Any ideas what is shipped through those ports? I’ve heard bananas, but not much else. I’m not big on canned goods anyway, but I hate dealing with the normies once they get the ‘scarcity’ bug.
Anything we should buy in the next week?
Any suggestions if you also have heart issues? My dad is Type 2 and also has some cholesterol and artery issues. His heart doc says less red meat and his sugar doc says more red meat. Completely contradictory.
I think he needs to ignore the heart guy and eat meat, dairy and eggs more. But I am nervous that will cause his heart to have more issues.
My husband has to be in the road today and out of town for a bit. Are we concerned this outage will turn into a full panic, or is this just a blip?
He needs to go on the trip for work, but we are both a little worried if the SHTF while he’s gone.
Can someone post a pic of IVM pill? I have a pack from India to take as a prophylactic. I want to start taking them, but am nervous that the pills aren’t marked. And since they aren’t USA made, I can’t find a photo of the pills online.
Do you mind if I ask another question?
I have IVM that ordered a while ago. It was shipped from India. The problem is, I’m nervous to take it. I can’t find a picture of what the 12mg pill is supposed to look like. With the fake drugs and possible fentanyl in medicine, I’m a little gun shy.
Would you mind sending me a pic of what your pill looks like? Mine is small, white and round, but no markings on it except a line across the middle.
Thank you!!!!!
What’s the deal with Bannon and Elon? I’m not fully on board with Elon either…I appreciate what he has done, but I know he has ulterior motives.
But I don’t get why Bannon wants him gone so bad.