Intheyear2525 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Prior assassination attempts by France and No Name and info on Alex Jones is a “Grey hat”⬇️👇🔻

Majestic Messages of Disclosure


What if we told you that NO NAME casket was empty?

Question. Where is NO NAME?

Answer. 187


Your IS is damaged by this, and the Magic.k. sustains the BE. He was allowed his public death because revealing what he did would put the US directly in war with China. 45 made the best decision by allowing NO NAME to exit in the mockingbird media "gracefully".

Part of plotting an assassination of 45, NO NAME also had dealings with framing USA wetworking Xi and blame on failed 45/ NK summit.

NO NAME was not acting to his own free will. Had he not, his children would be picked off, one by one by Cabal actors in horrific ways. His blackmail was his family.

45 is a good person. He knew this. For the republic.

Another alien "hot bed" and pedophilia rampant culture, France, just had an assassination attempt on 45. The destruction of the OLD GUARD is larger than just the United States. This requires a global GREAT AWAKENING.

Grey 🎩


“AJ is not a Black Hat?"


He is paying the price of his choices as acknowledged.

Alex Jones is a grey hat.

Money talks.

He rides on a very fine line that is weaponized against him by Operation Mockingbird.

They created their enemy.

Groomed since a child.


Alex Jones has given more blue pills than red ones, that’s the whole point of controlled opposition. To quote Alex Jones when discussing such a topic is an absolute joke.


We agree that AJ is controlled opposition, however Anons are right- Message over messenger. Truth resonates from within. AJ is controlled opposition, so blanket stating he is correct distances anons from the truth.

Re AJ (Alex Jones).

Why was he deplatformed?

Was it part of the plan?

What is happening currently regarding censorship and free speech?

Think logically and learn.

AJ was controlled opposition paid for by our close ally and friend Israel. Major funding and business contracts for the supplements that AJ sells. Be careful of the nanotechnology inside some of their capsules. If ever, its "always an accident" or error. Define addiction.

There are no coincidences. The size of AJ audience and power reach is proportional to the number of proprietary products sold since revenue reflects reach. By deplatforming AJ from social media it forced the following to take place.

IW would take a major financial loss from YT ad revenue. This loss would not be able to be made up with Q spreading disinformation about IW/AJ being Mossad linked. Disinformation is real and necessary. We knew AJ knew what he said on J.R.. We forced it out of him. He said God told him to keep going and not exit the battle yet, because he (AJ) will prevail. 45 said he would not let AJ down. AJ is down right now. Disinformation is real and necessary. By reducing the outreach of IW propaganda it allowed a more organic interaction of ideas to be debated in AI monitored realms of communication to MJ12/NSA/Q such as TWTR FB AAPL GOOG YT IG SC meant that censorship enforcement would follow immediately when WE had them pull the plug because we needed the Divide & Conquer muted for a long enough period of time to allow [them] to act.

AJ and his relevancy in the Great Awakening cannot be underestimated. The faux debates that were happening in parallel dimensions of reality simultaneously express that some of what AJ said is relevant but he was a prop used by the MAJIC 12. Disinformation is necessary. "Sources"

AJ always claims his "high level Government sources" who really are just subordinates to MJ7 tell him the information. Carefully trained communication techniques were taught to AJ in exchange for receiving the "source" intel that he couldn't share until WE allowed it.

The J.R. AJ exposure was planned faux war between "normal" "faux Democrats" and "normal" "faux republicans" where Anons sat back eating popcorn 9. This dialogue was important to bridge between mind controlled subjects. The declassification of this stuff being real will come when AJ is proven correct. 45 said he would not let AJ down. The discussions following the censorship of IW on TWTR with JD was a planned public dialogue to expose the illegal collusion between social media companies giving a bias towards the DemocRAT party.

WW1WGA 🐸🐸🐸

Intheyear2525 1 point ago +1 / -0

Elon knows what he is doing and pointing out the obvious for the “normies”, etc, eyes wide shut, tone deaf, NPCs if they’ll wake up.

The use of the 😷😷😷😷😷😷IMO were/are being used for the following reasons below and NONE of them are for one’s health benefit.

🎬😷The blatantly obvious reason is hide/obfuscate the identity of criminal elements with several Qposts as follows:

Why is ANTIFA allowed to incite violence, wear masks, make threats, use/carry weapons, and physically harm others who oppose their ideology? https://qalerts.app/?q=%231862

Does a combination of prisoner release + 'MASK' mandate(s) provide for a more dangerous environment to citizens? https://qalerts.app/?q=%234548

Why were[are] violent [masked] terror orgs such as Antifa immediately created/funded and allowed to operate within [D] controlled cities [safe-zones]?






