HotSnakes 1 point ago +1 / -0

DOING: No COVID vax, no seed oils, no fluoride, no coke... Two weeks without alcohol. Moved family to Florida from California.

NEEDS: Precious metals, more stored food, guns.

Anything else I'm missing? More help would be appreciated.

HotSnakes 4 points ago +4 / -0

Drumpf is fucking orange. So self centered. Why doesn’t he stand down so things can go back to how they were before?!? I can’t wait until MSNBC rips him a new one everyday for two years! It will be glorious. He will again become a Nazi, bigot, homophobe, racist asshole again! When WILL he make America great again? Try NEVER!!! He’s so stupid and he lies all the time. Plus Melania is so ugly none of the top fashion magazines will put her face on the covers. She’s probably being held against her will. I can’t wait to watch SNL destroy Trump every Saturday night. Watch Shapiro guys. He knows what’s up. Gah gah gah gah.

Now I need a shower to wash the lunatic libbiness off of me. Thanks for the vent!

HotSnakes 1 point ago +1 / -0

You’re right. A Presidential announcement as a Republican seems like one step back. Announcing with his own party sounds big. And it also ties in with his “hopefully”.

HotSnakes 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do we know if NBC, ABC, CNN or CBS are carrying it as well? Why do I doubt that. Like is the only place to see this going to be on Right Side Broadcasting?

HotSnakes 5 points ago +5 / -0

The word hope or hopefully always bumped for me. The word itself leaves the door open to failure. I wonder why Trump used that word. Twice.

HotSnakes 5 points ago +6 / -1

They don’t get paid for this. Their mission is to keep a clean board that doesn’t sway into bullshit not related to Q. I learned this the hard way. But I paid my debt to society and now I see the error in my ways. Thank you Mods for doing a great job making this the best news source on the internet!

HotSnakes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jizz is gross. Should’ve wrote nut muck.

HotSnakes 6 points ago +6 / -0

Clean fluoride-free water is my biggest concern for the future battling a Satanic cabal hell-bent on killing us. Calcifying your pineal gland so your perception is dulled is part of the plan. Don’t wait for this lawsuit. Get a fluoride filter for your water.

HotSnakes 5 points ago +5 / -0

I thought I bookmarked some alt sites way back for if/when the wins are shutdown. Now I can't find them anywhere. Do those backup sites exist, or was that a fevered dream?

HotSnakes 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is high quality content right here. We’re not worthy.

HotSnakes 3 points ago +3 / -0

Look, I agree with you. America should be free. I moved from California to Florida this year because LA is a crime infested shithole. I’m literally hanging out here for now while this clown world unfolds. I knew this election was going to be stolen like 2020. Of course it would be. Nothing was fixed. Florida was fixed though. That’s obvious.

HotSnakes 14 points ago +17 / -3

I think The Great Awakening can encompass many things. I always hedge my bets on the fact that our controllers have lied to us about EVERYTHING. Our history is written by the rulers. Are the rulers good people? Lots of people think “Qanon” is a Psy-Op to make people docile and trust the plan. Basically do nothing while the Great Reset moves right along.

Now, myself, I’ve been down every rabbit hole there is. You need to research everything then use your own discernment about what you believe is true. If you say something like evolution is truth or the world is a ball, then you should at the very least understand the other side of the argument.

There is too much banning people on here and shaming people for sharing information. If someone posted about some crazy story of Hillary Clinton eating the face off a child, I’d want to get to the bottom of that. Or if someone shared a video of a lizard person here, I’d want to see it and use my own discernment. If there is no conclusive answer then I put it aside and wait.

Too much censorship on this free speech platform IMO. Stop being a know-it-all to all things under the sun and stars. It’s an ugly look. Very liberal trait.

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