I_Hate_Wet_Socks 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can't upvote this enough and I see some some pretty retarded stuff.

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for this! Yes same, I am on blood thinners and have been told I can't use hardly any supplements but I heard NAC does that job and of course no doctor will take me off and let me try natural things bevause big pharma ...so I'm on my own. Thanks again for the goid start with names! Merry Christmas.

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can you tell what books or websites started you on your homeopathic journey? I want to eliminate the meds I'm on and get healthy naturally but not sure where to even start.

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agree, amateur is a great descriptor. Also it repeats the same talking points throughout. I'm not sure how training 30k people will stop backlash from 334m people.... if my math is correct that's like 1 to 11k ratio and unless you have superpowers, I just don't see them stopping anything...

Even if we have the population, it's still 1 to 5k ...

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 6 points ago +8 / -2

Are you an idiot? I'm sincerely asking... have you researched to see how many hurricanes have hit the mountains there?

As for you saying we shouldn't build in places these regulary occur nor give to people who build there is idiotic, especially considering how much of our tax dollars go overseas. I would much rather have that money go to my fellow CITIZENS.

As someone who was impacted by this storm I respectfully am telling you to fuck all the way off.

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also thanks for the wrinkle 😄

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wow! Thank you for this info I truly appreciate it fren! I've tried following on plebbit but they did not put it as simply as you, thank you!

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 7 points ago +7 / -0

Can you explain that to me like I'm retarded please? I owned shares and they were canceled. As far as I know that's done, they can't come back, I lost a good chunk of cash on that so if it can come back, tell me how please.

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Holy Moses I was almost disappointed the reference wasn't made until I scrolled more!

Time for our cans of perri-air......

No sir, I did not see you playing with your dolls again!

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 2 points ago +2 / -0

While I don't disagree with what you've said, we need to remember this a moment in time, a picture. Someone took a million shots of her on stage and posted the one that would get the most attention.

I think many people see pictures and then label the person in the picture to what they think a person's emotional state is all the time....

Take a picture of a family at a park, smiling, having fun. ... for that moment they APPEAR to be happy but when the camera is off, it could be the most dysfunctional family ever. We don't see that side an continue to assume everything is wonderful for them.

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Regardless of the videos age, how was he allowed a recording device being detained in the back of the homeland security vehicle 🤔

Things that make you go hmmmmm

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 2 points ago +3 / -1

Looks like a terrible photoshop ...

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 7 points ago +7 / -0

Same for my company. I had a meeting with my manager and basically Said if the company is going to require the jab, I will no longer be working here.

Two weeks later the company sent an email advising no jab requirements. Instead we had to pay extra for medical starting next plan year.

The extra medical lasted one month and they stopped it because reasons.

I like to think that I was not the only one who had that conversation with my manager. Then executives were getting feedback and realized they would lose a lot of people and decided against it. I'll never know though but the timing sure seemed strange.

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 3 points ago +3 / -0

You mean the same normies that beg for spoonfeeding from the media because they cant be bothered to think for themselves? The same ones who screech INSURECTION and VERY FINE PEOPLE and IT COULD BE SO MUCH WORSE IF I WASN'T JABBED and and and... those normies who even when proven wrong won't admit it?

I also think, it won't be "trump supporters" who are rioting, it will be fake lefties the feds put in place to cause chaos.

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm sorry this happened, it's a terrible thing.

It also didn't help that doctors wrote prescriptions for opiods for any reason, continued to fill them over and over, got people hooked and then the government came in and said no more opioids!

That left people with no other options than to use illegal street drugs to get that same high.

I was prescribed them for years and while my brain was not addicted, my body was. It was terrible weening off them. I did not do any illegal drugs and the withdrawals I experienced were HORRIBLE! If you go to opioid forums you can see the torment people go through trying to quit. I would not wish that on anyone. I have not had any in almost 4 years and I still experience side effects from withdrawal.

Dopesick on hulu is a fantastic show to watch as well to get the whole picture, strongly recommend anyone to watch it.

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 3 points ago +3 / -0

I searched for this and unable to locate anything on her speaking about the truckers. Care to help a fren with a video or article for this?

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 6 points ago +6 / -0

You do realize he has people working for him right?

This is the same argument deranged ppl used while trump was in office between his golfing and tweeting right?

I_Hate_Wet_Socks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also many ppl in US use their cell as internet Hotspot. I have ATT and was unable to use phone Hotspot but my home internet also with ATT was fine.

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