Its like a switch has been flicked.
And all those lefties said it would never happen that they had plans to stop him being certified over insurrection. They will be melting, fuck em.
How did that work out for them again?
Mr President, Gitmo him and his family.
Time to fight fire with fire.
If he was being monitored like he says he was, they would have been watching his comms and unless they wanted it out there it would not have been allowed to be received.
Who knows, games within games.
Other side of the story could be he was sent to do a mission for the deep state and he got intercepted and taken out.
Why, just cos you don't like something, people can make their own call.
So a journalist reckons hey? Tell that to the troops in the front lines who are dying by the thousands whilst he sits back writing articles.
Send him to the front? Why hasn't he been press ganged into service like most Ukranian men.
He was deep state. We only have one party in Australia.
He had years to clear this up and did nothing. Fuck I hate this smug piece of shit.
This prick was balls deep in the deception.
And Lindsay Graham trying to block RFK. Might tell you something.
Would this trigger the military?
The assertion comes after a Ukrainian national security official and several sources in Azerbaijan claimed that the crash, which killed 38 people on Christmas Day, was caused by Russian air defence fire.
Ukraine? And the Western MSM run with this shit.
That may suggest someone has put a hack in the software.
Her days are numbered. Whore of Diddy.
Deport the fucker to hell, one way trip, do not pass go, no appeals, no final meal just execute him.
'She's a big kentucky fried chicken mother fucker.
Well given Jill wants to go scorched earth on Harris, Obama, Pelosi and co the stakes are rising so maybe going to be beg Joe to give her a pre emptive pardon.
Media now admitting Biden has been an imbecile for his whole term so the stage is set.
To make it better, they are upgrading existing ICBM's with this module.
We really need this war to end and end fast before we pass the point of no return.
Cananda needs to get this guy in ASAP.
His brain is fried. The Baldwin family were Hollywood royalty, think of the shit he has seen on his 'jounrney'. He sees no way out for himself and he is right. Its like the world is holding its breath at the moment.
Was a better thread on this that I missed so going to delete this. Apologies.
A little more in this tweet
It kind of makes sense, why?
The Government says they do not know what they are, where they come from and does nothing? Nah, they are hiding something.
If the admitted that this was the case panic would set in.
Might be some scientific reasons for why at night, eg less human activity to distort detection.
Post was apparently removed (so if this thread gets axed......................).
Anyway, smarter people than me here might be able to verify whether these type of drones ie gamma detectors exist but it would make sense that they do although the size is odd.
That judge looks like a total deviant.