IndyRose 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hell that’s the same everywhere. Doesn’t it seem like most boards have ppl who know nothing about the product they make, produce, or service they provide? That’s how they have our local non-profit hospital which the board has almost run into the ground.

IndyRose 5 points ago +5 / -0

Right on target! My question is to what end? The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in bed w/ Big Pharma. If your Medicare Part D Rx Plan sucks—these folks can be blamed!

IndyRose 11 points ago +11 / -0

I am not up to speed w/you guys. Fallen behind for multiple reasons. My main priority at the moment is avoiding the mandatory vax while keeping my job! Nevertheless, as a right-brain thinker the the first 2 thoughts that came to my mind at the mention of Snow White and Corona were: 1. Edward Snowden 2. Crown (Corona)

IndyRose 8 points ago +8 / -0

The problem is the doctor’s offices even the hospitals can easily be shut down. You have CDC, CMS, HHS, your state dept of HS, & more who affect the local response to C19. It also has a lot to do with if your MD works for himself or for a hospital. Hospital CEOs have been infiltrated w/left wing nuts as well. Again CMS controls Medicare/Medicaid funds and essentially threatens to shut down facilities who do not have 100% vaccination if u read between the lines. That is $ that everyone has paid in and they have no right holding as leverage. Think about it if independent rural hospitals do not get paid then they cannot purchase supplies and medicines. They have to fire or lay-off all employees who are not vaccinated by Dec. 4. IMO there will be a spike in cases d/t increase in vaccines and then a huge shortage of nurses. And a big FUBAR all around! This is ultimately a middle finger to the entire country!

IndyRose 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t even think they (many) are lying about it. Many of them aren’t even wearing except as a chin strap.

IndyRose 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty sure LSU’s TAF can afford him! If there is no clause preventing him from collecting his severance settlement and coaching elsewhere, he could certainly light up Baton Rouge. Might even find his own “Water Boy” if turned the clock back and started coaching like he did 20+ yrs ago!

IndyRose 3 points ago +3 / -0

It doesn’t change anything for those of us in healthcare. Doesn’t matter that we have naturally acquired immunity. What does matter is all the $ they’ve taken from me over the yrs for Medicare purposes can also be used as leverage to make me consent to tyranny. . . . I assume one has to sign paper to take the vac as does anyone taking the flu shot. We should write in before signing that we are being forced out of fear and intimidation!

IndyRose 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unless divine intervention, EVERYONE (w/exception of a far reaching religious exempt) working in or for hospitals accepting Medicare and Medicaid —if not all medical facilities it soon will be—will be forced to take the jab to feed their families. No assistance for them, that $ is going to those crossing the border illegally, right? Unfortunately, ACOG is recommending pregnant women get the vax so they, too, are not exempt from “mandate”. Now the little kids . . . It’s time to lock and load em!

IndyRose 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unfortunately, and I certainly hope I am wrong, this does not reach the mandatory vax for all medical employees who work in Medicare and Medicaid accepting facilities. By withholding funds/reimbursements/payments, whatever u want to call it, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services control healthcare along with Big Pharma.

IndyRose 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is this guy qualified to speak about the P word?

IndyRose 2 points ago +2 / -0

CMS is behind the Dec. 4 hospital deadline for 1st vaccine. Not sure if this is just Louisiana or across the US. But CMS controls the $ for Medicare and Medicaid payments. They can make hospitals do anything they want them to do by controlling payments and this 3 letter govt agency wants everyone who steps foot in the medical facilities to be vax’d. They are in bed with Big Pharma as anyone would guess! My question is to what end?

IndyRose 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yep and many of us holdouts in the medical field are about to join the unemployed unless we meet the Dec 4 deadline. I thought it was Jan 4. But that gives u time to get the 2nd between the two dates. Just barely. I’ve had strong faith up until now that the mandatory vacs would be squashed. Thinking the country would wake up and see. However, I said when vacs came out that CMS (Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services) would withhold Medicare & Medicaid “reimbursements” or payments as if they have the right. They were doing this already with % vaccinated with the flu shot by “ penalizing” facilities. Whatever they called it they withheld $. It’s the $ figure and the govt via CMS (in bed w/big pharma) controls all Medicare/Medicaid accepting facilities. So much for naturally acquired immunity, right? I’ve lost ALL hope. I just as well leave this world sooner than later!

IndyRose 2 points ago +2 / -0

True. My 20 y.o. aspergers kiddo talks about it everytime he sees WH in something.

IndyRose 2 points ago +2 / -0

If that would be some Country Boy and Trump supporter like Jason Aldean he’d been crucified by now as well as the fans in attendance! Wait a minute. Jason Aldean and fans know too well what can happen . . . Las Vegas!

IndyRose 1 point ago +1 / -0

More importantly the government is not policing the infected per se, although there is a program for some non-compliant ppl where a nurse stops by their home daily to admn pills. I don’t believe the govt has been monitoring their every move. Hell they can go shopping w/o a mask and you’d never know they are infected unless they start hacking.

IndyRose 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is he still with the girl who did the Divergent Trilogy about a dystopian apocalyptic world?

IndyRose 1 point ago +1 / -0

I realize this is apples and oranges but do you have to disclose your HIV status or if you have TB? Are they locking people up or ankle monitoring those with active TB? You don’t know who has TB although it’s important enough for a TB nurse to go to patient’s homes daily to admn meds pt is not responsible enough. Yet, THIS?

IndyRose 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay. Little girl was Chasity I think and was very cute which is what saddens me so every time I see pics of the surgically transformed now known as Chaz. But more importantly, chasing BigFoot?

IndyRose 5 points ago +5 / -0

He needs to shut up. Just like my aspergers kiddo says the black man that barks the loudest about the white man typically has the white wife. Maybe in this case the ex-wife.

IndyRose 4 points ago +4 / -0

Maybe the best thing that can happen is a repeat of last Nov 3rd’s shitshow. However, folks may not wait around for the Boston Tea Party. They may go straight for their muskets.

IndyRose 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wonder if Humma gave it up to him. Lord knows she didn’t want to be that heifer’s GF. Who would? Yuck!

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