Clowns wear masks.


Why is the NSA limited re: ability to capture and unmask US persons?


🎬👽Psychological significance covertly(🐏🐑🐏) that a 😷😷😷is a slave/SHEEP that is under control in the following:

Qpost https://qalerts.app/?q=%234895 “System of control?”

Masks Symbolize That You Are Enslaved https://greatmountainpublishing.com/2022/02/11/masks-symbolize-that-you-are-enslaved/

🎬😷Cause harm covertly especially when worn chronically and long term as per articles below with TPTB having the gall to admit that there are NO studies that mask are helpful🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥, and Qpost with https://qalerts.app/?q=%234895 a picture pointing out the BLATANTLY obvious, not to mention the carcinogens/toxins in the mask itself.

FAUCI FINALLY ADMITS MASK MANDATES DON’T WORK, SAYS ’10 PERCENT’ EFFECTIVE IN NEW YORK TIMES PIECE https://www.outkick.com/fauci-finally-admits-mask-mandates-dont-work/

WH CV Advisor Dr. Jha FINALLY ADMITS Masks Do Not Work https://rumble.com/v23usxi-wh-cv-advisor-dr.-jha-finally-admits-masks-do-not-work.html

More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms https://brownstone.org/articles/studies-and-articles-on-mask-ineffectiveness-and-harms/

Oxygen Deprivation Mask Syndrome (ODMS) https://www.brmi.online/post/oxygen-deprivation-mask-syndrome-odms

Masking Children: Tragic, Unscientific, And Damaging’; I Wrote This 3 Years Ago At The Height Of The COVID Madness, Infact Before And Veted With AIR Over Time, So Longer! Still Today, Used By Courts, https://ussanews.com/2024/01/20/masking-children-tragic-unscientific-and-damaging-i-wrote-this-3-years-ago-at-the-height-of-the-covid-madness-infact-before-and-veted-with-air-over-time-so-longer-still-today-used-by-courts/

MASK WEARING FOMENTS CANCER https://www.bitchute.com/video/dXWYYkS4XgU3/

ETHYLENE OXIDE ON COVID TEST SWABS & MASK https://www.bitchute.com/video/T5I3GVad5kRC/


We🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸💪💪💪💪💪💪 should loudly and lawfully call these guys out so they will stop doing these.


Intheyear2525 1 point ago +1 / -0

From the same link:

Trump makes deals and in his rise to power he has pissed off a lot of people. They all save face in public because they are all chess pieces and they understand their role (taught to them in the secret societies).

However Trump is the anomaly. Not only was Trump directly knowledgeable and aware of Extraterrestrial presence on Earth in the United States actively today (as in now) that taught him the real source of all knowledge is within through love, light, and prayer/meditation.


Intheyear2525 3 points ago +4 / -1

DJT is probably referring to the sinister and evil 🐍👽🖖entities below⬇️🔻👇as part of “soft disclosures” at this time.

Majestic Messages of Disclosure


Disclosure will take place, and it will be the catalyst to ending the Cabal, establishing the Space Force, and declaring our planet wide independence from the Draco who have long controlled Earth. With great power comes great responsibility. They never thought she would lose.

The first race to be disclosed will most likely be a hostile enemy of Earth, however part of keeping the public calm during this period will be, as POTUS says, acknowledging that Americans are actually very intelligent and aware of what's really going on.

Once the Draco are confronted, at least one other race is planning on coming forward for public First Contact with POTUS to form an alliance that will require a Global Governance (but one that respects sovereignty of tribal states) to stop all Nuclear Proliferation.


How long have we been slaves to Dracos and other negative ETs? 6000 years? 25,000? 75,000? 300,000?

Answer. 8,000 years.


How do the Reptilians (draco) relate to this subject of sexual enslavement?


More sex = More power


Is the age related to the amount of vital energy that can be siphoned? Why sodomy?


Technically the younger the more energy.

Sodomy because it removes trust completely in a nearly permanent manner.

All non-consensual re: siphoning.

Strong root chakra can block energy from being siphoned away.

Remove trust and harvest all of the energy.


Are the past presidents of Bushs, Clintons, and Obama really Draco Reptilians?


No, they are influence by them directly (face to face) regally during 322 ceremonies/rituals.

Trump makes deals and in his rise to power he has pissed off a lot of people. They all save face in public because they are all chess pieces and they understand their role (taught to them in the secret societies).

