Johnnyquest 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have it on good authority that Lindsey Graham likes to visit the glory holes and he likes to be on the receiving end.

Johnnyquest 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean our voter fraud here is bad but at least the founding fathers gave us the tools in the Constitution to ensure that we are able to cast off The shackles of a tyrannical government when it gets bad like that from time to time, so long as the spirit of Independence and resistance remains in our culture.

Johnnyquest 5 points ago +7 / -2

Nowadays you actually need to have two incomes in order to make it really. I know for a fact that a housewife is a very expensive luxury item that most people can't afford on a regular salary, and I'm not going to work three jobs so that somebody who isn't going to school or doing anything with their life can just sit at home and mooch off of me financially, that seems like a really raw deal.

Johnnyquest 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, and it's like a permanent brain damage kind of thing. Once you're dopamine system gets that fucked up then Even in recovery or even when trying to recover your life is a fucking nightmare trying to resist. It's the same neural pathway as a crack addiction.

Johnnyquest 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is what the FBI and the department of Justice are for

Johnnyquest 4 points ago +4 / -0

Everybody talks about wanting civil war until they actually have to live in a civil war. They act like they think that The civil war they want because they lost a fucking election wouldn't seriously disrupt their lives. In truth, the corrupt politicians would pack their stolen belongings into overseas bank accounts and flee the country while everybody else has their lives destroyed.

Johnnyquest 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's enough money for me to buy a house even at today's inflated rates. If I could have kept that money that they stole from me I would have had enough money for a down payment several times over by now. Instead I have to live in rentals because of this bullshit and there's a good chance I might not ever be able to own a house even after I get out of school and combine my income with my fiance's if the cost of housing keeps going up the way it has been.

Johnnyquest 6 points ago +6 / -0

Okay the question you need to ask is when do these justices actions overcome their immunity and render them as co-conspirators for the rapes and murders?

Johnnyquest 5 points ago +5 / -0

Okay so what are the charges and is there an original clip that hasn't been cut down to a 1 minute and 5 seconds sound bite

Johnnyquest 0 points ago +1 / -1

Okay so why hasn't something been done about this other than these people having little press conferences and bitching about it? We literally have the power to disband this organization, why has it not been disbanded yet if it's that much of a threat and a liability?

Johnnyquest 3 points ago +3 / -0

Liver. He went for their liver. In fact USAID functions much the same as the liver, if you think about their whole operation as a human body. Now we just need to figure out where All the other parts of it are. The brain, the esophagus, the teeth, the tongue, The stomach etc etc etc.

Johnnyquest 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well let's see, it's about a 36 trillion dollar deficit right?

I say we start getting payments from the surplus generated by the tariffs. Like collectively. Let's say there are 250 million people in this country who are here legally. So what's 36 trillion divided by 250 million? That's how much each one of us is owed out of that deficit. Then we also have to factor in operating costs for the federal government, and I don't know how the hell we're going to get the real figures for that. But with a rough guesstimate I would say that collectively if every American is owed the money back from that deficit, then the federal government owes each and every one of us probably around $130,000. But that's before the other stuff not accounted for in the deficit. If you count all that in, I would say probably they owe each and every single one of us like 2 to $300,000 individually, possibly more for how much we've all been defrauded by.

Johnnyquest 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would be a great excuse for us to dust off and update our nuclear arsenal.

Johnnyquest 5 points ago +5 / -0

Good God. If even the census taker is fucking corrupt then how big of a blowout was last election? Dude that means even a portion of the illegals were voting for Trump. How bad do you have to be that a person you are literally giving a free ride to will vote against you in an election?

Johnnyquest 7 points ago +7 / -0

The reason he's not in prison is the same reason that every bully and thug and antisocial predator has basically been given a pass for every single fucked up thing they've said and done for their entire lives. The enforcement mechanism has been corrupted for a long time. But that's changing. We are returning to morality and common sense. We are entering the stage of our civilization where criminals and bullies are no longer seen as the victims of society and that we need to just feel sorry for them and treat them with kit gloves lest we hurt their delicate little feelings while they are in the process of making our lives hell.

Johnnyquest 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, but the prosecute them, we first have to fill their positions with people who are not corrupt, and who have the strength of character to resist corruption and resign when they feel it's influence.

Johnnyquest 11 points ago +11 / -0

Do you mean that we can finally now get paid a Fair wage for our time and our labor, and we don't have to compete with the entire goddamn planet for housing in our own country?

Johnnyquest 5 points ago +5 / -0

If that helicopter was equipped with drone technology, then that makes me worried that this could have been like a test run for a assassination attempt on the president.

Johnnyquest 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean I hate how RFK is just kind of cucking out to them. In his shoes I don't think I would have been able to keep my mouth shut about the Epstein flight logs and all the treason and bribery and shit.

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