IsNotReal 0 points ago +1 / -1

TAG TEAM of IDIOTS and you are CIC of the IDIOTS...A little research does not kill you, try it sometime when you and your buddies are not circle jerkin each other....LMFAO

IsNotReal 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes name checks out with a MIS-SPELL can you, smart guy, figure it out??? DUH!! Didn't think so....BORING...moving on

IsNotReal 1 point ago +2 / -1

Do you know the difference between ice crystals and chemicals...do you know, in pysics, there is a difference?...hmmm you went to college didn't you? lmao

IsNotReal 2 points ago +3 / -1

NOPE...STOP IT NOW...I'm hoping this is in RFKjr wheelhouse. Trump will stop it and much more...TRUTH will do that...This is a big priority for me...When chemtrails are gone I will have more confidence in all of it.

IsNotReal 3 points ago +4 / -1

Geo engineering is NOT a contrail, you obviously don't know the difference or you are a pilot flying one of those poison despencers....either way you don't have FACTS...and poisoing our air is too important an issue to discuss with someone who still calls these poison clouds "CONTRAILS" and NO FACTS.....do a teeny research before you make such an ill informed statement...notice how I did not use the word STUPID?? Oh my bad...DAMN!!

IsNotReal 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep I know, I must be going through something because I can't quit crying and I'm so angry today...thinking about all they've done....I personally have been dragged thru hell, and many have been.My Mother worked for DOD for 35yr as a civilian with Top Secret clearance...she retired in the 80s so I know GOV a little bit. This was in AZ. Thank you for your encouragement fren.

IsNotReal 5 points ago +5 / -0

My Dad used to work at the YMCA in Mesa AZ, he taught me how to properly handle the American flag on that YMCA flagpole when I was a young girl in the 60s.

IsNotReal 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've lost so much to these ass holes and their propaganda and fuckin "war on drugs" bull shit...war on US...The changes better come FAST....some of us have lost too much and our patience is spent!!!!!!...ME

IsNotReal 4 points ago +4 / -0

I saw a patch someone on GAW posted, it said "We don't just spray em, We barium!!.....happiness is not a warm gun, it's a ground to air hand held.....well you can guess the rest. Beatles

IsNotReal 3 points ago +3 / -0

Many people have tested water, soil. There is a great speech given to the UN years ago by a woman agreculture rep from California that explains her research regarding what she found to be adverse effects to the crops, water and soil as a result of geo-engineering aka CHEMTRAILS....I would add link but not able on this devise.

IsNotReal 10 points ago +11 / -1

YEP, Im 100% with you on that. STOP POISONING OUR AIR, OUR WATER and EVERYTHING WE TOUCH.....Our skies clear will speak loudly...

IsNotReal 5 points ago +6 / -1

Who is Hamas, who really controls any and ALL terrorists groups right down to MS13?? They're all TOOLS being ran by the same freaks with the same agenda from WAAAAY BACK...They just became LOSERS!! There is a RESET and it eleminates THEM..."As it was in the days of Noah, they were eating, drinking and giving in marriage right to the moment the flood waters came and took them all away" except Noah and his family "As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the day of the coming of the SON of man" The return of TRUTH, and the last reset....THEY/THEM will have to go...insanity is being eleminated...PRAISE GOD....hey "cult" member coward downvoters..you and I both know you..make a comment, take a stand ...you can't!! Your own gov is killing both sides...just like ours has...get a freakin clue.

IsNotReal 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Biden bunch WH web site also opened up on www.antifa.com...lol, you probably know that, but now there is an error meeage that tells me www.buildbackbetter.gov is not openin...lmfao, the trolling from the WH website for the last 4 and now a small + years...well done tech hero who ever you are...BRAVO...sry bout the misspellings...sticky keys it seems.

IsNotReal 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great meme...but so true, still Great truth meme...damn!!

IsNotReal 2 points ago +2 / -0

WHERE ARE THE THOUSANDS OF DISPLACED PEOPLE??? Was EVERYBODY in on this CRIME??? No one bitching but those protecting the CRIME and the CRIMINALS from those FEW really asking legitimate questions. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PEOPLE IN MAUI??? I SEE A MILITARY STING....GITMO MAY BE FULL...Wishful thinking!

IsNotReal 4 points ago +4 / -0

But always a CLOWN...very dependable CLOWN...even took on the appearence of a CLOWN... only a very dedicated CLOWN can achieve a bodily change so remarkedly...I suggest CLOWN awards for several catagories of CLOWN appotheosis...Joyless Reid meets them all in CLOWN WORLD!....So you have it, Joyless is nominated for KWEEN KLOWN !!

IsNotReal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Parents that continue to force their children to be taught this swill and allow this WOKE ABUSE by these "federally paid child abusers" should be prosecuted along with ALL school officials who participate in anything other than teaching READING, WRITING and ARITHMETIC....period, everything else is a lie anyway, science, history, nature, moon, sun, earth, geology...all lies...good job anti-CHRISTS....No TRUTH (not much anyway) to be found anywhere...where's ELIJAH when we need him....TRUMP of GOD?

IsNotReal 10 points ago +10 / -0

A TRUE WARRIOR...God Bless this Man.

IsNotReal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, he's opening the PIT of corruption and leveling the playing field so the STORM=WE THE PEOPLE, can bring this BULLSHIT to an END...Trump is NOT a "BREAD KING" he is the EXPOSER...like ELIJAH...herolding in TRUTH which is Christ in his true form. FUN TIMES when you can SEE what is happening, thank God for the Q movement...this helps to understand what we are seeing.

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