That makes sense. Thank you, I need to go back & read all the drops again. It has been over a year & no do try to be accurate with them, I may fail & am glad to have great frens correct me with reference materials every time.
I loved this movie! My favorite song is When You Believe. So may great renditions, though I think I am most partial to Peter Hollen version, though looking for links I forgot how much I also love the One Voice version.
One Voice
Peter Hollens (nuts I forgot his was a Mashup that I originally heard)
Mashup Zoom When you Believe
Well now I discovered Mat & Savanah Shaw!
Hard to choose a favorite, they all are amazing & have reasons to choose them.
Thinking about it in terms of LED screens, none of the individual pixels could understand how they each play a part in the whole unless they could see/begin to understand a picture larger than themselves.
Thank you for prompting this analogy!
Am I the only one that heard him say 'So I needed to be destitute before I succeeded, and Kamala will help you become destitute so you too can succeed.'
Deported for the sticky request. This needs to be known for all anons.
Thank you! I will check this out.
Yeah, I still have a neighbor who endorses Harris/Walz, though they genuinely appreciate our conversations about why I support Trump & are always grateful that I am a "republican that can see problems in the party". I am grateful that most of the other left leaning neighbors are all in for Trump this time around many trust MSM far less than they have before. Just being a helpful neighbor & being willing to have hard conversations in an empathetic way has been a good success.
Granted I live in a very conservative area & was amazed that my neighborhood leaned as far left as it did. This time around, many are excited for Trump that were never Trumper republicans in 2020.
Now there is still one Republican in this neighborhood who thinks the party has gone nuts (though they want war to maintain power with a petro dollar & can't accept war is now a Democrat philosophy). Though he admits that anyone would be better than Kamala & Walz.
When I saw the Trump event in New York, it finally set in that what I have been experiencing here locally must be going on all over, even in Democrat strongholds, even if it I'd to a lesser degree.
Thank you so much for sharing your story & I keep praying that more wake up to our awful situation.
I have read WAY too many esoteric books & information over the years. When others ask why my God would allow evil to happen I ask if they want what ancient societies believed, or what my opinion is after lots of study. Ultimately it is the same answer (and I could certainly be wrong). I need to find the book I first found it in and find the exact quote (rarely do I see someone else post this so I haven't created a copy paste, I really should).
Ultimately there are some oral traditions & ancient texts that claim that this world is a trial/testing/proving ground & that lucifer was allowed to have control here to show that his ideas would work. The details differ in each account, but the overall message was that God allows evil to play out so that all of his other creations, in his worlds without end, will have proof that his plan is what is needed in all worlds that he created & not Lucifer's/the devil's/Satan's plan.
According to those accounts this world, & God's children/himans here, all agreed that we would go & take part in this trial to prove that God was right & he would save us in the end.
Again, I read way too much esoteric information, though it all seems to line up with the plan that we will have Jesus save us soon & gives me faith that we are still on track.
Q simply lined up with too many prophecies & has shown too frequently, IMO, that they are doing all they can to help save as many souls as possible before the end.
Their ability to see the "game" board, like a master chess player, and play from the end result backwards to compel their opponents into predictable moves just solidified how well they know the opposition.
I was always under the impression that there were less than 10 Q members with only a few that were non military. Where did you come up with the 40?
So many October Surprises this year, it is hard to keep up.
As much as this makes sense, do you have any sacue for it? I have found that due to so many patterns lining up with these guys, it is easy to assume claims are true, because it is something they likely would do. Having the evidence helps prevent confirmation bias.
Time flies when you are helping save the world :D
Prayers going out for Chris! I am so sorry to hear this.
I thought it was a couple years before the 2020 election. There was a hard push to silence everyone about a year after Q started drops, if my memory serves correctly.
I figured Q had dropped off the map, or must have been a LARP when I didn't hear anything after The_Donald was removed & The_Donald. win win was set up (now for those who don't know). But man it just seemed so real.
Then on .win a few were talking Q drops here on GAW & I jumped right in. Found out I had missed VOAT though was just glad to be back with guys who knew what was really happening. I haven't looked back since.
edit - I also was around on GreatAwakening on reddit IIRC. Man so many details in the past.
I rode the wave in TD & found Q, but never heard of CBTS, what was that about?
I didn't know that Cats. There are claims those were not really passenger planes. You don't happen to recall any details that could confirm or refute claims they were military guided planes do you?
So much noise around that time, it is hard to know the full truth.
Just doing what I can.
They can be an amazing tool. It is an example of how even the best of us can be caught unaware & to always be willing to understand & learn.
I have many senior aged family who did not grow up with computers that I am consistently teaching about online fraud & how to spot it.
It amazes me even kids who were growing up in the 80s-90s have no clue about verifying URLs in online scams & other tech stuff.
I am so glad you are here, able & willing to learn. As I was told growing up watching GI Joe, knowing is half the battle.
Your initial thought was wrong, this is not a parody, the insanity that is American leftist cognitive process, aka communism.
I couldn't stop laughing.
u/winn a different translator offers this as of this morning has Baal Enci aga = Baal the king Enci aga = act like an angel Enci = Enci Aga = aga (seems the link "auto corrects" to Balenciaga)
Yandex doesn't event translate to anything else. Unfortunately an archive does not show the translation.
Movie reference.
Great Meme
I suggest "Democrat's economy is so bad, you have to work 2 jobs!"
Though your. Message is still recieved well.