However Trump is the anomaly. Not only was Trump directly knowledgeable and aware of Extraterrestrial presence on Earth in the United States actively today (as in now) that taught him the real source of all knowledge is within through love, light, and prayer/meditation.


Intheyear2525 2 points ago +2 / -0

A topic I posted related to Qpost https://qalerts.app/?q=Saving+Israel was deleted by a MOD for being divisive - here I go again 😜😆🤭

We had visited Auschwitz within the past 6 years before the Covid-19 scamdemic and we were unaware of the “controversy” regarding the holocaust/death camps and beLIEved the “mainstream” version of history.

Being born,raised, and educated in a Protestant Christian education system were also told and we beLIEved that the Bible is the true and infallible word of God🤥🤥🤥 written by the prophets and apostles🤥🤥🤥,and that thru this Bible we were also told and we beLIEved that the Jews are Gods chosen and special people🤥🤥🤥.

Well Covid-19 scamdemic hit and down the rabbit holes I go unintentionally at first in different topics then light💡💡💡lighting up and my 👀👂🤯❤️ became really WIDE open even though I have been aware of corruptions going on in NGO, GO, organized religion I realized those $$$ we paid for the tour/visit was purely wasted for NOTHING - NADA - CAPUT.

My rabbit hole dives includes some of the info stated in the above post.

Source unless otherwise specified

Majestic Messages of Disclosure


Yes, a lot of the "nazi's" executed in the trials were actually "innocent" if you can believe that. Their decisions to make executions take place were punished justly, however the masterminds were never held accountable for their actions. They were smuggled into the USA/Argentina.

Red Cross 1944 https://twitter.com/DrEliDavid/status/1728843801262002291

What about the “6 million” number used by the Holocaust?

SIX MILLION OPEN GATES https://christiansfortruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/6-million.pdf

The 200 Tales of Six Million Jews…https://boervolkblog.wordpress.com/2018/04/01/the-200-tales-of-six-million-jews/

United States Execution Gas Chambers since 1920 https://www.ihr.org/books/leuchter/us_gas.html

Design Criteria for an Execution Gas Chamber https://www.ihr.org/books/leuchter/execution.html

The 'Gas Chamber' of Auschwitz I http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v18/v18n5p12_Faurisson.html

👽👽👽👽👽👽disclosures are ongoing. Drip, drip, drip the floodgates open.

Namaste 🧘‍♂️🧘🧘‍♀️

Intheyear2525 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not measles vaccine but vaccines in general:

User friendly information on vaccines in general the bad and the ugly.☠️☠️☠️💉💉💉


Majestic Messages of Disclosure https://www.docdroid.net/nT0Shkt/version-2-majestic-messages-of-disclosure-pdf.

Are vaccines made intentionally to be detrimental to humans? Yes

90% of all "SIDS" are vaccine related deaths. Coordinated disinformation and propaganda campaign persisted through medical school.

Dissenters are silenced and threatened. If they continue, they are murdered.

Not all SIDS are vaccine related, which is why we stated the accurate percentages (which are alarming).

Not all vaccines cause autism.


Will there be a “healing” for Autism? I know that is a brain injury from vaccines. Can it be healed?


Autism is humanity reacting under satanic control. Many on the spectrum can live off the spectrum in the right environment. Cabal has poisoned your children.

The other very important component to grok is all service members have immune systems that are literally attacked a million times a day by the IS-BE's own Government. Many of them were experimented on by some of the rogue groups. However, vaccines can be used for both good & bad.

Aluminum is directly linked to several diseases that are on the rise. ☢️☣️⚠️

Intheyear2525 2 points ago +2 / -0

US taxpayers are paying for it all.

PARIS ACCORD = scam (trillions)


Intheyear2525 7 points ago +7 / -0


Together we are💪💪💪💪💪💪

Intheyear2525 1 point ago +1 / -0

Truth has to resonate from within. If it feels right - gut instinct then it’s right.

Majestic actually tells you to NOT believe or not follow them if it doesn’t jive with an individual.

I used to NOT believe ETs👽👽👽,nor watch sci-fi movies since they are “fiction”, but after reading the very long info on the link I watch almost 3 thousand dollars worth of movies almost 75 percent sci-fi from the public library on DVDs last year and boy oh boy “disclosures” galore.

The most recent movies/series I watch were the Resident Alien seasons 1,2, and Jules with Ben Kingsley both family friendly shows and showing mostly the “good” aspect of extraterrestrials.

