Ordered some 4 ounce containers with squeeze droppers. Pour in some 80% DMSO from Amazon Measured a 250lb dose of Ivermectin and shake
You will get a milky white mixture of Ivermectin in a solution of DMSO, which will carry the ivermectin straight into your skin, or if your pet has lice, fleas, mites, etc. Just a few drops and rub into their skin. Emphasis on a FEW DROPS.
Warts, skin lesions, spots you may feel may turn into cancerous, just don't look right. Don't put a lot on, as the DMSO in concentrated form may burn a bit. A little bit goes a long way.
There are a few million Fed employees who have retired. Looks like 1/6 did what you did. Not that unusual. Audit then. No problem
Assuming guilt seems excessive
That said, I have zero problems prescribing rope and gravity to those NGO’s stealing tax dollars from us. But let’s establish guilt first
If you work an ordinary job, put 10-15% into your average 401K fund and do that for 20-30 years; you will be a millionaire too
It’s basic math. Most Federal workers are not paid huge dollars, they generally make 10-15% LESS than their industry counterparts. They do have stability.
Not everyone is in DC. We have maintenance workers on military bases, mail, parks, space, coast guard, drug enforcement. Not everyone is a bum.
She is the definition of an American hero
Has her difficulties, yet never plays the victim card. She owns her life, faces her difficulties with grace and embraces the challenges and exceeds all expectations
This is what we should all aspire to. I admire her courage and bravery, and especially her perseverance and dedication
If there is a Jew, or a Christian to be killed; Palestine will bomb it. You cannot make peace with a rabid dog.
The only way to peace in that region, is either genocide, or separating civilization from the barbarians with a fortified and extremely violent region. They won't allow any other solution.
I expect there are other similar agencies similar to USAID. Just simple strategy, never hang all your odds on a single point of failure.
Maybe National Endowment of the Arts? Maybe something entirely unrelated. I expect there are others too
If you were in the EPA, TSA, Dept. of Education or other targeted departments; taking the guaranteed paycheck until Sept 30th, with cash out of accrued vacation time - is a damn good idea.
It also gives you 8 months to look for another job, while you get a paycheck. Perhaps you will pick up a job and start work before then. That would be two paychecks for a few months - which would be nice.
Everyone wins.
One of the first lessons every soldier, every Federal Employee gets, is "Illegal Orders". There is an hour long class on this single topic.
If you follow an "Illegal Order", you will be held personally responsible. "I was only following orders" is not an excuse.
The key question is "why", and it's a simple answer. There is more prestige for an officer to take credit overseeing a $3 Million program than a $250K program. As long as the program is successful, the officer puts on his performance review that under his "leadership" the program fulfilled it's mission.
Stupid, yes. Inefficient, yes. Waste of taxpayer dollars, certainly.
But, change the metric by which people are measured, and change the way in which they operate.
Not all Contractors are the same. Consider, the USAF, NAVY, NASA and ARMY all use Contractors to service drones, warfighter equipment and build spacecraft. One reason is that unlike Federal employees, contractors can be hired, or dropped very quickly.
They generally are paid more than their Fed Employee counter-parts, but job security is generally the trade-off.
Most enterprise organizations use a RAID x00 system, where x is the format (RAID 1,2,5 and 6 are all popular) and each 0 is a mirrored copy located somewhere geographically, sometimes these are hard-drive copies; sometimes these are tape archives, which are generally kept for 90+ days.
To selectively erase a specific file, generally takes a bit of effort. Odds are that forensic evidence will recover nearly everything.
The Torrijos–Carter Treaties signed back in 1977 were being violated by Panama, and the US wasn't enforcing the terms of the treaty. President Trump clearly had a case for an ARMED response, as Panama had ceded both sides of the canal to Chinese management, as well as the lake at the center of the canal.
Failure to cancel the Silk Roads Contract with China, would have been grounds for the US to retake the canal, by force - as provided for in the Torrijos–Carter Treaties
USAID United States Agency for International Development
(it has nothing to do with giving aid at all) Funny, how these operations pick names that sound innocuous, while they take your tax dollars and fund illegal aliens, terrorists, fund censorship and murder innocent Americans.
One thing an arrogant high ranking official cannot stand, is someone who has the autist's knack of asking uncomfortable questions without a hint of discomfort, is not impressed with their rank, and is only concerned with their competence.
Many use bluster, threats, rudeness and intimidation - which only irritates the smarter autist. And the autist then proceeds to probe deeper and humiliate the administrator - because he made it personal.
Lutheran, Catholic, Baptist, Catholic or Mormon - don’t care. They all hang the same.
Commit treason, become a wind chime for a day, and a bird feeder for another day. Let God decide whether he approves of having g HIS name used to besmidge his church and betray his followers
Scum aren’t an endangered species. Let’s exterminate them
Administrative Leave, pending a full forensic audit and then termination for cause
Next is the Investigation and Charges phase; if guilty then loss of all Govt pension (which truthfully isn’t that amazing) and Federal jail (which is amazing for us)
Hopefully, charges include treason, and their internment is permanent
Seems the FBI agents who withheld this information should be charged as accomplices in this. They are every bit as guilty as the rapists.
They held the victims down, by proxy
Let them face the courts for justice