Maybe start in Phoenix and ares of Colorado instead.
Discrimination. This will go to the SC.
Yes, they must’ve prosecuted. At the very least, they influenced/interfered in an election
This must change. Upon leaving office, every government employee must lose their security clearance, except former Presidents (unless found guilty of crimes against the U.S.).
Oh I trust he will, along with the good parts of our military, but it will be a battle. The battle is between good and evil. With God’s guidance, I pray he and his administration will be successful. All must be revealed so this never is allowed to happen again.
The nightmare doesn’t end tomorrow, it only changes. The cabal will not give up until they are all arrested, destroyed or imprisoned under maximum security. DJT and family, JD Vance and family, and all of Trump’s cabinet and family must be supported and protected. Evil is everywhere and will lash out brutally until they are destroyed.
They may have saved their home, but if they live there, surrounded by all the destruction, have they destroyed their mental and physical health. The chemicals everywhere can’t be good for their skin and lungs. They are in a no win situation.
Hope DJT claws that money back. Who or what agency awarded it? Did this get Congressional approval for spending? More than 1 word, I know.
Seems there is a lot of fraud going on in good olde Georgia!
Time to audit these pieces of shit. Did they engage in insider trading? Did they accept money from foreign donors and/or Soros? Did they accept money, gifts, vacations from lobbyists? Elizabeth Warren should pay back monies obtained by claiming to be American Indian, thereby influencing any jobs she obtained to garner DEI type favors. This too was fraud. It always amazes me that they believe they are above the law.
The CIA was not ELECTED PRESIDENT. This should mean the entire Presidency was fraudulent, so EVERYTHING is negated: all executive orders, everything passed by Congress, all political/government appointments. That opens up to everyone involved being personally sued.
I don’t believe it will be that speedy. There is paperwork involved, but I do hope it is expedited. Many have no place to go, they lost family, friends, jobs, their homes. Those on the Jan. 6 committee and the DOJ who prosecuted them, as well as Capitol Police, FBI and informants should be held personally liable, have everything they own confiscated to pay restitution. That is the only way anyone learns not to pull this unlawful, bogus shit again. All the lawyers must be disbarred, all involved banned from government service in their lifetime,and the police barred from serving as police officers ever again.
Based pilot.
Congrats to the young man who bested CNN, and rightly so. If you don’t have your good reputation and your good health, you have nothing.
The question is, how do you prove they are illegal?
Withdraw all work permits and start deporting. Yes, children were brought in ILLEGALLY by parents and these children have been living for years, maybe decades here. However, the ones they need to be angry at is their parents for putting them in this untenable position, not the government for following immigration laws. Return to your country of origin and apply for legal admittance and citizenship. You and your family have illegally jumped the line.
Go suck an egg. The world isn’t going to finance your multi-million dollar villa.
These stupid people: Zero protests for brain dead, corrupt Biden taking office; okay with mandated lockdowns, mask wearing and covid shots by Biden; okay with inflation-increased gas prices, food prices; okay with Biden pardoning thousands of criminals; okay with open borders with rapes, murders, increased thefts, freebies to illegals; okay with lack of Federal assistance in East Palestine, Ohio, N. Carolina, Lahaina, & California; okay with botched Afghanistan withdrawl with 13 servicemen killed and countless injured; okay with billions of Ukraine aide and money laundering. These people, predominantly women, are crazy ass, stupid, idiots.
Born and raised in Cali and attended Berkeley. Not good signs. Time will tell. Sometimes you have to break a few eggs to accomplish a good result.
Roseanne looks good in blond braids!
The downfall of America began when the Nazis were brought over after WW II to take positions in our government. Instead they should have been hanged. They infiltrated not only the U.S., but S. America, Antarctica and invaded other countries slowly, bringing their ideology with them and the desire to spread genocide and depopulation wherever they resided. That is why they are proponents of: abortion, the takeover of farming/food, bio-weapons labs, the medical complex and big pharma. They stir dissension, discord, discontent, racism. Those at the top, who control the banking, keep us impoverished and it is only the interconnected circle who succeeds financially. Everything is rigged: elections and so even runs, interest rates, high credit cards interest, the lottery, Wall Street, gold/silver prices, etc.
Seems like a small select gathering. Not a “ball” with band and dancing, as we know one to be. Rather more of a meeting. Also, few women.
It would be wise to limit credit cards to two. People rely too much on credit cards which sink them into life long debt. Even if one has excellent credit, the interest rates remain high. Interest should be capped at 10%. Banks still make a hefty profit.
That guy was an incompetent fool. Those clapping like trained seals reveal their stupidity.
ERS is the External Revenue Service just announced a few days ago by DJT. to collect tariffs. There are good people in all the agencies, but unfortunately d/t the corruption and inefficiency these agencies must be defunded and put in the dustbin, and then reimagined.