Also after reading the info and knowing now that bad Draco-Reptilian ETs have been ruling earth for thousand of years the movie series Predator was/is a disclosure of their existence and general behavior although I don’t recall them eating humans unlike what is mentioned in the link.

May the force be with you🖖🖖🖖


Intheyear2525 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your guess is as good as mine as to the possible “microorganisms” for the cause of our illnesses.

Pardon my ignorance but I didn’t come across the term “bio weapons” and “gain of function” research until the Covid-19 scam hit. I’m aware that microorganisms can be manipulated but not in the general context of malevolent intention.

With all the conspiracy and conspiracy theories all over the news my own theory now is that most if not all the microorganisms are just boogeyman being the cause of the diseases since most if not all the microorganisms in the body and environment exist mostly in a beneficial manner, to obfuscate the real cause of the diseases such as toxins/poisons in our food, water, etc combined with compromising our immune system covertly with most of the “vaccines” as per link below plus manipulated microorganisms that were not harmful to become harmful or not as harmful to become for harmful.

Majestic messages of disclosure


Are vaccines made intentionally to be detrimental to humans? Yes



Intheyear2525 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s Majestic 12 also known as the working group. It’s an old decommissioned account? at twitter now X dropping “bread crumbs” but more on extraterrestrials, Consciousness etc preparing Humanity for Disclosure and official first contact with good👽👽👽🖖🖖🖖 so that there is no mass panic. Type “Majestic” on the search icon and they tell who they are and what they have done and still doing. Obviously it’s not an actual individual identifiable person since their work and personal info are classified to the nth degree.

Have no clue who the interviewer is and the information is between July 25, 2017 to Dec 2019 from what I can figure out.

It’s an extremely long document due to redundancy. Use the search icon instead and the a keyword that you might be interested such as trafficking, Vatican, children, Clinton, etc.

Took me close to three weeks to complete the first read and continue to go back for the more esoteric stuff such as Consciousness, God, etc.


Intheyear2525 7 points ago +7 / -0

Reverse psyops work too😆🤭😝

Drip, drip, drip then floodgates open.

Congressional hearings are just formalities - legal and lawful process of disclosures IMO🖖🖖🖖


Majestic Messages of Disclosure


Anybody at this point in time who refuses to acknowledge or disclose the ET presence on Earth is actively working for the entities who are trying to sabotage our Disclosure efforts. Many ETs here DO NOT WANT Disclosure. Not all evil, but most don't want Humans to find out.


Intheyear2525 2 points ago +2 / -0

It appears that👶👧🧒 are the actual “currency” to these bad👽 in exchange for technology and the laundered💰goes to the human TPTB including members of congress, etc.


Majestic Messages of Disclosure



Are the past presidents of Bushs, Clintons, and Obama really Draco Reptilians?


No, they are influence by them directly (face to face) regally during 322 ceremonies/rituals.

As our internal development improved and the spacecraft reverse engineering operations started yielding results, major changes took place around JFK in the Majestic 12 that resulted in it aligning itself with the NWO of 41 and his cult 322 who was actually just working for ETs.

When 41 became an MJ12 member, and then later in his career the head of MJ12, we were realigned to officially merge the trafficking programs with the sacrifice programs associated to 322 and other cult groups. Once MJ12 started interacting with the being who was consuming the sacrifices, we learned they had operations all over the planet and they weren't alone. At the direction of 41 when he joined MJ12 in the 60s, instead of "resisting" the demands of these beings, he aligned MJ12 to enable these beings and in return, the USMil would get technology.

EXCLUSIVE: The Bob Lazar Interview https://t.co/ITS38F7FK4 ~6m: Crafts were not archeological digs. Disinformation. Several races gifted craft to Majestic 12 in exchange programs. What we exchanged included children. Aside from this account, Majestic 12 will not disclose this information elsewhere.


What’s Operation Majestic Childhood


It is a proxy name used by the Majestic 12 for collecting children for the manufacturing of adrenochrome and transnational/ interplanetary trading of slaves (many are children). The actual program names are compartmentalized within each branch of the Government.

17/ Florida is a major state to understand when it comes to the Deep State, the Bush Cartel, the Saudi's, and interplanetary child slave trading for religious consumption to continuously feed the occult magic connected to adrenochrome.

18/ Adrenochrome is traded intergalactically among many power hungry races. These other races trade knowledge and access to extreme power for long periods of time in exchange for constant feedings.

