I imagine the younger ages of both helped with the decision-making, too. By getting triple jabbed your sister sealed her fate, really. That and obesity and diabetes? I don't think this is your battle and your husband would not think so either.

HighCountryAZ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Her Rescue song is highly supportive in the war against child trafficking. I've been aware of her for a long time. Not every single successful person is evil. No wonder we are all so jaded though considering how illusions are crumbling around us every moment.

HighCountryAZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are special rehabs for nutritionally supported withdrawal from psyche meds. Not the same as the usual rehab for street drugs. If your mom could go to one that would be the safest way. The psyche med withdrawals can be very rough. But if she insists upon tapering off in a DIY withdrawal you have to lower doses by miniscule amounts over a long period of time. Looooong period. Don't rush it.

HighCountryAZ 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is why it is suggested that discussing religion or politics aka law-making is unwise to do at "parties". Because people just cannot endure it when others have a differing philosophy, and so, go on the attack. How is this any different than woke intolerance? It sure feels the same. Exactly why most of my life I ran screaming from people waving Bibles. And now I follow Jesus. But not religion.

HighCountryAZ 8 points ago +8 / -0

Really I suppuse they should be gelded. Like a horse. No nuts, no T, no pokie pokie.

HighCountryAZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes I believe that is actually what this is all about. But these nests of evil have to be cleaned out.

HighCountryAZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Something has to happen to uncover and squash the biolab and human trafficking massive-scale problem that is Taiwan. White hats/Alliance well aware and that includes Putin and some say, Xi. If true, then this is all going to play out in accordance. Things aren't as they seem. We are not going to be "at war with China" over them reclaiming Taiwan. It's just supposed to look like we are, IMHO. Can't we get our computer chips someplace else? Really. Monopolies are no good.

HighCountryAZ 2 points ago +3 / -1

Mmmmmm...... nah. Most of the skeeter talk is about the bio engineered ones to cut back the dengue fever etd.

HighCountryAZ 15 points ago +15 / -0

I'm not that quick to lump Reagan in with the rest of the shitheads.

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