Your expectations of normies is too high. You probably think of these other people as kind of like you, and so you expect them to behave like you. As weird as this may come off, the truth is that normies really are like a different species, and you shouldn't expect them to respond to things the way you do.
This was an issue in my personal life. I kept hating people because I expected them to look at things with something akin to my consciousness. After a few years of talking to people and seeing how truly stupid they are, I realized that it's not fair to hold these people to the same standard I hold myself to. I'm not saying that you should excuse all normie behavior. I'm just saying that treating people as toddlers as helped me keep my sanity and has helped my relationships in general.
If we're talking 1, over 50%. More than one, I'd say slightly under 50%.
Orange county NY is NOT upstate NY!
Albany is upstate.
There is no getting through this without some belief in a higher power. Our resolve is going to be tested for awhile. Ultimately what will get us through this is our faith. I believe that all this had to happen, and that some spiritual lessons just have to painful. For some of us it has to be excruciating.
This will all end eventually, one way or another. I know it feels like it will never end but eventually it will. It has to.
This isn't a joke. I'm sure this process has taken most of us here years and years to fully wrap our head around, and I'm sure there's plenty I still don't know about. How are people going to deal with multiple disclosures of all sorts of things if this all comes out over a few months? What's going to happen with all these SJW types whose entire identity is wrapped up in all this bullshit when they find out that they've been supporting pure evil this whole time?
I wouldn't be surprised if some people off themselves honestly. It's going to be not just one big shock, but multiple back to back shocks.
Reddit really is the worst. It's like evil perfected. Rewarding drones for posts parroting the status quo with virtual tokens and badges seems extra distopian
Wow, that's shocking.
How could 85% of Americans be so dense?
Keep on glowing. Why don't you start a thread on EXACTLY what all of us should do, and how to do it, instead of just telling people to take "action" in every thread you post in.
You do that and I'll apologize for calling you a fed, but we both know you won't do shit. You want "action"? Lay out something
Why do you say I'm hellbent? I just don't see any other way. What happens if trump gets in and all this bad shit still happens with him at the helm? That's not really a good way to start your new republic, right? Bad things are going to happen because they have to. Do you want Biden or trump to get the blame for it?
Another thing to consider is that there's much more unraveling that has to happen still. The economy still has to crash, supply chain issues, vax and covid health crises... Trump needs to come back AFTER the shit hits the fan, not before.
When things get so bad that people are genuinely concerned about their physical well being, that's when everything regarding fraud should be revealed. Biden and the D's will take ALL of the blame, not trump
I also think McCain was in on it during 2008 as well. Remember that whole "suspend my campaign" nonsense? And then letterman calls him out on it and then he goes on letterman just to look like an idiot?
I was a bit of a democrat back then, but that whole thing got my noggin joggin a tad.
I always thought PMs were for AFTER a crash, not during it. Of course no one is going to want silver when if they're starving and living through a mad max scenario.
PMs are more for a thunderdome situation, where society is putting the pieces back together and looking for a reliable way of exchanging goods
Cathy O'Brien also talks about him in trance formation of america
Enforcers of the NWO will not be forgiven
Spotify has gotten terrible lately anyway with the ads. I've mostly switched to livexlive
Using this site to make real world connections is a good idea.
What if we... Wait for it... Made simpler cars without so much damn modern technology in them to begin with? Most of the modern conveniences cars have are completely unnecessary.
I remember thinking back in high school- the fact that no company makes a modern bare bones car for like $10K is proof that everything is a racket and all these companies work together to keep prices high. If one company had a simple to work on and cheap car for sale, they'd own the market. Every college kid would want one.
Cam here to post this. Obvious strawman is obvious.
They keep saying how we're "fringe". If we're taking over, maybe that means that THEY are fringe?
Agreed, I immediately think anyone posting charlie kirk is shilling
These people don't understand what dogma is. If your position is that "____ institution is trustworthy", that's dogmatic.
Really, all of these conversations always end up being about one meta conversation- who can you trust and why can you trust them? This is where these people start freaking out. They break down at this point, and start acting childish.
I remember years ago having an argument on a forum with a guy where he kept citing the new York times. I asked him "how do you know that what NYT prints is always true?" His reply- "BECAUSE ITS THE NEW YORK TIMES"
These people are just as religious as anyone else out there, it's just that all their faith is in these man made institutions.
Genetic fallacies Appeals to motive False equivalencies Strawmanning Red herrings Appeals to ambiguity
Those fallacies are EVERYWHERE with leftists. I try to call out all these whenever I see/hear them.
We need to start bringing up that in 1984 there was a division of the government designed to destroy language. The idea was that if the language was destroyed, people's ability to communicate with one another would also be destroyed.
Most of these newspeak terms have no actual stable working definition. There's no way to have an adult conversation with people about these words if they have no stable definition. This is all by design. Case in point- I had a "conversation" with someone who was trying to tell me that "science" is logic. Science was also number theory. Basically anything that tells us any information about the world is purely science now, even if it has nothing to do with the scientific method whatsoever.
Right, it's another psyop. The vax will mostly be fine for now, MSM will say anyone opposed to the vaccine believes in wild nonsense, some few people will become sick, those sick will be shown as victims of a variant, everyone rushes out in fear to get another booster, that booster has slightly more poison, repeat ad infinitum
Honestly 08s impact felt like it was overnight. At least when it came to people panicking. I was too young to really be invested in the stock market at the time, but that felt like we were going through another 9/11. That was a traumatic time. As a new Yorker I felt like 08 honestly was almost as bad as 9/11.