JustOneVoice 14 points ago +14 / -0

Does anyone else wish he had a huge smile and two thumbs up? That would have been classic.!!

JustOneVoice 12 points ago +12 / -0

Same here, my friend… it’s legit debilitating and only faith gets you through

JustOneVoice 3 points ago +3 / -0

The pendulum always swings back…

I stopped going to big box stores when I moved to a semi rural are… fortunately there are mom and pops stores that carry virtually every necessity… they may not carry the widest selections and may cost a little more but I’d rather support them then the conglomerates

JustOneVoice 4 points ago +4 / -0

What amazes me is that most of the anarchist punk / post punk icons of yesterday are now the same lib tweet suckers that we have today.

Except John Lydon… who was always written off and a slug but is indeed holding true to his integrity

JustOneVoice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where I live, Sheetz and WaWa are direct competitors… WaWa he better food but will definitely patronize Sheetz for now on!!

JustOneVoice 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dont ever underestimate cows! LoL!! Be safe, fren… thoughts and prayers with you!

JustOneVoice 5 points ago +5 / -0

Responding to another comment that I accidentally scrolled passed:

I’ve had food related businesses for years. Never once has a customer proclaimed their religion upon entering …

Nor did we ever ask someone’s religious preference when entering.

We make food… if you like it, enjoy. If you don’t, then I’m sure there are places you will.

I’m not going to cater to or change /alter my integrity to make a dollar

JustOneVoice 2 points ago +2 / -0

I live in one of the largest Amish communities in SE PA and interact with them and their kids daily… Kirsch is absolutely correct.

What you will see among Amish kids is respect, a work ethic and faith. While they may, technically, receive education until the 8th grade, their standards are much higher and learn real world subjects… not diversity or drag queen reading hour.

JustOneVoice 1 point ago +2 / -1

Could this be why there’s been military movement in a load of states?

JustOneVoice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lift it up to the Lord… He will provide what you need as long as it’s in His plan…

Are you holding it in PA?

JustOneVoice 9 points ago +9 / -0

We’re here for you and Rachel… and ask God’s Mighty Hand to protect you both and your child.

Anxiety can make you feel like you’re having a heart attack or stoke or any one of a million things… and you get scared and that makes it worse.

Been there.

As hard as it may be… be still and let God work his blessings. Be strong in Him.

Prayer warriors have been called and prayers are being lifted for y’all

JustOneVoice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Continued prayers … for everyone awake, those waking up, for those who know what they are facing and those who are unsure what way to turn or believe… and especially for DJT and our beloved country.

JustOneVoice 12 points ago +12 / -0

There are many, many of us who are digging in and fighting this fight for our grandkids… I have 3 with one on the way… I’m on the downslope of life so you’re right… nothing to lose but the freedom my grandkids won’t have! God’s Hand is on us!

JustOneVoice 9 points ago +9 / -0

I have to say it’s a tough watch… weird movie.

So the question going back and forth here is if the DS is getting their ideas from movies or are they using movies to give us a preview of what they have in store?

I’m 500+ miles away in SE PA but not sitting comfortable at all…

JustOneVoice 2 points ago +2 / -0

I recently took Ivermectin tablets recently… generally, I just ride a cold out but I seem to have been experiencing more of a flu like symptoms so both me and my husband took it.

No side effects and it did knock whatever I had out of me in about 3 days. Husband was luckier… he was over his symptoms in a day.

JustOneVoice 6 points ago +6 / -0

Agreed with everything you said… I have been there. Many times. Too many times and am sure, that if not for God’s Hand on my, I would not be here today.

From the outside, I had an enviable life but no one knew anything then surface stuff.

If anything, we should feel pity for the loss of a soul that couldn’t see their way through and say a prayer

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