Based on the gg awards, I'd guess they'd blame Christians.
I pretty much heard those words in my head on 9/11. As I was watching it unfold, I heard this voice say "I will NOT be mocked". Things are not going to pretty for the perpetrators of all of these events.
It's just like the typos that were intentionally put in documents so that they wouldn't appear when FOIA'd. Such as CIinton (using a capital I instead of an L) They would also use an m instead of two n's. There were a good number of shenanigans like this.
Anymore I'm of the opinion that they should all be taken out and let the good Lord sort them out.
I lost my father also die of cancer. The word "knowingly" comes to mind here. They knowingly push what doesn't work and they know it doesn't work. When it does work, it typically ends up with a new cancer developing a few years later. The whole thing is just disheartening.
So many things that we've known or thought we've known that have turned out to be lies. It really is disgusting. True history would probably be rejected by most.
Saving Israel for last...
ain't that the truth.
This was exactly what I wanted to say. Funniest movie ever!
What you're saying is interesting. Dr. Ardis was just saying something about certain cancers being cured by intravenous nicotine; particularly glioblastomas.
St. Nicholas was actually real but nothing in the way like Santa Claus is portrayed. Yes he left food items in the shoes of those in need because in that time, people actually left their shoes outside by the door. We have a pastor that talks a good bit about the real "St. Nick" at Christmastime which is pretty interesting.
Sometimes it feels like Christmas is no different than a facebook post where some people feel really good about themselves while others are left feeling not so good about themselves.
When I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, Christmas became almost meaningless to me. Easter has become more important but not in the typical way. For me, were it not for Easter, then all is in vain. (My apologies for going all Ecclesiastes here).
Exactly this ^. Somehow this got mixed into the Winter solstice celebration. Something about pleasing everybody...
The note about your car's extended warranty about made me spit out my drink.
Thank you beyond measure. I've already had 1 massive heart attack + 2 stents at age 48. FF 11 years later and exercising 5 days a week: 10 more stents. Utterly disgusted with western medicine.
Do you have any info on how this protocol affected his cholesterol numbers?
"Hang Mike Pence" - what's the problem? Just listening to this piece of excrement makes me hope that BO would be next in line at the gallows.
While true, what a pathetic statement about the deep state. I truly wish that the Lord would just smite them and be done with it.
Thank you for the clarity.
I want that for my front yard!
Why doesn't the Lord just save everyone the trouble and start smiting these individuals?
POTUS doesn't say anything unintentionally and it's a great new name for that jackwagon running CA into the ground.
Exactly! I'm trying to figure out a way to get a half-dozen chickens classified as emotional support chickens to get clean protein. Maybe an emotional support miniature hereford in additional to that, kek.
That was so troubling. I bought the book and have been really focusing on clean eating. There are few vegetables that we eat that we do not grow ourselves in a Back To Eden style garden which has been very successful. No till, no toil, replenishes and creates more soil.
RFK Jr has also spoke of Casey and Calley Means (brother and sister). Both have a lot of interesting things to say. There's a Tucker Carlson interview with these two that is outstanding.
Nah... not buying it. The likeness is awful similar as is the voice.
Guess the hills of CA got a little mountain DEW.