Infinitum 7 points ago +7 / -0

But wait! That’s not all! Just imagine the Q profile picture changes to one of Elon Musk. And right before he does it his last tweet is “My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us.” Hahaha that’s just my imagination at work but with the events unfolding I think it’s plausible 😁

Infinitum 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah I mean just think of how this is a shift in the narrative. It spaces Elon from Russia as they are the big boogeyman to normies right now. This actually makes them think that Russia could actually potentially have a hitman murder him. So therefore Elon good so listen to Elon. Keeping them red pills steadily streaming down their throats. GG Elon and psyop teams. Keep the break-neck speed of Awakening. Tough job, really.

Infinitum 11 points ago +11 / -0

Actually plausible given his intellect. I’ve had the idea that Musk was potentially Q for years now. But only because out of everyone that I can think of that would surprise me as being the one writing the posts, Musk would be the most surprising of the candidates that I’ve thought could fit the description. Still probably not but COULD BE.

Infinitum 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s not a personal attack just a recognition of your perspective and how you project it. Truth seems like an attack sometimes. But honestly I just think that you lack any awareness into the depths of how the game is played on a fundamental level. It only takes like a second to think about it. If the cabal has complete power (which they did) at the time of his candidacies, then it goes to reason that he’d have to keep optics in check. To the herd optics are all there is. You can’t just go full retard with the truth when your enemy holds the cards and the narrative. No one who knows anything about the game would just blurt it out if it wouldn’t be digestible by the masses.

Infinitum 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn’t bring up the income, he did? Sounded like a bragging defensive way to deal with criticism so I mocked him. I’m not implying anything about him other than what he himself stated.

Infinitum 8 points ago +8 / -0

Has a million dollar house, makes a bunch of money. Yet spends his time on a forum with people he disagrees with just to come disagree. You lefties are fucking comical. And pathetic. I’d feel sorry for you but you’re just an NPC. Beep bop take your shot and sit down kid.

Infinitum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could also mean “roger that” in this context

Infinitum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you also a flat earther? You use the same argument as those whackjobs “you cannot disprove it therefore it must be true!” Well yeah when I go to look shit up there literally isn’t anything. You got duped by a larp. Congratulations.

Infinitum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I mean I guess if you buy into the notion that he was actually a senator.. anyone could larp that and you predicate your entire theory on that. I mean if it is that would be fucking cool but really does it matter to convince people of it? If its so then it shall be. I trust in God. I will witness what is needed for me.

Infinitum 2 points ago +2 / -0

“A senate anon?” Really dude? Do you know how much of an oxymoron that is? I don’t care to dismiss it at all because as far as I can see you’re either a shill that tries to point people into a nonsense area so that they might spoon up some of that shit you’re trying to serve everyone. Or you’re just some nobody who fell into the wrong rabbit hole and can’t get out. Q would have made much more mention of it if it were actually all that you say it is. Common fucking sense. Try using it instead of playing the hyper airy type. Platitudes are stupid.

Infinitum 1 point ago +2 / -1

Just out of curiosity. If this is the truth.. why has Q mentioned Racine only one time? And he only mentioned it in a news article quote of a Democrat mayor pedophile article. Literally only once. And you try so fucking hard to convince anyone this is the truth. You’re a fraud.

Infinitum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah you’re the same guy. The similarities in the wording and the psychological response you have is too striking. I see how you play this little game. Fantastical platitudes followed by a few links to show that politicians and those in modern day power go to hang out there. Epstein island would be a pretty viable spot to try to do all this, wouldn’t it? Similarly I could say that all those same people met there and did some little black magic parties and fucked kids and now the Antichrist is coming from there. Shit they even had a temple!

Infinitum 1 point ago +2 / -1

There are too many holes in that of which I can think of several just reading that once. And look I’m not trying to get on your case, I’m genuinely curious. So just theoretically, assuming that is the truth, what happens when Trump says that Racine is the spot that they are trying to raise the Antichrist from? How do people take it? What about the majority of the world that do not have Faith? What does that do to public opinion? And does some kind of event take place when exposure is reached? If you don’t know what do you hypothesize?

Infinitum 1 point ago +2 / -1

Ah, yes.. my ignorance is exactly what I asked for a cure from. Just because you linked some articles that show a connection to some of the twats in power to Wisconsin doesn’t make it “the root of the truth.” And I love when I can make air heads use insults. It exposes you. But hey keep it coming. I find it particularly entertaining. I’ve looked up all your articles and tried to make the connection myself. However, from what I gleaned, I just cannot. So this is what I asked of you, very simple! “Tell me in a simple manner why it’s the root of the truth.” This however, seems to be a hard task for you to uptake. Are you unable to get down to the plebs’ level? Can you not find your landing gear as to join me on my lower latitude and enlighten me in a simple mans way?

Infinitum 3 points ago +5 / -2

Yeah still unable to connect because all you do is speak in platitudes. You literally just reworded the same obbly gobbly shit in a different way. Good luck trying to spread what you claim as truth to people who hear that kind of airy response because they will just tell you to shove it up your ass. I mean you can dislike my comment all you want, bud, but it’s the TRUTH!

Infinitum -4 points ago +2 / -6

So by uttering that word Trump can then save the world? I’m not sure what gives you the idea. Even if it was the “root” of the truth, and say he does say it, what then will happen? We’ve already seen how his truths gets swallowed then they regurgitate something that doesn’t even match his context. Instead of speaking in platitudes why don’t you come down off that cloud and tell us what the in the hell you actually mean. I don’t want a bunch of shit articles that I’m supposed to go line up to reach some conclusion. I want to know exactly what you mean when you say that by uttering that word it will save the world. Because as I see it, even if that is true, it wouldn’t matter one fucking bit if he utters it.

Infinitum -1 points ago +1 / -2

Moral authority? That shit isn't even what that is. Good God you're a fuckstick. Go watch some more bitchute videos and leave me be.

Infinitum -1 points ago +1 / -2

I see your brain capacity has been reached. Later numbnuts.

Infinitum -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yeah I feel the need to enlighten you assholes so we don’t get put into a corner of their shifting narrative and further demonization from the normies. As the entire operation is based on the awakening of the people. I can tell when your mental position is where you look at an entire subset of people as the enemy you are no where near where the truly awakened are. But you fucktards are just drooling relentlessly as you scream “MUH JEWSSSSS BAAAAD MKAY!!!!” Brilliant. Just fucking brilliant lmfao

Infinitum -1 points ago +1 / -2

Nah. It’s only when the dumbassery is displayed that I call it out. I’m not Jewish. You just can’t possibly imagine that this is a real Christian, huh? Everyone that challenges you must be MUH JEWZ BAD. Fucking moron.

Infinitum -1 points ago +1 / -2

I laugh at your mental capacity. Straight drooler.

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