Not sure about Comey, but I do know Rosenstein and Comey have been at odds. And I do recall reading somewhere at some point some opinions that Rosenstein "might" be a white hat. But others say their rift was an act. It's so hard to tell, honestly. Hopefully one day it is all revealed.
From Stew's question to Lara about why people like Hannity and Levin are pro-Ukraine, Revolver News has a great write-up on that very topic:
We have our house for sale in Austin and have already bought a place in the burbs to get away from the Austin City Council and AISD. The city is in a downward spiral and we have to protect our kids.
Yeah it is a double-edged sword. In order to see the crime, you have to break the law. And in order to share the crime with friends and family who have never believed it, you are basically saying "hey I know it's child porn, but you have to watch it for political reasons."
There just isn't a smooth way to shared something like that.
Devil in a Blue Dress
Which is why I voted for Don Huffines in the primary. Sadly, he lost.
This is a good thing. At this point, anyone that wants to watch Trump should be aware enough to understand there are alternative platforms. I'm continually perplexed that Trump supporters would go to Youtube at this point anyways, when it's common knowledge that other platforms support Trump and will always be there streaming his rallies.
I agree if we are talking about a healthy economy. But healthcare is crazy expensive because the system has been compromised.
Clapper needs to be towards the top of that list.
There was a big meeting in Antarctica back in December that Klauss Schwab, The lady that heads the IMF and some leaders of the crypto community attended. Probably many others too. I believe someone posted in here about it.
There is also a Rothschild Island in Antarctica.
The White House briefing the young influencers of the USA on a platform owned by the Chinese. Nothing to see here.
I found an old iPhone in a junk box in my attic. It's from around 2013. Charging it up now. I have no idea if it will work though.
Lol, I came here to say the same thing.
I'm pretty amazed they are about to launch and still don't have an Android App available. Hopefully the mobile web site will be easy to navigate on a phone web browser.
I would also be hesitant about relying solely on Apple's App Store. They might be simply waiting for the platform to launch and then go find a few posts they disagree with and then pull the app out of their app store just to sabotage the launch and give the media a bunch of negative content to write about.
I want this guy on my team.
Are these people for real, as in still pushing the vax when the world around them is moving on? It must be for protective measures at this point, so it looks like they really believed the vax hype when they were being draconian to their citizens. I'm convinced these city/state leaders are transitioning into CYA mode. For many, it's play dumb and pretend you believed the Biden regime. Hence continuing to push the vax as you were beforehand.
What happened to mayors running cities?
They should just contact CNN, who had a realtime, magical Covid death counter on their broadcasts up until the 2020 election.
It shows that they have another plan and have been given instructions to move in lockstep with this new direction. What they are spewing is just the instructions they have been given from upstream. Never in the history of journalism, up until recently, have major news publications all published identical narratives so similar within hours. The entire way we receive news has been corrupted to the core and needs to be dismantled.
They tend to show up as a group most often in the D.C. area, for obvious reasons.
I truly hope that one day people will realize when Barak Obama was labeled as a 'Community Organizer' in Chicago, that was a fancy term for vote harvesting in neglected neighborhoods. It's the only way you can win an election in that city. Obama and Jarrett took it national.
There is a reason Pelosi represents the Tenderloin area of San Francisco. I used to live there and I can say firsthand there are blocks and blocks of city-supported free/low rent buildings, each with hundreds of people coming in and out of the street life. There is no way most of them 'knowingly' voted. They were too high.
Obama and Jarrett were linked to lots of 'uninhabitable' buildings in Chicago. Makes one wonder if any votes came out of those ghost units.
Maybe an arranged marriage with a message to the cabal. She kept her last name for a reason.