That’s just a collection of all fucking studies done moron. That includes all of the biased and paid for studies funded by big pharma whores. All of them and it still shows benefit in the majority of cases.
Like I said, I have seen it work first hand. That tells me all I need to know. I’ve seen ivermectin work as well, and it most likely is more beneficial, especially later in disease process.
That’s one study fuck face. Many people I know personally have taken it with success. There is a reason the MSM made such a big fucking deal about it and the “science” magazines lied their asses off to restrict it. It’s not because it is now magically dangerous for your heart. There is a reason the billionaire couple who owned Apotex was murdered. Do that math you fucking wanker.
The major retraction was the study that said HCQ was shit. It was in the Lancet and later had to be retracted because the data set was completely fraudulent. Entirely fucking made up/fabricated.
Here fuck nugget. As if you can even read though.
Q said lots of shit, most notably disinformation is necessary.
Let’s just say for shits and giggles he is alive. Do you think announcing that would be a good idea for whatever op they are running? There has definitely been some odd shit with RFK Jr and one of his live Q&A sessions and how all the evidence of the crash has now disappeared.
If I’ve learned anything in the past 20 years since 9/11, it’s trust nothing the media says and keep an open mind because nearly every fucking conspiracy theory that people thought was bullshit is now being proven as fact.
All of the videos from people on the ground were doctored. False flag. Glowies and crisis actors. Same with the footage you see from the networks. However, some of the networks got sloppy and if you watch closely the CGI shit really falls apart upon close inspection. Airplane noses jut out of the other side of a tower, wings disappear behind buildings many blocks away, and other impossibilities.
Same for the pentagon. No passenger planes hit anything that day. There were digs on the planes that were allegedly used that showed them still in service years later.
I watched one video that broke down some odd shaped projectile that could be seen because a news helicopter wandered out of its intended area. It reminded me a little of the tech in the Q drops associated with the skunk bay missile launch. Something hit the towers, but it wasn’t planes.