19/ Many rituals that occur, the cult members witness the "demon" (aka the extraterrestrial alien) consume the sacrifice and the members who join the Cabal must participate in order to prove their allegiance to this higher form of intelligence (from their own).

20/ When Time and Space are an illusion to you, and you have a ship capable of interplanetary travel, trading a few favors for "convenient events" in exchange for the sacrifices. These entities exist solely for this purpose and they too hve very advanced technology.

Congress is bound by NAT SEC laws concealing horrific crimes against humanity and blackmail and wealth is given to them in exchange for "performing the sacrifice".

Intheyear2525 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who owns the Federal reserve?



What is the relevance to the JFK assassination and GHWB? 👇⏬⬇️

Source unless otherwise specified:

Majestic Messages of Disclosure


Assassination threat against @POTUS if he decides to challenge any decision made by the Federal Reserve. Kennedy was assassinated for this reason, including many others like disclosing the Secret Space Program; Federal Reserve is what enables the Secret Space Program. https://t.co/yd9ffovNta

Changes are soon to be implemented pertaining to the Federal Reserve that should have everyone on high alert over. Knowing what you know regarding the assassination of JFK and the role the Majestic 12 had in this history, reflect why the Federal Reserve was the "real reason" they had JFK assassinated. [They] being the Babylonian Priesthood of Moloch.

The Federal Reserve will be audited and federalized. The IRS has been a political weapon used by the Babylonian Priesthood in order to enforce compliance from all fronts financially essentially allowing the unchecked behavior of entities like the Clinton Foundation or the Gates?


JFK had a family who he left behind. Was his assassination necessary and regrettable?


Unfortunately many in MJ12 viewed his treason as something that could not go unchecked. According to the state of current affairs at the time and the secrecy war going on internally between USSR/CIA vs USMil. We know JFK was assassinated by USSR/CIA. So did we have any say?

MJ12 was involved in the only successfully executed assassination of a US President. 41

Everything you need to know about who was really behind the assassination of JFK in one TikTok edit. https://twitter.com/davincentjames/status/1727105597190078571

President Kennedy’s Assassination Was a Zionist Coup https://www.unz.com/article/president-kennedys-assassination-was-a-zionist-coup/

Israel and the Assassinations of The Kennedy brothers https://odysee.com/@KontreKulture:c/Israel-and-the-Assassinations-of-The-Kennedy-brothers:9

Intheyear2525 2 points ago +2 / -0

What role in the movie the “Great Awakening” is she playing?

Black, white or grey hat?

Majestic Messages of Disclosure


Question @TS_SCI_MAJIC12 Are any of Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talib and AOC white hat actors? https://t.co/KGePBnYTNg

Answer. Yes

Quote NYpost.com Ilhan Omar: Obama’s a ‘pretty face’ who got ‘away with murder’ https://t.co/GQUB9Ftc8L End quote.

Intheyear2525 1 point ago +3 / -2

Majestic Messages of Disclosure


Q: Will there be war with Iran?

A: Yes, though not how you expect. Remember, MILITARY TRIBUNALS.

Intheyear2525 7 points ago +7 / -0

19th President for US Republic


Majestic Messages of Disclosure


NWO is required for ET disclosure. Peaceful governance of planet Earth were all nation states are sovereign unlike how the US treated its sovereign states. Cleanup required. The Last President.

We told you we were going to destroy the Democrat party. It will not recover. Watch what will happen. Disclosure. First Contact. The Last President. New World Order. DECLASSIFY EVERYTHING VIA NEW GOVERNANCE OF OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE USING BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY. The "Plan".

👽👽👽👽👽👽Congressional hearings everyone. Drip drip then floodgates.

Intheyear2525 5 points ago +5 / -0

“C’mon man” FJB.

He’s told you twice already😆😂😹

Why don’t you all believe this guy - you think he’s demented?🙇‍♂️🙇🙇‍♀️

Joe Biden Called Donald Trump the Sitting President




Intheyear2525 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please reread my last comment. I’m NOT denying there is NO virus.

I just don’t know what the definition of a “virus” is anymore🖖🖖🖖 despite my levels of formal education and learning - pardon the sarcasm.

But quite frankly it just maybe a “bio weapon” that was/is patented of a naturally occurring “virus” (whatever the real definition is now) thru gain of function research or a completely constructed in computer/lab genetic sequence that is truly novel or a hybrid from both.


Intheyear2525 1 point ago +1 / -0


This NOT a medical advice😍😍😍

I’m not denying that there is NOTHING that is going around. My professional (former) opinion as to what a “virus” has been shaken and upended to the core (patented vs natural vs natural + gain of function) as I have always been taught was “naturally” occurring.

