HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Will keep Grandma in our prayers.

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Came here to post this. We don't have 2/3 of the senate filled with Republicans. Which Democrats voted for cloture, or we're there simply many Dems missing so the 2/3 was upheld by all Republicans showing up and about half of the Dems not where they were supposed to be for the vote?

I was taught about a bait & switch in Utah when on the schedule an Obama care prevention issue was brought up last minute because there was some claim one of the reps had to bring up that would never go anywhere about Barry's birth certificate. Dems walked out after getting some minor win from the committee & started bragging to the news. The head in less than 30 seconds got a unanimous vote to stop Obama Care in Utah & it moved to the floor for a vote.

It was crazy to see that happen. I wonder if something similar happened here?

HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unpopular opinion incoming. I want sheriffs to retain their position as the highest law enforcement authority & do what they are elected to do.

That said, any sheriff that was installed via election fraud should have zero authority. Was this sheriff selected instead of elected?

Either way, I don't see his actions being a good choice for him & can potentially backfire terribly once election fraud is clearly shown, at all levels, for normies when all is said & done.

HonestBobbin 13 points ago +13 / -0

Unless he really is Q, this is a terrible idea. I believe he claimed he was at one point, though I could be recalling that incorrectly.

Granted, no Q follower or anon would buy into this grift. Though becoming a 'pay'triot does set up a trap to pull in half a billion from deep state. It is News orgs & deep state members who would gladly pay for this information.

I wonder if he simply keeps the funds & exposes a now deceased anon, maybe Seth Rich?

No matter how you look at it, this just look bad for those who have been willing to use those boards to research & find truth anonymously.

edit - I do not believe he is part of the Q team.

HonestBobbin 5 points ago +5 / -0

It will come. I would rather use the tactics learned in the Art of War. These Crooks have always trusted the process (something found in Jason Chaffetz, former house Oversight head, discussed in his book Deep State IIRC).

They will almost certainly use this process to attempt to hide these crimes & more. Exposing them all, letting them get complacent because of little to no legal proceedings brought against them, and then snapping the trap that have been building tension for the normies for a long time (maybe 6 months - 1.5 years) will have massive support & none will be able to hide from what was found.

Knowing your enemy and their habits is key & this Trump administration knows these deep state wretched far better than the deep state know Elon's twenty year old programmers & how these programmers operate with AI.

That alone allows this DOGE process to easily win. Can you imagine these 20 somethings going after corrupt judges if the process shifts to activist judges consistently siding with the deep state as they usually do? What secrets do these judges want to keep hidden? Would they flip, quit, or take more drastic measures if they were pressured by both sides? White hats demanding they recuse or follow legal precedent, while black hats demand they make corrupt ruling to prevent exposure. When both sides are threatening the same thing (exposing your own crimes, infedelity, child harm, etc...) then what choices do you have left?

Just get comfy & enjoy the exposure. The more exposure there is, the more the public will demand that it be corrected. The spring is winding, and that tension will need to go somewhere when it is released.

edit - added '& their habits' & made the art of war principle of knowing your enemy green for easier skimming.

HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably, it just seemed weird. That said, I have researched the human trafficking thing & had been following Tim Ballard ever since he was mentioned by Q.

Every oddly stated bedroom reference just throws a flag for me anymore, regardless of intent, so I am likely reading way too much into this.

HonestBobbin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Was Trump just doing guy talk with the Lincoln Bedroom thing, or is it a comm? Maybe tied to JFK or his wife (wiki gave me that idea).

Maybe JFK files are being released, or the files that have been held hostage are now free?

That Lincoln Bedroom think just stood out to me.


HonestBobbin 33 points ago +33 / -0

The next Billboard behind this one should be purchased.

"...but, Elon was appointed by the Chief Executive with the Authority Obama set up for digital services.

Thanks Obama!"

HonestBobbin 9 points ago +9 / -0


More Game Over found here


Posted this to another stickied post, but it felt like the Game Over needed to be left here for those new to Q.

HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh after reading my response, it switched the words again. I thought I had double checked it 🤣

Maybe it is DEI that has tinkered with the predictive algorithms🤔, it used to be great 🤣🤣🤣

HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

As a young child I attended a Stadium of Fire show on the 4th of July. That year they had what seemed to my young mind a UFO landing & then ET came out of his ship, emerging from a backliy door from all the smoke (theater smoke machines). Just said, "ET phone home" & then they made it llok like his ship rose up in the smoke & dissapeared.

Your comment reminded me of a great childhood memory. It would be great to have a repeat of that today LoL

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Sis, I love you. Regardless of who ends up being right about what is going on, I will always be here to help you & I hope you will do the same for me. Any chance you want to dig into this with me and help me figure out where I might be wrong?"

When they give you information, thank them graciously, then look at it. Find where they are not accurate & then come back 'confused'. How can the information they gave you be accurate if this other thing you found is true. You really want to believe what they are suggesting, but something doesn't add up & you really appreciate their help trying to figure it out.

Always be genuinely appreciative of their willingness to help & then give them more rebuttals a few days later when you disagree.

Always approach from a place of love & remember regardless of who is right, you will always be there to help her & hope she will do the same for you. The journey will bring you both closer.

HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am so sorry to hear this. He is included in our prayers & pray he heals.

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