It's still a medication and can affect the body in strange ways. Another poster says that it builds up in the body so that is something to be concerned about too.
The benefits are generally immediate and the treatment window narrow so only take it as needed. Which may include a once-yearly treatment for parasites.
It's a pellet. Muzzle velocity is 100% a factor of the launcher.
I seriously think it's overblown. To get it, cats have to eat an infected rodent. Then, during the next 3 weeks is, you need to have fecal-oral contact with that cat. Example: the cat needs to walk on your counter and then you put food on the counter and eat that food.
Maybe I'm an outlier, but my cats are too well fed to care about rodents. They're indoor only. They don't get on my countertops. I barely trust my countertops unless I just wiped it down.
I've heard some figures of incentives to kill people but 500k sounds absurd. Can you provide more details for that figure?
No one should be taking ivermectin long term unless they have a really good reason to, like working in healthcare around covid patients.
The kind of cultures hospitals like to run may not show for pneumonia and they take 24 hours anyway. Just get the antibiotics. The side effects of most antibiotics are mild so the consequences of over treating are a non-issue.
lol minimize losses. Trump is still shilling the clot shot.
Thank you for the link. That paper focuses on treatment options, not so much surviability. Survival was cited from this paper:
This paper says 56% survival rate after 5 years (44% mortality). Unfortunately the full text of this article is not available so I can't look at the mean/median age of the study group.
One item of note is that your linked article does mention dozens of non-age related causes of myocarditis, which contradicts my assumption that this was a matter of treating old people.
Gonna play Devil's Advocate here: 10 years is a long fucking time. Like, we'd expect roughly 13% mortality in general over 10 years for any cause picking people randomly. Before 2020, Myocarditis didn't just happen spontaneously and had some underlying causes, usually age. Older people do have a high mortality.
So I'd need more information to assess that stat.
The numbers are a fabrication. Shills, bots, and censorship vastly exaggerates the difference in group sizes. And enough people are mindless sheep that just follow the bigger group. This is why consensus cracking is practiced so much by shill farms The sheep make the numbers look even worse.
Trump was merely the sign of the times. We're the real movement and it's up to us to keep the momentum going.
Use a non-cucked platform like
Don't bother. Use a non-cucked platform like
Ay Tone, if the I in AIPAC stood for Italy people would be asking a whole lot of questions!
Trump couldn't sing enough praises for our "greatest ally". He's just another actor.
Not just twitter. Facebook and Youtube too. Even Amazon's retail operations is subsidized by CIA contracts with their cloud services. China is arguably more free market than the US.
Resignations aren't justice.
They want to see the world. And 70% of the world is water. I say they got what they wished for.
I'm 100% certain they have a strong man in their life.
We get the government we deserve. We need to stand up and fix the government.
Lindell still thinks there is a political solution.
Trump said Hillary suffered enough, despite so many people cheering "lock her up" in his rallies.
Yeah this is some well poisoning bullshit. The boosters are poison, but they're not any special kind of poison.
The sky is blue? Observational studies are not reliable. Several people have reported that the sky is black, or sometimes even purple, red, or gray.
Trust us that the sky is indeed lime green and it always has been.