JoeBidenEatsBabies 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s scary how hard they are pushing for WW3. I’m so thankful my son is a toddler and we have President Trump. I couldn’t imagine being a mother of an older teen/young adult son in Europe right now. These evil globalists are salivating at the idea of sending their young men off to die in war. This will leave behind a disproportionate amount of widowed and single women with very few young western men for them to partner with, so many women will end up being second or third wives to the Islamist scum they imported. Because we all know they will give religious exemption to Muslim men to avoid being drafted, but the white Christian men will not be able to get out of it. It’s sickening

JoeBidenEatsBabies 1 point ago +1 / -0

“May consider”

Maybe charging criminals in DC is not what I voted for. I voted for ACTUALLY charging them. I’m hoping there is some 4D chess/ulterior motive going in with all these strongly worded letters and talks of “maybe” charging people because so far I’ve been feeling extremely underwhelmed and disappointed with the weak responses and lack of any arrests. I know I need to be patient, but every day that these criminals walk free, I get angrier and angrier.

JoeBidenEatsBabies 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have been a loyal MAGA supporter since his first primary debate of 2015. No matter what happens, I think President Trump is the best person for the job and I will never regret voting for him over Hillary or Kamala. I think he will do wonders for our economy, our culture, and world peace.

However, I think that seeing justice against those who have embezzled our money, sent our sons to die in unnecessary wars, radicalized our citizens, stole our elections, and trafficked children is very high on my list of priorities. If he cannot accomplish this, I will be very very disappointed and it will definitely impact my overall attitude of his legacy.

I personally don't care so much about releasing all of details of the classified documents. I understand that releasing that information could lead to serious political and civil unrest. I do think names of politicians and celebrities need to be released though, but only if it's paired with arrests. I need to see arrests. They cannot get away with it. Same with the USAID fraud, the Social Security fraud, the Ukraine fraud, the election fraud, the insider trading. There needs to be accountability. They cannot be allowed to walk away from these scandals.

JoeBidenEatsBabies 4 points ago +4 / -0

God bless this young man and his family! I did not expect to cry last night but between Laken and Jocelyn's family and then DJ, I was bawling.

Can somebody help me decipher what he says right at the beginning? He says "You want to know the craziest part...my mom [???] me and my brothers together". I've listened a few times but I can't figure out what he said.

JoeBidenEatsBabies 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is why I feel like priority #1 for Elon's team should be investigating the 2020 election and proving that it was fraudulent. Proving that Biden was illegitimately installed into office would put into question the validity of all of his appointments over the last 4 years, from federal judges to the SC justice. It might also prove many our so-called "elected" members of Congress do not actually belong there. I know I need to be patient and trust the plan, but I just feel like nothing can truly be accomplished until we purge all of the fraudulently installed people in positions of power.

JoeBidenEatsBabies 1 point ago +1 / -0

If we wait on Congress to do something, then nothing will ever happen. Just like Congress couldn't figure out a border solution in 30+ years and it took President Trump all of 1 week to fix it. Just like he said last night, maybe we all we need to fix the problem is just the right person in power

JoeBidenEatsBabies 0 points ago +2 / -2

Don't worry. I'm sure Pam Bondi will send him a strongly worded letter asking him to please stop insider trading.

JoeBidenEatsBabies 2 points ago +2 / -0

Couple all of this public red-pilling with some common sense election reform and purging the Social Security rolls of fake/dead people and Democrats will never win another election again.

JoeBidenEatsBabies 3 points ago +3 / -0

I live right next to his district. Sadly the population makes perfect sense. Lots of white-hating, race-baiting Black people in that district.

JoeBidenEatsBabies 3 points ago +3 / -0

That might have been the most unhinged part of the night. If that didn't wake up a bunch of moderates and normies, I don't know what will.

JoeBidenEatsBabies 7 points ago +7 / -0

Not even just a little boy...a little BLACK boy with brain cancer. You think the party of Black Lives Matter would be jumping for joy over his miraculous survival of terminal brain cancer.

JoeBidenEatsBabies 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hell no we shouldn’t keep Fetterman. He voted against women yesterday

JoeBidenEatsBabies 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m ashamed to be from his district. The population of this area makes sense how such a retard was elected

JoeBidenEatsBabies 11 points ago +11 / -0

What's funny is when they first showed her had to do a double take because I thought she was guzzling out of a liquor bottle

JoeBidenEatsBabies 24 points ago +24 / -0

I loved that he was looking directly at Democrats when he said "We are going to get to the bottom of who is benefiting from this."

JoeBidenEatsBabies 1 point ago +1 / -0

It didn't freak me out. I thought it was hilarious. I saw it when it first dropped in the middle of the night and then went back to sleep. When I woke up, I thought it was a fever dream and then realized it actually happened lo.l. I knew he was intentionally trolling Arab nations and Hamas, but I'm low-key disappointed that it worked. Trump Gaza looked amazing. Would be cool to have Middle East vacation spot that is US owned

JoeBidenEatsBabies 2 points ago +2 / -0

I posted about her the other week wondering what was up with her. From the moment she went on tv talking a big game about "charging" the NY leaders who were blatantly breaking federal laws, only for it to come out that it was just a little civil lawsuit, I knew she was bad news. Honestly, it's not even about the Epstein thing. Yes, I want names revealed and justice served, but the bigger issue is the way she epically mishandled the situation and lied to all of our faces. Also, it's clear that she has no intention of charging anybody with any crimes. I understand the more high profile arrests will take time and she needs to be strategic, but we haven't even seen low-level arrests, like those who are actively working to dox ICE agents online. I hope she comes out and surprises us all, but it doesn't seem likely. Even if she does bring charges, she doesn't seem strong enough to handle following through. I'm very disappointed with her.

JoeBidenEatsBabies 2 points ago +2 / -0

Man, it would be so cool if we had an AG who could do more than give some strongly worded statements on Fox News

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