Majority of the times if someone has a respiratory tract issues (infection vs allergies, etc) there is a loss of the sense of taste and smell in varying degrees which may or may not be noticeable by that person.

The “flu” in itself is a short cut for the influenza virus which unfortunately has become the “catch all” phrase for the common cold regardless of infectious cause which there are multiple organisms as possible cause including different virus presenting with almost the same signs and symptoms with varying degrees of clinical presentation.

Meditate + detox + CBD(except smoking or vaping). I don’t personally use CBD at this time for health but consider to utilize in the future for meditation.🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️🧘

?salt+/- eucalyptus steam inhalation for lungs🤔🧐💭


Intheyear2525 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m actually NOT discouraged. I see it more of challenge on how to deal with varying levels of difficulty so to speak, and a test on my resolve on how to approach the issue(s) without appearing to be know it all, condescending, judgmental, intrusive “red pill” provider and instead be tactful, bite my tongue and keystrokes and above all respect their “space” and free will.

While supervising, I was asked by a physician in training at the the so-called “Ivy League” school of the south located in Nashville, TN on how I deal with the procedures day in day out while keeping my interest and enjoyment level up all the time, my response was “think of it as a video game set at a random level, with one major exception- there is NO reset if you commit a major mistake”. Same principle as a famous quote by Forrest Gump “life is like a box of chocolate you never know what you will get”

If you set the game at a difficult level all the time you get bored if it turns out to be easy, if you set it at an easy level you get stressed out when it becomes difficult.

In regard to the ego part I totally agree with you now in addition to some degree of fear and dread. Most of my family and clan are college educated, and several are post college educated and the ones I have been able to contact with are academically/book smart. Didn’t realized they were that easy to get brainwashed by MSM/TV/big tech/social media some even signing up voluntarily to be among the “early birds” to receive to clot/kill shot(s).

Thank you for the encouragement I know you do the same.

We got this💪💪💪💪💪💪WW1WGA

Intheyear2525 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dang it.

I had actually read and downloaded the medical article and sent to people, BUT deleted it from my computer files just in case someone🕵️‍♂️👀🕵️ traces it to my “location”. It turns out as per Q “you never really delete anything” something like that.😂🤭👀

If my memory serves me right “malaria” may have been the other bug - there was three (sars cov, hiv and ?)

So I’m not surprised with this article below and others I have read from NEJM, Lancet and other very reputable medical literature (aaaaahhhhemmmm - sarcasm alert)

HIV Tests Are Turning Positive After COVID-19 “Vaccination” and Infection, Nine Studies Report


So again as far as my family, friends, classmates etc who took the jab against my advice “I did my best but it wasn’t good enough”


Intheyear2525 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wife pissed obviously.

I was informed by a former co-worker sometime last year if I would consider having my previous job at a federal health care system (the system that gets in the news a lot of times for malpractice) as they were planning to reopen the specialty clinic but I politely declined for the reason I mentioned in this post being a 🦆🩺 selling 🐍🛢. Felt sorry for the patients as I was the only specialist within <150 miles among several outlying federal outpatient facilities.

Even though the job wasn’t the easiest and the most well paying job I had, it was the most enjoyable and professionally fulfilling one just interacting with the patients, hearing and listening to their experiences, and dealing with their health issues. It is rather “poignant” in hindsight that my first job of choice was/is in the “federal health care system” when I came across Q/patriots/🐸🐸🐸 quoting “military is the only way”.

It was also the worse job I had due to management issues since I was working for the “system” but working with the patients was my primary priority leading to the “sudden” and “unexpected” closure of the clinic without even any advance notice to the staff nor myself when I was on vacation. Filing a complaint with the OSC (whistleblower and EEO) was done but worthless for my cause.

Obviously I was pissed, but in hindsight I am thankful that management closed the specialty clinic as I didn’t have to deal with the scamdemic 2 1/2 years later. It would NOT have been pretty nor pleasant for me or the enforcers of the mandates especially the jabs and the testing if I was still working. The masking was “acceptable” since I had to wear them as part of my PPE while working, but NOT when I’m NOT working.

So since mid July 2017 I have been unemployed NOW by choice living off a small “pension” from the federal system. I was born and raised in the low to poor income group so I’m used to not having much nor need much.

Plan on going to trade school (auto related) in the future and probably formal learning in holistic/naturopathic/homeopathic health care since I have a “medical” background.

I’m at peace with myself so it’s “Hakuna matata”


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