Love that username & amen fren.
I hope your supposition plays out. It will make the transition so much more peaceful. My concern is that the deep state isn't fully cornered yet. When they lose the election, and potentially the public is shown multiple decades of election fraud, there will be no other escape. Then they truly will be cornered & that is the most likely time for a precipice IMO.
I would rather see them procecuted properly as traitors via our military, on television so no one can deny it, & then once found guilty let them face a traitor's consequence.
That dark dream certainly is a faster solution, but I can see a path for that to cause sympathy for other traitors. We need to make sure the entire public detests their actions & demand accountability. Make it clear to any other copy cat that this is being watched by millions, not just an individual that could be more easily tracked & eliminated in the tuture.
Soros funds corrupt officials at a local level, and then those officials are his political pets doing his will to destroy America.
Money is created via District Attorneys ignoring violation of laws, and then they can be placed in stronger positions by the same donor who knows they will do as they are told.
The love of money is the root of all evil. The Devil's greatest trick was to convince individuals he does not exist. The next greatest was that he can buy anything (& the decieved/corrupt individual) with money.
Don't forget women in that cleanup. I need to find the links again (put EVERYTHING in an Election Fraud tag instead of specific labels🙄). Many voting areas will have maiden names used after a newly married woman takes her husband's name & moves away from their previous voting location.
LoL Just dumb songs my father always sang while traveling ended up sticking. Always had some weird thing he would sing, terribly, about & rhyme to make us all wonder what was really going on up there. Now I do it for my kids & they tell me I should sing real songs because they sounds better and make more sense LoL
Found Ayn Rand through some bumper sticker. Many college age friends in the town had seen the sticker & we ended up reading some books.
Best local enlightenment trick in the early 2000s near me. Made it easier to find others who would question things. Should have found out who owned the cars & met up. Maybe they are on this board.
Thank you! I had forgotten this
Sign the line with Ayn Rand, to avoid some mines & shine!
I saw a sticker on a couple cars around the county I lived in decades ago that simply said, "Who is John Galt?"
It got dozens of us to read this books when we were college aged guys. I am so grateful for those bumper stickers & the journey it started many of us on.
Thanks for sharing. The way he describes his post concussion symptoms made perfect sense to me. Having experience recovery issues myself, it makes perfect sense what he was saying about needing to verify what was said at times. 98%+ of the time I hear exactly what was said, occasionally I hear a word that clearly wasn't said & his approach to asking for it to be said again is better than what I have done with family.
I end up repeating the weird statement I heard (which I know isn't what they said) & half of the time I end up repeating for clarification we all laugh because what I heard from them in that rare case ends up being so far off from what was said that we just can't figure out how that crossed (half the time didn't even sound the same).
I have a feeling this version of Fetterman & I could have a good time together, regardless of political beliefs.
Now let's see Kamala do a discussion with Rogan.
You are very welcome. I know our Savior lives & that seeking God is the way out of this. I am so excited to see what happen in the coming years.
My friends & family are amazed at the peace I feel about the current time.
I was raised to seek truth anywhere I could find it. After reading & studying multiple religious texts (variety of religions & oral traditions) it seems that everything is lining up for America to take back our heritage & help pull the world out of darkness.
We still have a journey ahead of us, and it may get darker before we see the new golden age (precipice?), though I believe it will all work out if we focus on correcting course (call it repentance if you like) and focusing on correct principles and living as God wants us to.
My fam has two different versions of what happened to me as a child. Mom told me I had been brought back after a terrible rollover where my father landed on me & eemveryone thought I had been ejected from the vehicle until paramedics got my father out.
My dad has always said he thought I was just knocked unconscious.
Neither of them saw the bearded doctor in a white coat/robe that touched my head & told me everything would be okay & I could just go back to sleep. I had never felt so much peace in my life until I was much older & started to study & apply biblical covenants to my life.
I wish I would have asked that doctor his name. He looked so much like many of the pictures of Jesus, though there are many dark haired bearded men.
Thanks for sharing this. I am excited to see what the future holds & the biblical events that are right around the corner.
You are very welcome.
I am glad to have someone else who is willing to rationalize through stuff. I do my best, though you take it to another level.
Thanks for sharing your talents with us.
So many new Anons waking up & searching for truth, they just don't know. Tha k you for your efforts in showing the path, tedious as it may be, over & over again.
We have so many new eyes that come here & just don't know yet. It could also be an effort by TPV to gain an audience of new Anons trying to wake up.
It took me some time before I disregarded all they had to offer, unfortunately my parents still believe they must be good because they called out some of the problems early on. Regardless of how problematic they are, many just need to keep seeing the data you provide & it really does help. Some are just stuck in trusting ruts because they are too honest & just can't comprehend (yet) how a apparently good news program could be used for deceit.
Again thank you for your hard work. u/#WWG1WGA
My father needs a 240V to power his pump for the well (way too deep).
That said, I believe a few solar panels & a really good inverter should get an hour a day of power in the worst case emergency. Not ideal, but it should get them enough for himself & the neighbors to keep hydrated. He finally got a propane generator that kicks on & will keep that water flowing. The solar is just a redundancy. may work. I need to see what my brother ultimately decided to get for them.
Always good to have a test run before real problems hit.
I am able to power my fridge for a few hours per day & recharge some electronics with the few solar panels I picked up & the battery I have. Worst case, I have some power. We have lots of stuff for heat if needed & a neighbor showed me how a 9v battery should power my fireplace heat if. The absolute worst happens. Still, it is good to have these back ups as we bukld for total off grid preparedness.
Great Meme
I suggest "Democrat's economy is so bad, you have to work 2 jobs!"
Though your. Message is still recieved well.
That makes sense. Thank you, I need to go back & read all the drops again. It has been over a year & no do try to be accurate with them, I may fail & am glad to have great frens correct me with reference materials every time.
I loved this movie! My favorite song is When You Believe. So may great renditions, though I think I am most partial to Peter Hollen version, though looking for links I forgot how much I also love the One Voice version.
One Voice
Peter Hollens (nuts I forgot his was a Mashup that I originally heard)
Mashup Zoom When you Believe
Well now I discovered Mat & Savanah Shaw!
Hard to choose a favorite, they all are amazing & have reasons to choose them.
Thinking about it in terms of LED screens, none of the individual pixels could understand how they each play a part in the whole unless they could see/begin to understand a picture larger than themselves.
Thank you for prompting this analogy!
Now I wish I had read it again during that time. That would have been crazy. It did prepare me for the Obama years though.