HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am torn on this. I don't know all the chemicals being sprayed, though my father told me that there is a large enough increase in precipitation when silver is prayed in the air, so states in the west continue to do it to increase rainfall in our arid environments.

Anything that is harmful to humans must go, though if it is colloidal silver being sprayed, I don't see a real issue with that.

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

PBS should be put in here too. Let NPR & PBS be fully funded by voluntary donations. They would run only on the will of the people that donate. Also those donor lists need to be made public with the amount donated.

HonestBobbin 2 points ago +3 / -1

I agree, though base it all on Arizona Time. MST needs to be Arizona time & then base the other time zones in the US off of that.

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Prayers coming Gem's way. I haven't heard that name for decades, reminds me of an old cartoon & how my brothers & I always thought that we the best time to leave the TV for food & games.

Though I still recall the theme song that played in the background.

Hope her mother gets well & that she gains a testimony of Jesus.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

This seems like comms. Almost like those who read them are warning that these new appointees of Q (17 all over that article) are Unaffiliated Fanatical Obstructionists

My UFO analogy is likely off, but the comms are obvious & seem to point to PANIC about Trump's picks.

HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

I pray this gets reset to only constitutional law immediately after these boomerangs hit. I would even settle for that before they hit.

I have a neighbor who has brought up their concern about retribution due to the precedent set over the past few years (though they believe MSM & thought it was justified). I genuinely share that concern & am hopeful that Trump is dedicated to God, and will restore the constitution to it's proper place. If not, many of those precedents can be used against the people in incredibly horrifying ways.

I guess keep your powder dry applies here.

HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those attorneys would get money from the losing side. If the losing side does not have a legit case, most of those attorneys would just say there is not possible win & they are not risking a loss of time on someone without assets. For a $1k representation they might, but not for a case that could run 10k+

Frivilous law suits would stop due to attorneys on both sides realizing they wouldn't get paid.

I have an ex who has had a couple lawyers drop her once they realize she submitted false information & that I go after lawyers who allow my ex to submit false documents.

These lawyers want to repay their loans & would stop representing Frivilous law suits almost overnight if they thought they would never get paid.

I still have never heard a convincing argument as to why we should not do a closer pay all system. Though I am certainly open to the concept if a rational, and persuasive, idea comes along.

HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

You and me both fren. I think a lot of us were hoping for that.

HonestBobbin 5 points ago +5 / -0

Random thought, that is very unlikely, what if the precipice is that these 3-4 week old votes magically out Kamala ahead of Trump?

She already bowed out, so he still gets the nomination. Though that could be a catalyst for a final push to retain power.

I love my weird thoughts. Has helped me prepare for the one that just happens to end up being the most correct.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never would have looked at Wired for this report. Thanks for sharing Cats.

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

You can make original ideas by writing on existing pics with something as simple as MS Paint.

You can get more elaborate with GIMP (similar to Adobe Photoshop) if you want to take time to learn it. Multiple videos online for that open-source software.

Then there are pre set meme maker websites.




Hope this helps. Not sure what links on making memes you were looking.

HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

I still need to watch this one. Thank you for the reminder.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree with you there. Being an insulin dependent diabetic, I have acquired a taste for the stuff. I use sugar for most things, though I drink diet soda occasionally. Picked up the habit again when I needed to drive through the night multiple times about 12 years ago.

I have had a few xylitol flavored sodas that aren't bad, though it isn't a natural sweetener either.

Agave seemed to be the best sweetener for me in terms of sweetness & less (still does it, but far less) blood sugar spike. A buddy of mine swears by monkfruit, though I haven't found it to be a good fit as a sweetener yet. I still need to tinker with it more.

Hope your mom & grandma are healthy. My grandpa defied the odds, living until his 90s. Hoping I have those genes 😅

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would prefer civilians counting the votes, at least one from every party that is present to keep counts honest.

Having military there to keep the peace or take over traitors for any form of election Fraud would be a good idea, as long as out military service members are honest & uphold the constitution (which I think the overwhelming majority would).

edit - You said militia. Having them around too would be great.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for this context.

Unfortunately that isn't enough for most voters in Utah. I expect Curtis to vote like Romney & then have voters locally get upset enough to primary them for another machine chosen RINO

Things have gone from constitutionalist to seemingly deep state puppet ever since the "count my vote" initiative took hold, which only happened after the machines were installed in Utah. Forced primaries instead of allowing delegates to vote for the best candidates.

Now we have low information voters picking the highest dollar marketed candidate, and those who have served before (ie establishment GOP) can force a primary with voters if they have ever served as any elected official before.

Utah voted NO multiple times on changing how Republicans chose their candidates for decades. Then the machines were installed to count votes & magically voters flipped to wanting to essentially discard the precinct votes and delegate process.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

John Curtis has rubbed me the wrong way since he was a mayor in Provo.

What info do you have that I can share with others about Curtis that makes him unclean?

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